Chapter 1170-1176

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Chapter 1170

The roar had come from Gerald whose eyes were now bloodshot as he stared at all the blood currently gushing out of Chester's mouth.

As Joshua and Lord Fenderson immediately rushed over, the trembling Chester stuttered, "M-master... it... it hurts...!"

Covering the injured parts of Chester's head with his hand, Gerald attempted to force his powers out to save him while shouting, "You'll be fine! Stay with me!"

"I-it's... too late... Y-you know, master... I... I think I can finally see Lola...! After so many years, she still looks like an eight-year-old child... And... her smile... her laughter... they're as pretty as ever...!" replied Chester, his voice slowly weakening as more blood spilled out from his mouth.

"I... can see it now... She's rowing a boat... She's telling me that we're going... to see the sunset together... We... We're finally going to be reunited again... How great...!" added the dying Chester, his trembling slowly getting weaker and weaker...

"I... miss you so much... Lola..."

That was the last thing Chester ever said as his hand slowly went limp.

"Chester!" shouted Joshua.

However, no amount of shouting would be able to help. Chester had already breathed his last breath...

Despite the emotional scene, Tiara herself simply looked away disdainfully.

Even Hendrik had scorn in his gaze as he thought to himself, 'Well isn't this great? To think that the young master would actually do all this to anger the master of the Holy Witchcraft! Regardless, now that he's dead, then that means that the position of future master of the Holy Witchcraft will fall to...'

As Hendrik smirked to himself, Gerald turned to look at Tiara as he growled, "He had already chosen to start a new life... Chester had been ready to start doing good after all the wrong he's done... How... How could you do something like this to your own blood-related grandson?!"

"He deserves to die for being such a disgrace to the Holy Witchcraft!" retorted Tiara to the furious Gerald.

"You know, I heard from Chester that you were the one who killed Lola as well... You're one vicious old woman... You'll certainly die an ugly death one day!" cursed Gerald.

"...What? You... You...! I'll kill you!" roared Tiara the moment she heard the words, 'old woman'. That was the last thing she wanted to be referred to as!

Just as the raging old woman was about to charge toward Gerald, a black car-which Gerald recognized to be one of the Yonwick's-came to a screeching halt close to them.

Following that, the car's driver immediately stepped out before shouting, "Please, wait a minute!"

"...A subordinate of the Yonwick's? How dare you attempt to stop me!" replied Tiara with a frown.

"Lady Queena wishes to see you!"

"What? Queena? Who does she even think he is? How dare she order me around!" growled Tiara, her rage seething by this point.

"Please don't be upset, Master Tiara. Before anything else, Lady Queena told me to show this to you... She said you'd understand once you open it!" said the driver as he tossed a box to Tiara.

Catching it, Tiara then opened it to see what the big deal was. Seconds later, however, her body instantly began trembling wildly as her eyes widened.

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