Chapter 1077-1083

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Chapter 1077

As dust flew right into Gerald's face, both Meredith and Giya walked toward him-once the dust settled-before peering into the box as well.

Inside, lay a long, dust-covered sword. Despite the coat of dust on it, that wasn't enough to hide the sword's brilliant gleam. It was so shiny in fact, that all three of them felt that even people who saw it from far away would feel shivers run down their spines once they saw the sword's sheen.

"...Despite it probably being thousands of years old, the sword still looks pretty sharp!" said Meredith as she tried picking the sword up with a smile.

Giya herself-who didn't look particularly interested in the sword-simply returned to look at the murals.

"H-heavy...!" groaned Meredith as she continued attempting to lift the sword. It almost felt as if the sword was stuck to the bottom of the stone box.

"Let me try!" said Gerald as he reached out to grab the sword's hilt. Applying a bit of strength, Gerald was able to lift the sword out quite easily.

"It's really not that heavy!" added Gerald with a chuckle as he shook his wrist slightly to shake the dust off the sword. While it didn't look particularly special, just as Meredith had earlier said, the sword appeared to be extremely sharp.

Upon closer inspection, the word 'Lightbane' was etched on it, and Gerald couldn't help but feel that the sword was somewhat special despite its mundane appearance.

"Could... Lightbane be a magical artifact as well...?" muttered Gerald to himself in surprise.

While that was his assumption, he was unable to find any real spiritual traces on the weapon. Regardless, he was still very excited about his find.

The fact that he had already learned three longsword style moves-from the Dawnbreaker-made the find even better. Coincidence or not, he now had a perfect new weapon to accommodate his skills.

"...Hey, both of you... Come look at this! There seems to be something off with this mural!" called out Giya out of the blue.

"Oh, stop looking at that fantasy mural, Giya! Why don't you come over and see whether this sword had any monetary value!" replied Meredith.

"No, you don't understand! After looking a bit more closely at the latter part of the mural, I don't think all of this is strictly just fantasy anymore! Just come over and look already!" said Giya as she pointed at the second half of the mural.

"If you just imagine that this huge building-that the ancients painted-was a battleship that could fly, then everything starts to make sense! Nearing the end of the mural, it's shown that on the night before the heavenly soldiers' burial, this huge battleship appeared and took three hundred young men and women away! See the king and the others bowing there? Don't they look like they're seeing them off? And then in the next panel, the battleship suddenly disappears!"

"Take note, however, that while everyone was kneeling, the mural made sure to highlight the old beggar's face! Among all the painted people, only the beggar held his face up high while portraying an ugly grin. The ancients even made sure to make him look like he was trying to hide his sinister smile! Doesn't everything make a lot more sense now by looking at it this way?" explained Giya.

"Hahaha! You surely have an active imagination, Giya! No wonder Professor Yale accepted you as his student! Giya, the mural was painted like, what? Tens of thousands of years ago? Whenever it was, the time period had to be ancient! With that in mind, how could your theory possibly make any sense? Battleships? Girl, if the ancients truly drew all this exactly as you had imagined, then I have to say, their imagination really is something else!" replied Meredith.

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