Chapter 1134-1140

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Chapter 1134
At this time, a young master snapped his fingers as he instructed his subordinate, who was standing aside.

“Mr. Yonwick, wouldn’t that be a bad idea? Lord Yonwick has already said that she is our distinguished guest!” 

One of his subordinates kindly reminded him.


Without warning, someone suddenly gave him a tight slap across his face.

“Just bring her over here when I asked you to call her over! Why would it be a bad idea? Who said that she is our distinguished guest? She needs help and is asking for a favor from the Yonwick family now!” Mr. Yonwick yelled coldly.

“Mr. Yonwick, forget it. Although that woman is really very beautiful, she is indeed a little too feisty. She is also well-versed in martial arts!” Several of the other young masters reminded him.

“I am not afraid of her! I am just asking her to come over here to give me a massage. My dad does not allow me to touch her, so he is really suffocating me! Can’t I just ask her to come over here to help give me a massage and relieve my muscles?” Mr. Yonwick said as he sneered.

His subordinate was holding his hand over his face.

Not long after that, the woman came over to him.

Her appearance was indeed extremely beautiful, and she attracted the attention of many young men and even women as soon as she came over to him.

“Hahaha. Look! Isn’t she already here? If she dares to reject my invitation to ask her to come over here, I can guarantee that her grandfather will not be able to survive and pull through the night!” Mr. Yonwick said as he laughed

He was already lying next to the hot spring pool as he waited for the woman to massage him.

“Massage him! Moreover, if you were to massage him, you will have to sit on him to massage him!”

When the other young masters saw that the woman was not moving, they surrounded her as they continued roaring and urging her on.

The woman’s face turned red as she blushed, and she had a look of resentment and hatred on her face. If it weren’t because she had been forbidden from doing so, she would already have the intention to kill the man before her now.

She could not help but felt very entangled because she did not know whether she should massage that man or not!

If she refused to massage him, her grandfather and that genius doctor, he…

“Hurry up and sit on him!”

The people around her began shouting and yelling even louder at this time.

“D*mn it! Can you be a little quieter?!”

At this time, Gerald, who was soaking in the hot spring, could not help but take off the towel as he yelled at them.

Gerald’s voice naturally had a very loud and penetrating power.

As soon as he yelled, the few girls were so frightened that they could not help but shut their mouths in an instant.

Several of the other young men also trembled in fear.

Gerald did not want to act this way either. He had initially thought of minding his own business while they played on their own. However, it seemed as though the situation was getting messy and a little out of hand. They were even bullying that woman, and this made Gerald feel a little angry.


At this time, Mr. Yonwick, who was obviously the core of the group, suddenly slammed his hands on the surface of the hot spring pool.

In fact, he had also been shocked earlier.

However, after reacting and coming back to his senses, he could not help but feel that he had lost face.

“Young lad! You are really courting death, aren’t you? You actually dared to yell at me, Layton Yonwick?! Are you truly tired of living?!” Layton cursed.

Layton stood up as he spoke, and many young men who were wearing sunglasses quickly gathered around him in an instant.

There were many hot spring pools around, and there were also many guests.

Everyone had witnessed the scene earlier when Gerald had yelled at Layton and the others.

Everyone quietened down as they watched the scene. 

“Who is this young man? He actually dares to speak to Mr. Yonwick in this manner on Montholm Island?”

“That’s right! What is his background? He must really be tired of living! He is the first person who ever dared to ask Mr. Yonwick to shut up!”

“This is terrible! Everyone knows that his fate might change terribly just because he yelled at Mr. Yonwick today!”

The people around them stopped frolicking as they looked in the direction of Gerald and the others, one after the other.

Of course, Gerald could not be bothered to wait to see how Mr. Yonwick would deal with him.

He put the towel back on, and he closed his eyes to rest as soon as he had finished yelling at them.

However, the woman who had been bullied by Layton tentatively approached Gerald at this time as she said, “Ger… Gerald?”
Chapter 1135
Upon hearing the woman’s voice, Gerald, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, could not help but feel a little startled.

He took the towel off before he looked up, only to realize that this woman was not just any other person.

It was actually Jasmine!

To be honest, Gerald had not had any contact with the Fenderson family ever since he had dressed up as the mute Sanderson and saved the entire Fenderson family back in Salford Province.

He helped Xavia settle down in Salford Province and had even given the family’s industry in Salford Province to Xavia.

He had not seen Jasmine for over a year now.

Unexpectedly, who would have thought that he would run into Jasmine here today, and it seemed as though there had been some changes. Otherwise, why would the dignified young lady of the Fenderson family end up in this state?

Gerald stood up.

“Jasmine, why are you here?”

“It is truly you, Gerald! I never expected to meet you here!”

Jasmine’s face flushed red, and tears welled up in her eyes.

As she spoke, Jasmine could not help but run toward Gerald as she threw herself into his arms.

It had already been such a long time, and there had been no news at all about Gerald throughout this whole time. There had also been so many changes. Now that this man was standing before her again, Jasmine could not help but feel as though the heavy boulder that she had had in her heart all this while had suddenly been lifted at this very moment.

“It’s okay. Everything is going to be fine.” Gerald comforted her.

“Hey! Hey! The both of you are still in the mood to flirt with one another?! Why, Jasmine? Is this young man one of your little lovers from Salford Province?” Layton asked coldly.

He had a very ugly expression on his face at this time. After all, he was already very upset and enraged after getting yelled at.

Now, the woman that he was interested in had actually run into another man’s arms.
Layton felt as though he had been made a cuckold in public. As a man, he naturally could not tolerate this kind of humiliation and insult.

“D*mn it! I will let you witness how your little lover is going to die here today, then!” 

Layton ground his teeth.

Many people around them hurriedly took a few steps back.

This was because everyone on Montholm Island knew that Mr. Yonwick really dared to kill people.

Everyone was afraid that they would get involved in this matter. Thus, they wanted to stay as far away as they possibly could from this situation.

“Layton, this is all my fault. My grandfather and the genius doctor are also under your control because of me! You can deal with me if you want to, but don’t do anything to harm my friend!”

Jasmine came to a realization, and she realized how ignorant and reckless she had been when she ran into Gerald’s embrace out of excitement.

Layton was very narrow-minded, and she would have probably implicated Gerald into this situation by acting that way.

So, she hurriedly let go of Gerald as she tried to explain herself to Layton.

“Gerald, you should leave this place as soon as possible!” Jasmine said as she lowered her head.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry. He will not be able to do anything to harm you as long as I am around!” Gerald said and he shook his head and smiled wryly as he looked at Jasmine.

“Gerald, I know that you are very powerful. I know that you are the young master of the Crawford family, but everyone on Montholm Island, especially the Yonwick family, does not fear any powerful or influential families at all. On the contrary, there are many things that you would never be able to imagine that exist in this world! Layton will really kill you! You should hurry up and leave!” Jasmine said anxiously.

“You want to leave? I am afraid that it will not be that easy. I don’t care whether you are the young master of the Crawford family or the Xiques family. Since you are here on Montholm Island, you will have to lower your head in front of the Yonwick family. Men, grab hold of him now!” Layton said as he waved his hand.

He had already thought about it. He wanted to play around and teach Jasmine’s little lover a lesson first before he killed him.

About seven to eight bodyguards ran directly toward Gerald at this time.

“Stay behind me!”

Gerald grabbed hold of Jasmine as he pulled her behind him.

“Watch out!”

At this time, those men had already reached out their fists toward Gerald’s face.

Jasmine yelled out worriedly.

Unexpectedly, Gerald turned his head around and smiled at Jasmine as he said calmly, “Don’t be afraid. They will not be able to touch me!”


As he was speaking, someone had already punched Gerald in the chest.
There was a muffled noise.
Chapter 1136
After that, there was a crisp sound.


After that, the man who had stepped forward and taken the lead to punch Gerald was clutching his fist, and his face had already turned pale as he yelled out in pain.

This was because it felt as though his punch just now had not hit a person’s body, but he felt as though he had punched an extremely tough and majestic iceberg.

His arm bone was already shattered, and his hand bones had already shattered into pieces.

As the nerves of the fingertips were linked to a person’s heart, how could an ordinary man endure this kind of extreme pain?

Gerald could only shake his head as he looked at the man. After that, he kicked that man, and the man’s knee cap bent backward at a different and awkward angle before he flew out directly.

The other men were startled for a moment before they rushed directly at Gerald again.

Gerald did the same thing, and he simply brushed his feet a couple of times before the several men in front of him were all holding onto their kneecaps as they screamed in pain after falling to the ground.

Layton’s pupils suddenly shrank as he witnessed the scene before him.

All of his subordinates were masters that he had carefully selected, but they were not this man’s opponent at all.

Gerald had easily defeated all of them within ten seconds.

At this time, Gerald walked toward Layton.

“You were shouting all the time that you wanted someone to massage your muscles for you, right?” Gerald sneered.

“You… what are you going to do?! This is… Ahhh!”

Layton backed away as he tried to warn Gerald at the same time.

However, before he could even finish his sentence, Gerald had already grabbed him by the collar with one hand before throwing him into the air.

Click! Click!

Gerald grabbed hold of Layton’s arms as he spun him around in the air.

Not long after that, Layton’s arm broke, and he could not help but scream out in pain.

After that, Gerald threw him out again, and Layton’s body fell and landed directly on the lamp bracket that was at the side.

He could not move his whole body, and he could only scream out in pain.

Everyone was shocked and frightened, and their mouths were hanging wide open even though they did not dare to say anything at all.

This was Mr. Yonwick, but his opponent seemed to be even more ruthless and stronger as compared to him.
He had actually broken Mr. Yonwick’s arms!

Jasmine was also extremely surprised, and she could only cover her mouth in shock.

One and a half years ago, Gerald was still a thin and frail young man who had had some skills and abilities.

However, it seemed as though his skills and abilities had reached a terrifying point!

At this moment, rows of bodyguards dressed in black came running toward their direction.

When the other guests saw the imposing manner of the bodyguards who were clothed in black, they were even more frightened, and they hurriedly made way to avoid them.

However, this group of bodyguards did not even bother to look at the men who were howling as they lay on the ground.

Instead, they walked directly toward Gerald.

“Mr. Crawford, we have already gotten in touch with that person. He is already preparing the materials now, and he will come over to meet you later tonight!” One of the bodyguards said.

“Okay!” Gerald nodded.

After that, Gerald looked at Jasmine, who was still a little startled, before he asked, “Jasmine, I heard you talking about something related to Lord Fenderson as well as my disciple, Joshua. What happened exactly?”

Gerald had headed to Aurous Hill directly to settle the score with the Moldell family immediately after he had saved the Fenderson family. At that time, he had taught Joshua some medical skills and told him to help the Fenderson family as much as he possibly could.

Since they did not have any stronger enemy going against them anymore, even if the Fenderson family could not recover their full strength, they should be able to live a well and influential life.

But now, the Fenderson family had actually ended up in this state.

“I… I…”

Jasmine could not hold it back anymore, and she burst into tears. When Gerald saw that she could not speak, he brought her back to his room.

Outside, several of Layton’s friends were all standing under the lamp bracket as they stared at Layton, who was hanging more than a dozen meters above them. At this moment, his face was becoming paler and paler by the moment, and blood was constantly flowing out of his mouth.

Moreover, it seemed as though he was about to lose his consciousness and would die at any time.

Layton’s friends were all frightened to death, and they hurriedly took out their cell phones to make phone calls…
Chapter 1137
After going into the room, Jasmine told Gerald about some things that had happened after they had come to Montholm Island about three months ago.

It turned out that Mindy had met with a car accident one year ago when she had been trying to find the mute Sanderson, and she had ended up in a vegetative state.

Lord Fenderson had initially thought that the Fenderson family had already pulled through the worse after he had finally reconciled with his daughter and made amends with the Crawford family. He thought that he would finally be able to enjoy his old age.

Unexpectedly, Mindy had actually met with this kind of mishap.

The old man had fallen ill after worrying too much about his granddaughter.

Jasmine had hurriedly looked for the genius doctor. In truth, the genius doctor had never given up on treating Mindy’s condition all this while, but Lord Fenderson had also fallen ill at this time.

The genius doctor began looking for countermeasures according to the prescription that had been given to him.

He had finally found the prescription that he could use to treat both of them, but unfortunately, he lacked one of the ingredients for the prescription.

That ingredient was wisteria.

However, they could not find wisteria on the mainland, and it was very scarce everywhere.

Jasmine had eventually found out that there was wisteria growing on Montholm Island. As for this wisteria flower, it only had a shelf life of three days after getting plucked.

There was no other way to transport it.

So, three months ago, Jasmine had proposed to bring her grandfather and sister to Montholm Island with her, and she had asked Master Jenkinson to come along with them.

As for everything that had happened thereafter, the Yonwick family had gotten involved in this matter.

After arriving at Montholm Island, Jasmine had already paid a lot of money, but the head of the Yonwick family insisted on making Jasmine stay behind for some reason. He said that the young lord had taken an interest in her.

The Yonwick family wanted to act as a matchmaker.

Jasmine was naturally unwilling to agree to this matter, and she had gotten into a conflict and confrontation with the Yonwick family because of this matter. The Fenderson family’s forces had also come forward, and as a result, every one of them had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

The Yonwick family had kidnapped her grandfather, sister, and the genius doctor in order to force Jasmine to agree to the match.

That was how things had ended up in this state.

After listening to Jasmine’s explanation, Gerald felt a hint of self-blame and self-reproach deep within his heart. This was because after listening to Jasmine’s careful explanation, it seemed as though he had something to do with the root of the problem.

He had a unshirkable responsibility in this matter.

“Gerald, Layton is Linus Yonwick’s only son. Since you’ve injured his son so severely, he will not let you off so easily. This is all my fault! Gerald, since there is still time, you should hurry up and leave now!” Jasmine persuaded as she grabbed hold of Gerald’s arm.

“There is a top master in the Yonwick family, and he is extraordinarily powerful. He was the one who intercepted the Fenderson family’s fleet. He has an exceptionally powerful skill and ability, and it seems as though he is related to the Holy Witchcraft here. Gerald, you should really leave now!” Jasmine said again.

“Leave? Why should I leave? Since I have already found out about your matter, you don’t have to worry anymore. You can rest assured that I will certainly rescue Lord Fenderson and the others!” Gerald said as he smiled wryly.

Jasmine could not help but feel very moved at this time. However, the more things were this way, the more she felt as though she could not implicate Gerald in this matter.

“Come. Let’s go! I believe it won’t be long before the members of the Yonwick family come here. As you have just said. The precious young master of the Yonwick family is in my hands now. So, if he doesn't want anything to happen to his precious son, he should make a deal with me!” Gerald replied coldly.

After that, he walked outside.

Many people were surrounding the side of the hot spring pool at this time.

Everyone was pointing at Layton, who was about to fall unconscious and close to dying at this time.

“What?! Who is that brave and courageous? He actually dared to lay a finger on my son?!”

In the Yonwick Manor on Montholm Island, a middle-aged man was very furious and enraged at this time.

His face twitched slightly.

“I do not know. It seems as though his last name is Crawford. Everyone is referring to him as Mr. Crawford. He is indeed very skillful and powerful. Even a dozen bodyguards cannot hold him back for even ten seconds. The young master had been thrown up into the air by him, and he is being tortured at this time. He is almost out of breath now!”

A few of Layton’s friends cried out.

“He is truly courting his own death!” Linus growled as he clenched his fists.

“Hurry up and call the master here! Tell him to come with me to rescue Layton!” Linus roared.

All of the young men looked up as soon as they heard the word ‘master’.

Indeed. If the master of the Yonwick family were to step up and take action, who would dare to continue causing trouble for the Yonwick family? That young brat would undoubtedly be dead!
Chapter 1138
The Yonwick family made a move, and many members of the family moved out as they headed directly to the Enchanted Manor.

When Linus arrived, he saw a young man sipping a cup of tea as he sat under the lamp bracket. Meanwhile, Layton, who was already pale because of the blood loss, had already lost his consciousness a long time ago.

“Even if Layton was wrong, don’t you think that your actions are too vicious and ruthless?! You truly do not have any respect for the Yonwick family at all!”

Linus felt terribly distressed, and a hint of hatred and resentment flashed through his eyes.

“I am already giving you a lot of face by not killing him. Do you know what it means to be ruthless and vicious? You captured my disciple as well as one of my elders, and you are even threatening my friend. How do you intend to settle this score with me?” Gerald asked as he put down his teacup.

“Hahaha! It turns out that the Fenderson family has summoned another one of their helpers here. It is no wonder. Unfortunately, no matter how strong or powerful the Fenderson family is, they cannot be compared to the Yonwick family!” Linus said.

“Lord Yonwick, why are you wasting so much time talking nonsense to him? You should just ask the master to kill him now! Let him witness how powerful the Yonwick family is!”

“That’s right! I want him to turn into ashes so that we can avenge Layton!”

A few of Layton’s friends also shouted out loud at this time.

“Master, come! Everything is up to you now!”

As for Linus, he also had a deep look in his eyes as he automatically made way for the master.

Afterward, an old man slowly walked along the road where the crowd of people had voluntarily made way for him to pass.

He had a pair of triangular eyes, and when he narrowed his eyes, he looked like a poisonous snake that was hissing.

This gave everyone the chills.

The old man walked over slowly before he stood still amongst the crowd of people.

At the same time, he also turned around to look at Gerald.

However, the hyped-up Yonwick family did not notice that the master’s eyelids were twitching profusely at this time, and it seemed as though his legs were also trembling involuntarily.

As for Jasmine, she was extremely nervous, and her palms were already sweaty at this time as she held tightly onto Gerald’s sleeves.

In the next instant, everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Bam! A loud sound was heard.

Everyone saw the master, who was more than fifty years old, suddenly kneel in front of Gerald.

“Mr. Crawford… please spare my life!”

The master suddenly shouted, and his face had already turned pale in an instant.

As for Linus, he could not help but stare at the master in disbelief as he asked, “Master, you...?”

“Mr. Crawford… please spare my life! I have no intentions of offending you!” The master hurriedly said.

Jasmine took a deep breath as she covered her mouth in shock.

She had been worried to death just now, but at this time…

“Kort, I asked Christopher to execute you according to the family law. However, I never expected him to substitute one valuable item with another. You actually came all the way here!” Gerald sneered.

The old man in front of him was none other than Kort Moldell.

Gerald had asked Christopher to execute Kort per the family law, but it seemed as though Christopher had violated the rules and done otherwise.

It seemed as though Christopher also knew very well that the future of the Moldell family would depend entirely on Kort. As for Christopher, he was participating in the pledge of the holy water with Gerald.

That sly old man!

Kort felt even more uncomfortable at this time. He was in hiding, and he had really thought that he had managed to hide at the ends of the earth now. So, he had thought that Gerald would never be able to find out about his whereabouts.

However, a person would never be able to hide for a lifetime, and he would always have to pay his debts one day.

Kort already knew very well that the current Gerald was no longer who he used to be. Even Christopher was not his opponent.

Therefore, Kort had already given up all thoughts about taking revenge on Gerald, and he simply wanted to keep his own life.

“Master, why are you acting like this?” 

Linus was puzzled, and he could not understand the situation at all.

“Do you remember the Mr. Crawford I told you about? He annihilated the Schuyler family and slaughtered the Long family. The reason why I came all the way here was because I had nowhere else to go as I was hiding from him!”

Kort’s face had already turned pale.

Linus asked in surprise, “Could it be that…?!”

“It is him! He is Mr. Crawford!”
Chapter 1139
As Kort finished speaking, he had already broken out in cold sweat.

Linus took a deep breath at this time.

As Kort was a guest that the Holy Witchcraft had sent to the Yonwick family, Kort would naturally have spoken about some of his painful past experiences while they were chatting amongst themselves.

This was especially so for this Mr. Crawford, who had slaughtered several big and prestigious families, one after the other. Linus felt even more fearful at this time.

This was because based on Kort’s description of this particular Mr. Crawford, he might look very honest on the surface, but he was actually very narrow-minded and revengeful.

As long as anyone provoked him, he would certainly go to the ends of the earth to track the person down and settle the score with him.

To put it bluntly, as soon as he provoked this man, he would never be able to live in peace for the rest of his life if he did not give Gerald a satisfactory answer.

At that time, Linus had also secretly reminded himself that he should never mess with such people.

Unexpectedly, what he feared the most would truly happen.

Presently, he had a very shocked and terrified expression on his face.

As for Jasmine, she was also staring at Gerald with a shocked and startled expression on her face.

“Mr. Crawford, I was ignorant, and I unintentionally offended you because of that. I have already heard of your great reputation from a long time ago!” 

Linus hurriedly bowed respectfully at a ninety-degree angle, and his face had already turned pale at this time.

Several of Layton’s friends also swallowed as they took a step back.

The people at the side were pointing at them with fearful expressions on their faces.

“Who is that man?! Why is Mr. Yonwick so afraid of him?”

“That’s right. Even that extraordinary master knelt in front of him immediately when he saw him! Who could he possibly be?!”

Everyone talked amongst themselves.

“So, can my friends leave with me now?” Gerald asked casually.

“Yes… yes, but Mr. Crawford, it was not our intention to threaten and blackmail Miss Jasmine. It was the young lord from the Holy Witchcraft who had taken a liking to Miss Jasmine, but she turned him down and refused to agree to the match. So, the young lord ordered us to capture her family members and use them to threaten her instead!”

“Although the Yonwick family has a great reputation and career on Montholm Island, to put it bluntly, we are nothing more than puppets of the Holy Witchcraft. We had no choice but to do so!” Linus hurriedly explained.

“If you put it that way, are you saying that you are not only a good person, but that you are also a victim, then?” Gerald asked as he glared coldly at him.

As soon as Gerald made his remark, Linus could not help but feel a little startled as he broke out in cold sweat.

He was so frightened that he was completely at a loss for words.

Linus honestly did not expect that Gerald would be so wise and sophisticated at such a young age. Indeed, how could he even be considered a good person?

“So many people are seeking after the Holy Witchcraft, but the people from the Holy Witchcraft are actually doing this kind of vicious and despicable thing! It seems as though it is not worthy of its name at all!” 

After speaking, Gerald looked at Kort, who was being quiet, and he asked, “It seems as though you have taken refuge with the Holy Witchcraft. So, what kind of religion is this? Also, what is the background and origins of this young lord that you are talking about?”

Kort naturally did not dare to hide the truth from Gerald, and he hurriedly explained, “The Holy
Witchcraft has nearly a hundred years of history, and it has a very strong foundation on Montholm Island. The internal members of the organization are very complicated, and I… I have no way of getting close to the internal core members of the Holy Witchcraft either. However, I used to be an elder of the Holy Witchcraft many years ago, and I begged them to take me in. As for the other internal core members of the organization, their whereabouts and identities are all concealed. Of course, the young lord is an exception. On the contrary, he is very high-profile!”

Kort paused for a moment before he said, “Although this young lord is highly sought after and worshipped by many, he is an overall villain who would rape, commit adultery, and also commit all sorts of wicked crimes as he pleases!”

Kort’s words were merciless.

However, during this process, Linus, who was bowing, could not help but glance at Kort with a strange expression on his face.

Gerald naturally saw the look on Linus’s face too.

Gerald glanced at Linus coldly. It seemed as though this old man was full of schemes.

On the contrary, Kort was telling him everything because he was honestly afraid of his strength and power.

“When would he usually come out?” Gerald asked again.

“Since it is the Holy Welcoming Festival tonight, he will surely participate in the event. The Holy Witchcraft has a strange tradition, and that is no sexual intercourse is allowed for the three months before the Holy Welcoming Festival. As soon as the Holy Welcoming Festival passes tonight, he will naturally come and look for… come and look for…”

As Kort spoke, he glanced at Jasmine, and he did not continue speaking anymore.

“He will be coming tonight?”
Chapter 1140
Gerald sneered.

“That’s right!” Linus nodded slightly.

“Alright, then. In that case, I will be waiting for him to come tonight. I really want to see what kind of background and origins this young lord has!” Gerald said as he smiled wryly.

Linus could not help break out in cold sweat.

“Okay, then. I will go and release Lord Fenderson, the genius doctor, and the others. But Mr. Crawford, what about my ignorant son, then?”

Linus asked as he looked at Layton in distress.

After that, Gerald snapped his fingers, and a burst of light flickered, and the lamp bracket broke directly with a bang.

Layton then fell heavily to the ground.

“Airbending skill?!”

Kort, who was kneeling on the ground, was shocked.

Jasmine was also staring at Gerald in disbelief. At this moment, Gerald seemed to have changed a lot compared to how he was a year ago.

“Mr. Crawford, if there is nothing else, we will retreat first!” Linus said fearfully at this time.

“Wait a minute!”

Gerald stopped them. “Kort Moldell, it seems as though we have not settled the score between the both of us yet!”

Kort was still kneeling on the ground, and he did not dare to get up.

After that, he suddenly looked up.

Then, he gathered all of the strength in his body before he suddenly exhaled.


White smoke exploded directly from his body as if a boiler had exploded.

He had abolished all of his inner strength!

At this moment, he was lying limp on the ground, and he was a disabled old man who looked as though he had suddenly aged a lot in an instant.

“I have already exhausted and abolished all of my inner strength. I do not have much longer to live now. Mr. Crawford, are you satisfied now?” Kort said in a hoarse voice as he lay on the ground.

Gerald glanced at him indifferently before he said, “Although you have already abolished your inner strength, a person’s heart cannot be abolished. Back then, you forced me into desperation, and I nearly died in your hands a couple of times. Many members of the Crawford family also died at your hands. Since you have willingly abolished your inner strength today, I will allow you to die a dignified death! I will give you three days to prepare for your own funeral.”

After he was done speaking, Gerald turned around and left, leaving behind Linus, who was dead silent, and Kort, who was left lying on the ground as he closed his eyes because they were filled with tears.

Kort had initially thought that he would be able to pull through these tough times and live long enough to see his eldest son who was far away in the military area.

It was a pity that the current Gerald was no longer the same indecisive and irresolute person of one and a half years ago who could easily be taken advantage of!

“Gerald, you… what did you experience over this one and a half years?”

Jasmine asked as she was moved and also very curious after returning to Gerald’s room.

“And Gerald, I heard Kort Moldell saying that you were the one who slaughtered and annihilated the entire Schuyler family back then?”

Jasmine could not imagine that the weak and honest young man could actually undergo such a big and earth-shattering change.

“I will slowly explain this matter to you in the future!”

As he spoke, Gerald took off his shirt.

“Ahh? Gerald… you… what are you doing?!”

Jasmine’s heartbeat sped up in an instant when she saw Gerald’s strong and muscular body. She could not help but cover her eyes a little shyly.

“I am changing my shirt. What else would I be doing? That young lord is going to try and do something to you tonight. I will have to see what kind of origin and background he has! What did you think I was going to do?” Gerald said as he smiled wryly.

As he spoke, Gerald had already changed into a casual outfit.

“What else would I think you were going to do?!”

As for Jasmine, she could only pout slightly at this time.

‘That’s right. Gerald was in love with someone else. What could he possibly do to me, anyway? Hahaha.
Jasmine, you are just overthinking things. You really are a joke.’

Jasmine could not help but feel a little lost and disappointed…
—— To be Continued... ——

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now