Chapter 211-220

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Chapter 211
Gerald had an idea on how to spend those two million dollars. A few days ago when he was talking to Queta, he realized that she only had one picture on her social media profile.

The background was a mountain, and the mountain was covered with trees. It was a very pretty scenery picture.

At that time, Queta had told Gerald a story about that place. After she was adopted away from the orphanage, she had followed her foster parents to live down the hills. After her parents were killed in a car accident, she had left that place.

When Gerald remembered this story, he thought of investing in that mountain and building another entertainment facility over there.

Gerald immediately called Queta. She was shocked at first when she heard about the news, but she confirmed that the scenery up there was truly astounding, especially at the top of the hill. Gerald was really excited to have a look and requested for Queta to bring the both of them there tomorrow to have a look.

After that, Gerald called Zack to prepare a proposal and contract for that investment as soon as possible.

This was the first-ever meaningful project that Gerald was really concerned about ever since he had found out that he was a billionaire.

Gerald was really determined after everything was settled. He could not fall asleep that night, and he went to the hot spring.

After the event had ended, the whole Wayfair Mountain was quiet again. Even the hot spring was empty. He changed into his swimwear and jumped into the hot spring.

The moment he jumped into the hot spring, there was a pretty girl in a bikini standing up from the water. She brushed her hair and there were a few other people walking toward the entrance.

There was a lady bringing three or four other bodyguards.

“What the hell are you guys doing? The company paid you guys to protect Ms. Elizabeth and now you
guys are leaving her alone at the hot spring?”

“Don’t you know those reporters might sneak pictures of Ms. Elizabeth and create rumors?”

“Yes, Madam Red. It is indeed our fault, but the reporters won’t be brave enough to come here and sneak pictures right?”

“Don’t be stupid! We have to do our best to take care of Elizabeth’s image. She has another movie
coming up, and if there are any problems with it, I’ll kill all of you!” Madam Red scolded the bodyguards.

Elizabeth had just finished her bath. After the performances at Mayberry had ended, she had been really bored staying in her own room.

She knew about the hot spring for a long time now and had decided to reject the other boss’s offer and
went to the hot spring by herself.

“Madam Red, I asked them to leave me here alone since I’m just here for the hot spring. You guys should go outside and wait now. I need to change!” Elizabeth said.

The bodyguards swallowed when they saw her perfect figure but they all went out and waited for her.

Her manager brought her a bathrobe.

“I don’t understand what the company is even thinking! It’s so weird to be followed by a bunch of men
every day!”

“Haha. Do you need Mayberry’s owner, Gerald, to follow you around so you won’t feel weird?” Madam
Red smiled.

“I honestly thought that I could see Gerald here today! But he didn’t even come! What a waste of my time!”

“Is that why you wore a bikini to the hot spring? Aren’t you afraid of those nasty reporters! You have an image to take care of!” Madam Red said.

“The security here is top-notch. I didn’t just wanna be in a bikini to come here. I almost wanted to come here naked!”

Chapter 212
Elizabeth almost went ahead and untied her bikini.

“Woah! I can’t hold it much longer anymore!”

A voice came out from the waters as Gerald stood up from the water and took a deep breath.

“Ah!” The two women screamed, shocked.

Gerald saw Elizabeth in the water when he dived in it too, but her bikini was so tiny that Gerald thought she was not wearing anything and had not dared to lift his head. Only half of his head was out of the water, and he had been listening to their conversation.

He then found out that she was the actress that was very famous at that time, Elizabeth! She was here for a showcase.

Gerald wanted to wait until they left before coming out of the water, but she was almost going to strip naked and dive into the hot spring. He was afraid that there would be a misunderstanding and so, he stood up.

“What the f*ck! Since when were you in here?!” Elizabeth immediately covered her lower parts since
she had almost taken them off, and now, she felt really awkward.

“Oh my goodness! I told you to be careful, Elizabeth. Now look, he must be a pervert who came here to
take pictures of you!” Madam Red was anxious.

She used the bathrobe to cover up Elizabeth.

“You! Get out of the water now!” Elizabeth was furious. She even picked up a stone.

“Okay! Okay! I’m coming up!”

Gerald had seen her in movies, but she was really different from the roles she had acted in. What a coincidence it was to have met her at the hot spring. If only he knew she was there, he would not have jumped in like that.

“Ms. Elizabeth, I’m a big fan of yours… ouch!” Before Gerald could explain, he felt blood rushing through his nose!

“You dare to tell me you were not peeking?” Madam Red was furious.

“Ah! Madam Red, look at his pants!” Elizabeth pointed at Gerald’s lower part of his body, and both
women blushed.

“What the f*ck! I’ve never seen such a pervert in my life! I’m going crazy now! Guards! Guards!”
Elizabeth was really furious.

Gerald was dumbfounded and embarrassed!

If only he could control it, he would not want that to happen. However, Elizabeth really did have a great figure, and the bikini was about to fall off. How could he withstand that!

The bodyguards rushed in at this time…

Chapter 213
They knew what had happened just by looking at the actress’s expression. The bodyguards were furious.

“How dare you peek at me! I’ll make you regret what you have seen today! Where is Mr. Zeke? Call Mr. Zeke and dig out the eyes of this pervert!” Elizabeth yelled.

This man did not only react, his nose was even bleeding. How perverted could a person be?!

Elizabeth was not going to let this off easily. However, Madam Red was slightly calmer.

She looked at Gerald—he did not look like a reporter, and he was wearing swimwear. It might really be a coincidence.

She tried to calm Elizabeth down. “Ms. Elizabeth, we shouldn’t make this a big deal yet. Especially when your new movie contract is on the line. If this gets out, it would not be good for you in the industry!”

“What do you think I should do then? This person just sneaked in on me! I can’t just let him off like that!” Elizabeth held on tightly to her bathrobe.

Meanwhile, the guards were outside of the hot spring.

“I think I hear some noise coming from the hot spring. Let’s go and have a look!”

“There shouldn’t be any customers here at this time. Let’s go!”

Madam Red and Elizabeth got anxious. If there were to be found out, this was going to make it to the headlines.

“Forget it, Elizabeth. We’ll let him off this time!”

“Fine. But…” Elizabeth looked at his crotch area and kicked it real hard, but Gerald dodged it. However,
Elizabeth kicked too hard and accidentally flashed herself.

“Ah!” Elizabeth was going to go crazy, but Madam Red dragged her out.

The bodyguards warned Gerald, and they all left.

That was an interesting plot.

After Gerald went back to his own room, he could not fall asleep.

He almost wanted to order Zack to bring Elizabeth to him, but he did not want to trouble Zack with this kind of thing.

Gerald held back his urges. He went on his social media and decided to look at Felicity’s pictures to
satisfy his urges.

When he logged in to his social media, he saw Cassandra’s messages.

“Hey, Ordinary Boy! I’m super tired today!”

“Are you asleep, Ordinary Boy?”

“Are you asleep? That’s early!”

Gerald really hates Cassandra right now. He even wanted to prank her.

“No, I’m not asleep yet…” Gerald replied.

“Oh, so you are awake! What are you doing at this hour? Are you thinking of girls? Or are there a lot of girls surrounding you?” Cassandra replied with a shy emoji.

“I am thinking of girls. Thinking about you, in fact. Why don’t you send me a picture of yourself!” Gerald
had been seduced by Elizabeth, and at the same time, he really wanted to get revenge on Cassandra.

He would really like to see how the usual Cassandra would react!

Chapter 214

Sure enough, Cassandra McGregor's photo was taken and sent over at the very next moment.

Gerald looked at her photo and he almost went wild. It was too revealing! The picture loomed, and almost all parts of her body were exposed.

“Wanna see more? Ordinary Man, just have a video call with me and I’ll show you everything you wanna

Cassandra sent a mischievous emoji.

D*mn it! What was going on today?

Being a normal straight guy, Gerald wanted to agree to Cassandra’s “offer”.

Right then, there was a knock on his door. It was Zack Lyle who had come to check whether Gerald was asleep.

Gerald heaved a sigh of relief.

“Dear Gerald Crawford, how did you turn out this way? You’re now a player, a pervert, and a d*ck!” Gerald’s heart was filled with self-blame. He felt that he was turning from bad to worse.

Gerald hurriedly dismissed his thoughts and opened the door.

Zack wanted to have a discussion with Gerald regarding Gerald’s development of Demonreach because research showed that this matter could definitely be tried!

Their discussion went on until late at night. After Zack had left, Gerald simply switched off his cell phone and slept without bothering to reply to Cassandra's message.

Early the next morning, Gerald left Wayfair Mountain Entertainment and returned to college.

He saw a young lady selling flowers outside his college. The roses were really beautiful.

He thought of his girlfriend, Mila Smith, who had recently broken up with him after a fight. It had already been one day since he last looked for her.

Gerald really wanted to look for an opportunity to talk to her and make things clear between them. There was also no class during the first two periods. Rather than waiting at college, Gerald thought of buying a bouquet of flowers for Mila so that he could ask her out to talk things through.

Gerald went ahead with his thought.

After buying a bouquet of flowers, he hurried straight to the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting.

“What the heck! Who’s this guy? Why is he here so early in the morning to confess his love?”

“Look at him! He doesn’t dress well at all but still has the guts to come over to our Department of Broadcasting and Hosting to confess his love, hahaha!”

“I know him! I think he’s that penniless d*ckhead from the Department of Literature, his name is Gerald Crawford. In the past, people on Reddit used to take pictures of his penniless-looking face, I've seen it before!"

"Oh my goodness, I know that penniless guy Gerald Crawford! Didn't he say that he gave his ex-girlfriend
that something? At that time, it was very popular in our college’s Sub-Reddit!"

"Yes, it's him, he's disgusting!"

The Department of Broadcasting and Hosting was a different world. As soon as Gerald entered, other than a few handsome guys, the rest of them were beautiful girls with various styles and real classiness.

After Gerald went in with the flowers, many girls came out to take a curious look to find out which handsome guy was visiting their department today to confess his love. It was not uncommon for pretty girls from the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting to receive love confessions.

However, all the girls were disappointed when they saw Gerald.

"Lol. Brother, can you first update your status before confessing your love here?”

“I agree! He should not confess in this virtue. If his love confession is successful, I will jump off the building and die!”

Two handsome guys dressed in small suits and with flowers in their hands were mocking Gerald despicably.

Gerald smiled bitterly. He did not expect the environment of the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting to be like this. If he had known this earlier, he would not have bought those flowers.

Perhaps he should not have followed Naomi Milton’s advice on using tactics when being in a relationship with a girl such as buying her flowers and bags or bringing her out for food instead of being a straightforward guy. However, Gerald thought that heeding her advice would be kickass!

In the end, Gerald bought a bouquet of flowers and got himself into the spotlight of many, ugh…

Just as Gerald was in dilemma of whether to leave, suddenly…

“Gerald Crawford? What are you doing here?” A few girls' voices came from behind.

These voices sounded quite familiar to Gerald. He turned back and got a shock.

The girls were Alice Bradford, Hayley Ians, and Jacelyn Leigh from the same dorm unit. It was obvious that they had come for classes.

"Gerald, we’re talking to you!" Hayley said with a frown when she received no reply from Gerald.

Chapter 215
"Say something!"

Thanks to Harper, Hayley now treated Gerald as a family, and their relationship was good.

Gerald was a little surprised at Alice’s question.

"Erm… I just wanted to give something to somebody!" Gerald stammered.

When he raised his head, his gaze met Alice’s. She was the goddess of the crowd.

At this moment, Alice was already blushing while casting glances at Gerald and the flowers held by him. The tips of two of her fingers were touching each other non-stop.

Many girls from the girls’ dormitory went to their department. Gerald’s emergence had made Alice,
Jacelyn, and the rest of the girls in their gang particularly surprised.

Their impression of Gerald was that he was honest regardless of his financial status. They never thought that Gerald would come over to their department today.

Moreover, the current Gerald was no longer who he used to be. In the past, in order to defend Jacelyn and Alice, a rich young man from Mayberry had been beaten up by Jacelyn’s ex-boyfriend Danny Xanders and his cousin Luke Evans.

From then on, there was an act of wild revenge that had also affected Alice Bradford's family.

Gerald had brought Mr. Harrison forward to settle this matter at a hotel.

Since then, Alice and Jacelyn speculated that Gerald Crawford must be an extraordinary person or even that rich young man from Mayberry himself. However, they also doubted the latter as they felt that Gerald did not have that vibe. They were only confident that Gerald was not just any other ordinary guy, he was quite rich.

These thoughts gave Jacelyn feelings of regret, and Alice, feelings of intense regret and thankfulness. They had always longed for an opportunity to make peace with Gerald, leave the past behind, and start over.

Alice was really surprised at her encounter with Gerald early in the morning at the department she was studying in. He was the person she wanted to look for but was unable to get hold of ever since that incident.

"Gerald, to whom are you giving something?" Alice lowered her head and asked him softly after tidying up her hair. She was as meek as a little sheep.

Could it be that... Gerald had changed his mind? After all, Naomi, Hayley, and Harper wanted to ship Gerald and Alice together, so it was obvious that Alice and Gerald did have feelings for each other.

Furthermore, Alice was confident that Gerald definitely liked her from the start. She also had never heard of Gerald being in close contact with anybody else from the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting.

Alice's heart was pounding.

"Haha, who else? Alice, how would Gerald be able to answer your question?" Hayley interrupted as she clapped her hands happily.

Hayley also looked at Gerald with admiration while saying, “Gerald, I really can't tell that you would do this. After you became wealthier, your emotional intelligence also became so much higher to the extent where you know how to create surprises, and this is a very big surprise indeed, haha!"

Gerald agreed that today was indeed quite surprising. He also found it quite difficult to answer this question.

‘D*mn it!’ Gerald thought in his head. He had simply bought a bouquet of roses for Mila to ask her out for a walk. It was just as simple as that. Who would have known that the girls in her department would flock and gather together just to see a student visiting from another department?! And now, he had even bumped into Alice!

Also, he was obviously being misunderstood by Hayley and Alice. Gerald was about to explode. Worst still, there were many boys and girls, all of which had gathered around the stairs, surrounding Gerald and Alice and putting both of them in the spotlight. Some of the students were even using their cell phones to record them.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my! This is breaking news! Look, a penniless d*ckhead from the Department of Literature is actually confessing his love to goddess Alice Bradford from the Department of Broadcasting and Hosting!” Some of the girls uttered in disbelief.

Oh my goodness, who would fall for this kind of person? He was quite shameless!

“D*mn, he actually confessed to goddess Alice Bradford? That’s aggressive!” Two boys mocked Gerald in

At the same time, there was a voice from the other side. "Mila, hurry, come over here! Another person
is here to confess their love!”

Chapter 216
Mila had been reading the same page of the same book for a while now.

Suddenly one of her classmates shouted at her excitedly. “Mila! Let’s go and have a look!”

“I’m not interested!” Mila frowned.

“How could you not be interested to watch a freak from the Literature Department trying to confess to his goddess!”

“What?” Mila was shocked as her body trembled.

Gerald belongs to the Department of Literature and the freak…

Even though Mila knew about Gerald’s true identity but she always felt that Gerald can be quite a freak sometimes. Mila liked the way Gerald acted in front of her. She always thought he was kind of silly and cute but unforgettable.

Gerald was the first person Mila could think of when she heard the word freak. Does that mean he finally realized her? Was he going to confess to herself?

Mila immediately got up and her chair dropped on the floor as ran out of her classroom. She saw a bunch of people standing in the corridor and Gerald was in the middle holding a bouquet of flowers.

It was really him! Mila was already excited but she kept her distance and her heart was pounding loudly.

“Do you guys really think that a girl so cool like Alice would accept his confession?”

“No way! Alice is a bitch that only dates rich guys!”

“What are you guys talking about? He’s after Alice?” The smile on Mila’s face disappeared when she
heard the students talking and she was stunned.

She felt her heart throbbing and tears in her eyes.

“Ah! Mila, you’re here. This freak has been with Alice for a while now. Look, she’s just right beside him!”

Mila was looking for Gerald earlier on and she did not notice that Alice was just standing beside her.
Mila gulped and her face turned pale. All these while she felt stupid for thinking that Gerald was after her but he was actually in love with Alice.

Mila always thought that Gerald would never abandon her and would only be nice to her. She believed that Gerald was in love with her after he got nervous that she was jealous for complimenting another girl. Mila had been thinking a lot and even thought about confessing her love to him.

It seemed like Mila was too naive. Gerald was a wealthy heir and as long as he has money he could have all the girls in the world! He could play with her feelings for all he cared!

Gerald came all the way to her department just to confess to another girl. Was it still not clear that he was just fooling around with her?

Mila was really upset to find out that everything Gerald had done was just an act!

Meanwhile everyone was watching Gerald and Alice. Even Hayley and the others were standing aside and Gerald was confused but he did not know what to do.

Gerald was confused. He did not know what to do and Alice actually had feelings for him ever since she found out that he became rich and had connections.

Alice did not mind being his girlfriend even though she used to look down on him for being poor and she still did because she thought he just got lucky.

But considering that he has some money and had helped her before she would not mind giving him a chance.

Chapter 217
“Alright! I’ll accept you!” Alice said as she combed her hair.

“Woah! The goddess has accepted the love of a freak?”

“I didn’t just hear this wrongly did I? The Alice that has rejected many rich guys but accepts this freak to be his girlfriend? She usually won’t even look at those rich guys!”

“Does that mean that our Goddess actually likes freaks? Damn! I should have become a freak! Isn’t this Alice’s first love?”

A bunch of guys were heartbroken while a bunch of girls were in disbelief.

They all thought Alice must have gone crazy. Gerald was not very good looking but they never thought that Alice with such high standards would fall for him.
However, no matter what they think, Alice has indeed accepted Gerald. She even took the flowers from Gerald.

Alice walked back to her class blushing.

“Tonight has to be yours, Gerald!” Hayley and the others were jumping up and down excitedly.

Meanwhile, Jacelyn was pissed off. She glared at Gerald and walked off. What was he even thinking? Gerald should know that Jacelyn liked her since the day she had dated Danny. How could he confess to another girl! Jacelyn was hurt.

The only person who was confused was Gerald. He was supposed to meet Mila but how did he become
Alice’s boyfriend?

What the fuck? He had not spoken a single word!

Gerald wanted to explain himself on the spot but he did not know what to say when there were so many people watching them.

He just went out of focus for a while and everything went out of hand. It would be very embarrassing for Alice if he explained on the spot that he was not here to confess to her. Especially when Hayley and the others were very excited around them, it made him want to explain for himself even more but he just could not do it on the spot.

“I have to talk to Alice later on! I cannot stay here any longer. If Mila sees it, I’m going to be so dead!”
Gerald scratched his head as he left.

“Gerald!” Someone shouted.

Gerald was shocked when he heard her voice. It was Mila.

Gerald realized that Mila was watching through the crowds. This was going to be bad!

“Mila, I can explain!” Gerald was nervous.

Gerald had to admit that he really did like Alice at first because she was really pretty but after a while he did not have any feelings for her anymore and Gerald had always wanted to confess to Mila. She was not someone that could be easily replaced.

However, it was too late for him to explain himself.

“It’s okay, Gerald. I understand. You have my blessings!” Mila said as she stuttered.

“You’re so fucking disgusting! After all those things you said to Mila everyday and now you went after
another girl? What are you so proud of, jerk? Mila was so blinded by you, disgusting cocksucker!”

“Fucking disgusting asshole!”

Mila’s roommates knew Gerald and they all started scolding them viciously that they nearly spitted on him.

“Get out of our Broadcasting Department now!” some of the girls shouted at him.

“It was a mistake! Mila, listen to me…”

Before Gerald could explain himself, Mila gave him a tight slap and gave him a look as if she was telling him to do what he pleased. She then walked off and Gerald was left dumbfounded.

Chapter 218
Gerald never thought that this would be such a big news.

Everyone was discriminating against him after that and he did not even know how he left the Broadcasting Department.

Why did he care so much about what Alice was thinking?

Why did he care so much about what the others were thinking?

Why didn’t he just explain himself?

If only he had explained for himself, there would not be so much trouble!

Gerald was extremely frustrated.

Meanwhile, Alice texted Gerald. “Hey Gerald! Hayley and the others would like to have dinner together. Would you like to join?”

Gerald sighed. He wanted to tell Alice that he does not like her and he did not want to confess to her and it was all a misunderstanding so badly. However, Alice was so happy and Hayley and the others were excited too.

Gerald did not know what to say. Maybe it’s the problem with all Libras. They were always so conflicted
with themselves!

“You guys go ahead! I still have things to do. Send me the bill after!” Gerald replied.

Gerald decided to explain to Alice when all of this was over.

Alice could also feel that something was wrong with Gerald’s reply. “What do you mean we go ahead? Are you bored of me already?” Alice replied.

Gerald turned off his phone and started walking around the school aimlessly.

“Vroom! Vroom!”

Suddenly, there were sounds of some cars' motors surrounding him.

Five Ferraris drove into the school campus loudly and the entire school was lit. One of the cars passed by Gerald and it almost hit him. He stumbled backwards and fell on the ground because he was not paying attention.

“Wow! There’s so many Ferraris!”

“Oh my goodness! Which master is here? Damn! If only I could be in one of these cars, I don’t mind my hair being messy!”

“It must be Uriah! But who are they here for?”

Most of the girls were attracted by the cars even the guys came over and looked. Everyone was impressed while discussing the cars.

A male student came down from the car and started scolding Gerald. “Are you fucking blind? Why didn’t you dodged? Silas would have ran over you!”

The student had a head of red hair and was really good looking.

Gerald usually wore really casual clothes to school; hence he always passed off as a normal student. As a result, the redhead looked down on him.

“Look at him, Jayden! He’s just like one of those nerds around. Why bother being mad at him?”

“Hahaha! That’s right, Jayden! You might scare him to death by shouting at him like that!” There were
two other girls in the car. They felt super proud to be around people like Jayden.

“I’ll deal with him later! Let’s go see Silas!” Jayden walked toward the car in the middle and opened the car door.


“Damn! Jayden is already so handsome and cool! Who could this Silas be?”

“I know! Don’t you know the Mayberry Commercial Street’s CEO has been replaced by a new man called Mr. Zeke? This Silas’ last name is also Zeke, so…” Some of the girls were going crazy!

“Oh yes! I’ve heard that Mr. Zeke’s son will be attending our school!” Some of the girls were gossiping
about Jayden Zeke really loudly.

Everyone knew the existence of Mayberry Commercial Street’s boss, Crawford but no one has actually seen him. How could they compare it with the Jayden Zeke that they could see?

The girls told themselves that even if they can’t get in touch with Crawford, there was a Jayden Zeke. As
long as they try hard enough, they might actually succeed!

Love is unpredictable!

Meanwhile, Jayden was holding the door for Silas Zeke. He stepped out of the driver seat slowly and the atmosphere of the school was frozen still.

Chapter 219
Until the guy completely stood out of the car, everyone around was excited!

“Wow! He’s so handsome!” Some girls were jumping up and down excitedly.

The guy was wearing a pair of sunglasses and he was quite good looking and cool. Even his aura was very attractive!

He smirked and introduced himself. “ Good afternoon everyone! I actually wanted to introduce myself at the welcoming party later on but since most of you are here, I shall introduce myself first. I came from Northbay, used to study in Northbay University and now as all of you may know that my father, Michael Zeke, will be the new CEO of Mayberry Commercial Street. Hence, I’ll be finishing my studies at
Mayberry University!”

“Of course, I may be rich but I’m not that kind of arrogant rich dude so, if any of you would like to visit Mayberry Commercial Street, feel free to mention my name! I’m Silas Zeke!” Silas then threw his sunglasses to the ground looking very cool.

“Oh my goodness! He’s so handsome and the Mayberry Commercial Street belonged to them from now

“I love you, Silas! Marry me!”

“I want you child, Silas!”

Some of the girls shouted boldly.

Silas’ subordinates shook their heads. They were so used to all these creepy comments everywhere they

“Let’s go to the Department of Economics and Management to have a look at our classroom!”

Silas went back into his car and Jayden turned his head to Gerald and gave him a middle finger. “I’ll make sure to run my car over you the next time, fucker!”

The cars drove off while the girls were still cheering.

He was Michael’s son. He was kind of crazy!

Gerald was slightly pissed off by the fact that he almost ran over him but he can’t do anything about it
because then his identity will be exposed.

He cannot risk his identity being exposed. In fact, it was Michael’s son. He had to save him some dignity
as well.

Meanwhile, Gerald got up and he was ready to leave. It had been a long day for him today. He felt really wronged after everything that had happened.

“Haha! That freak almost got run over just now!”

“Yeah! He wouldn’t be able to pay for it if he really got run over by the car!”

“Look at Silas and that freak. They are both men but they are so different!”

“Forget about it! Let’s go to the Economics and Management Department to look for Silas!”

Many girls started walking toward the Department of Economics and Management and when they walked past Gerald, they all gave him a disgusted look.

Gerald finally reached the small park sadly for a moment of silence. He had to come up with something for Mila.

At the same time, Queta called. “Gerald, I took leave today! Let’s visit Yorknorth Mountain!”

That big mountain was called the Yorknorth Mountain and Gerald promised Queta to bring her there after she took leave for the day.

“Alright. I’ll give Zack a call and get him to prepare all the information then we can go together!” Gerald
took a deep breath after he finished the call.

Chapter 220
Since they were going to the Yorknorth Mountain, Gerald should cut himself some slacks!

After meeting up with Zack, Gerald went to pick up Queta and they all went to the Yorknorth Mountain. Zack had made all kinds of arrangements, hence the Head of the village were waiting for their arrival.

The development of Yorknorth Village had never been good because of the location and the roads were bumpy. Now that they know someone might invest in the area, the head of the village was very concerned.

It was Gerald’s first time managing such a big project and he was slightly nervous. After reading the
information that Zack had given him and experiencing the breeze by the mountain, he felt very relaxed.

There was a spring by the mountain and a waterfall falling from the top of the mountain. The air was really fresh up there.

When Gerald saw all these, he knew that he must develop this place.

Zack was in charge of the contracts while Gerald was going to be the first person to invest in the Yorknorth Mountain Village. The cost of the entire village was five million!

Gerald had to pay extra three million on top of the other two million from his sister. But it was totally worth it.

After signing the papers, the head of the village mentioned that there were some details that they had to discuss. Gerald let Zack handle it by himself and then he left with Queta to take a look around the mountain.

Since Queta was familiar with that village, she brought him around and they went to the old lake, the Rodefort Lake.

Gerald felt much better sitting by the lakeside.

Suddenly there was noise from behind.

“Wow, Hayward! Didn’t know your hometown is so beautiful! Let’s host a barbeque party here tonight!”

“Wow! This place is so beautiful! It’s such a shame that we will be working at Mayberry in the future or I might marry you! Hahaha!”

A few young people were talking as they were walking toward the lake.

They sounded like they love nature but at the same time they love money.

“Something big happened yesterday and barbeque parties have been banned since yesterday though. But all of you looked like you guys really want it, so we can try but we’ll have to clean up real nicely!
Especially the ashes!” The guy named Hayward said.

“Oh yes! Barbeque party and beers! No one is leaving sober tonight!” Everyone else cheered.

“What was the big ‘thing’ that you mentioned just now, Hayward? You’ve been so secretive since this morning!” Someone was getting curious.

“I can’t say much because my dad told me not to tell anyone. But I’ll tell you guys a little. Someone will be here to sign contracts today to sponsor the development of Yorknorth!”

“Damn!” Everyone was shocked and excited.

If it was true, Hayward would be rich too!

They were walking toward the lake as they were talking and Gerald realized one of their voices sounded very familiar. He turned around and he saw Lilian, Sharon, and some other people.

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now