Chapter 162-166

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Chapter 162
”Dickson, could Gerald really be that great?” Amber was shocked.

“I’ve only heard about this guy recently, that he has lots of potential. Come to think about it, Holden’s family could only become this successful thanks to Gerald’s sister!” Dickson crossed his arms as he explained it to everyone.

“Damn! Does it mean we get to see who this Gerald person is?” Amber was super excited.

At the same time, Yoel looked at Aiden. “Aiden, where is Gerald?” he asked.

Yoel used to call Aiden by his full name, but ever since he found out that he and Gerald were best friends, he now addressed him on a first-name basis. That said, no matter how he mentioned his name, there was still a big gap between them.

“He arrived a long time ago, but he probably just went out!” Aiden was looking all around for Gerald.

“Yoel, should we look for him at the hotel? We shouldn’t let him wait since he’s such an important guest,” replied Crystal as she nudged Yoel’s arm.

Crystal was all blushing. At first, she thought Yoel was everything, but now, there was apparently someone else even greater! And since this Gerald was already here, she would really love to meet him.

Crystal believed that since her relationship with Yoel wasn’t confirmed, she might just get Gerald’s
interest. Everything in a relationship had to be as tough as hell!

“I agree, Yoel. We should look for him personally!” A few guests suggested the same idea too.

“How could I have missed this point!” Yoel’s face had changed. He thought Gerald would be at the beach when he arrived. He would then invite him to join them respectfully. It was all supposed to end well, but what he didn’t expect was the fact that Gerald wasn’t even at the beach at all.

If that were to be the case, it meant he was waiting for his godbrother to see him, and that would be a terrible idea!

“You’re right. Let’s find my godbrother, but we don’t need too many people!” said Yoel. “ Please bring us, Yoel?!” shouted the girls who were sitting on Gerald.

“ We were hitting a pervert just now. Could you bring us to see Gerald?” the girls asked as their eyes

“Alright! I’ll bring you girls along. Aiden and Crystal, let’s go find my godbrother!” Yoel replied.

“There’s no need for that!” Gerald raised his head, spitting out a mouthful of sand.

The girls moved their butts away, and Gerald could finally breathe properly.

“I was here all the time!” groaned Gerald as he rolled over the sand.

“What?” Everyone was shocked when they heard that.

Aiden immediately took a good look at the guy who got beaten up by the girls.

“Gerald! You’re here!” he screamed.

Chapter 163
“What? He is Mr. Crawford?!”

Upon hearing Aiden’s words, the crowd looked toward their direction in shock.

Dickson’s eyes widened in disbelief while Amber’s jaw dropped.

“Hey man, are you my godbrother Gerald Crawford?” Yoel asked anxiously. He never thought that Gerald would appear just like this.

“Yes, indeed!” Gerald answered while struggling to get up. He hissed and took a breath. His body felt
numb from bearing the weight of the few pretty ladies who sat on top of him.

“Someone, help me up!”

“Oh my! Mr. Crawford, Mr. Crawford!”

The pretty ladies who were standing nearest to Gerald were stunned. Their screams drowned out
Gerald’s voice.

Elena felt afraid and was almost shocked at what she saw. Nevertheless, she still rushed over to help Gerald get on his feet.

Last time, Elena had offended Mr. Crawford before, but Mr. Crawford was not too harsh on her because of her father.

However, this incident seemed very serious. Elena was uncertain as to how Mr. Crawford would be angry about this. She stood aside in silence without daring to say a word. Her brain could not process any response at the moment.

“Mr. Crawford! Who beat you up like this?” Yoel asked as he immediately lunged forward to help Gerald
up with his hand.

This scene left Crystal and the few pretty ladies in bikinis dumbfounded. They realized that the VIP of the day was actually Gerald, also known as tycoon Mr. Crawford! Oh my goodness, they thought to themselves, what have we done?!

Since Mr. Crawford found favor in those pretty ladies’ eyes, Gerald went over to visit them. However, they ended up putting Mr. Crawford to shame, wasting the opportunity of getting to know who Mr. Crawford was.

Argh! Crystal started to regret this, but Dickson and Amber had the worst feelings of regret.

Dickson had spent the whole day beating Gerald up and showing off his connections and how great his family was. Gerald, however, simply smiled in silence while Dickson was flaunting what he had.

Dickson believed that his ridicule on Gerald had succeeded, causing him to lose his face to the point he
couldn’t reply a word. Fuck, he thought. Gerald was actually laughing at how stupid he was!

Amber couldn’t process what was going on. She looked at Gerald with terror, dying to speak, but the noise of the crowd would just drown her voice out.

“Mr. Crawford! Mr. Crawford!” screamed the pretty ladies started screaming.

“Anyone noticed how Mr. Crawford looks so elegant and handsome?!”

“Yes, indeed! Look at Mr. Crawford. He rocks in such a plain outfit! Ordinary people ain’t his match!”

“I wonder if Mr. Crawford is still single? Goodness me! Mr. Crawford is so reserved. He’s such a gem! I
want to be his girlfriend!

Numerous ladies loudly discussed Mr. Crawford, expressing their utmost adoration toward Gerald. With
that many girls finding favor in ‘Mr. Crawford,’ Gerald was elated. It was his first time after all.

“Mr. Crawford, I’m sorry!” Crystal apologized and bowed in embarrassment. A group of ladies followed
suit and bowed as well. Crystal even squeezed her chest a little, hoping to attract Gerald’s attention.

“These ladies were really disrespectful a while ago, Mr. Crawford. How should we punish them?” Yoel
asked, but he already had an answer in mind. He even caught Crystal’s flirtatious antics.

Since he was young, girls would automatically flock to Yoel. With the emergence of Crystal Lester, a clingy yet playing-hard-to-get girl, Yoel Holden did not want to lose this opportunity. He simply wanted to experience what it was like pursuing a lady.

Deep down inside, Yoel actually felt like beating silly Crystal to death for rudely roughing up Mr. Crawford and screwing his perfectly prepared plan of a cool Mr. Crawford introduction.

Gerald glared at Crystal and the other girls.

Chapter 164
Gerald was honestly so done with the ladies. They mustn’t be led off the hook!

“It was simple. As punishment, get the ladies to have a volleyball match with us, but in bikinis!” said
Gerald bluntly.

“What? It is that simple?” Crystal responded with joy.

Crystal started overthinking, “Perhaps Mr. Crawford pitied me and took the initiative to make peace? I am, after all, stunning. Which guy wouldn’t be enchanted by me?”

“Of course y’all wouldn’t be doing it here! It’ll be at Rivington City’s most popular street!” replied

Crystal’s mind went blank. Shocked, she let out a loud scream. How embarrassing was that!

“Hmph, y’all should thank Mr. Crawford for the punishment! Alright, it’s getting dark now, and many have left. See you at noon tomorrow noon on Rivington City’s most crowded street. I’ll be organizing a volleyball match!” Yoel announced before giving Gerald a nudge, a gesture inviting him to board the cruise ship as well.

“Mr. Crawford, I love you! Oh my!” a few girls screamed, grabbing locks of Gerald’s hair as he passed
them and entered the cruise ship.

Gerald even had a few pretty ladies in bikini’s holding on to his arm intimately. Tonight’s VIP was indeed,
Gerald, Mr. Crawford!

“Sister Elena, sister Elena!” shouted Amber while stomping her feet anxiously.

The moment Elena Larson heard her younger cousin’s voice, she backed off from following Gerald into
the cruise ship.

“Gerald is really Mr. Crawford from Mayberry Commercial Street! Why didn’t you tell me this earlier? He’s very handsome, truly handsome indeed! I was wrong, it’s all my fault. Elena, you must explain this to Mr. Crawford!”

“Hey Amber, haven’t I reminded you many times that you gotta be more reserved when speaking? Anyway, don’t worry, it doesn’t seem that Mr. Crawford will blame you. I’ll tell you the details after this. Oh yes, never tell others that Gerald is actually Mr. Crawford. Keep it to yourself. Mr. Crawford isn’t willing to reveal his identity, and as long as he wants it to remain hidden, you must never spill the beans!”

“What? But sister Elena, so many people have seen Mr. Crawford today!”

Elena shook her head while pointing to the side. “See those bodyguards in black walking back and

Amber saw more than ten expressionless bodyguards in black outfits. They were dealing with all the rich heirs who were present. The youngsters nodded were nodding in compliance with everything the bodyguards had to tell them. Clearly, no one dared to defy their orders.

“Is this the true boss?” Amber was stunned.

Afterward, the Cruise Ship Festival then began on the sea.

This was Gerald’s first time boarding a cruise ship. He found it really cool, seeing the sea at night while
listening to the whistling sea breeze.

The issue of Gerald’s own identity turned out better than what he had imagined, so his mind was at
ease. Gerald would still live his simple life as usual. At least for now, he didn’t fancy Yoel’s extravagant
lifestyle. These were the reasons why Gerald called for Aiden to settle this matter before this.

Otherwise, it would be like insisting a freely-swimming water-only fish to come ashore and climb a tree. It would be absolutely impossible given such a short period!

During the gala, Gerald, Yoel, and Aiden almost spent the entire night having fun before finally going to sleep at dawn. It was also the same for the other youngsters from wealthy families on the cruise ship, in extremely high spirits.

The next day, Gerald followed Yoel and the rest to the sea again. The Cruise Ship Festival went on and only ended in the afternoon.

“Brother… I’ll be going on a trip to Mayberry in three days. Since I’ll be there, I’ll look for you again!”
laughed Yoel jovially on their way back from the sea.

“Business in Mayberry?”

“Are you going to join Mountain Top Villa’s exhibition?” asked Aiden with a smile.

Yoel nodded, “My dad absolutely insisted that I experience it myself!”

Gerald was already lost in thought. Mountain Top Villa sounded like a nice place, considering he really
wanted to buy a condominium right now. “I have not heard of Mountain Top Villa before. Is it very luxurious?” he asked.

Shocked, Yoel cleared his throat before saying, “Brother. Mountain Top Villa is so much more than just a
luxurious place!”

Chapter 165
Gerald caught interest in Mountain Top Villa, so he wanted Yoel to elaborate on it.

“Hehe, brother, how should I say this…” Yoel chuckled before he continued, “Mountain Top Villa is no longer just a simple residential area. It actually represents an honorable identity of sorts. As its name suggests, the villa is located on the highest peak of Mayberry’s cloudy mountain top. The surrounding area has already been made into an estate; as if sitting above the clouds themselves, you can enjoy a birds-eye view of Mayberry City’s mountains and rivers!”

Yoel’s heart yearned for this villa.

Could it really be as perfect as what Yoel described?

Gerald asked, “By the way it sounds, this property must be quite expensive, aye?”

Gerald was very determined to buy a house this time. He decided to spend a couple of hundred grand to buy a villa, making it a lot more convenient to store his car and other things. His search for a new home led him to ask about Mountain Top Villa’s price.

“What?!” Yoel was so shocked he spat out some wine. “F*ck! This is not just quite expensive, brother! Wanna know how much it costs? Exactly 1.0465 billion dollars!” he exclaimed, eyes as wide as golfballs.

Yoel’s father would have surely spent 1.0465 billion if it was used to invest in a business. On the other hand, spending 1.0465 billion for a villa of no business value would be equivalent to a total waste of cash. Unless they had an endless supply of cash, even the very rich wouldn’t have spent such money on something like that.

Yoel was still quite afraid of this property purchase price. Although he had invited many wealthy familied youngsters to join him today, he only spent a sheer 90,000 to 105,000 dollars.

“This amount of money is definitely nothing to you, brother. I remember your elder sister spending
something like 149.5 million to 299 million dollars just to buy a customized car!”

Yoel gave Gerald the feeling of wanting to try out new things. He knew such small amounts of money meant nothing to Gerald anyway.

In reality, however, Gerald could imagine the pain in his flesh. Spending 1.0465 billion just to buy a residential home would be way too extravagant! Gerald shook his head, deciding to be more realistic instead. Perhaps he would buy villas worth between 149.5 thousand to 299 thousand instead.

“But that’s alright, bro. We’ll just go and have a look in three days. That wouldn’t hurt, right?” said Yoel

If Gerald ended up buying it, Yoel would get to stay there too. Now that would be a true luxury!

“Alright, we’ll take a look at Mountain Top Villa when I’ve got the time!” Gerald thought it won’t be nice to reject Yoel, so he agreed despite knowing Yoel’s motives. Behind his meticulous preparation of the pomp and splendor, all Yoel wanted was to get closer to Gerald. Besides, being thought highly by others wasn’t something he hated.

A bunch of youngsters from wealthy families surfing happily could be seen. They were enjoying themselves and looked to be having a great time.

Of course, Gerald took the number one spot for most girls. Wherever he went, girls would follow, each doing their very best to convey their amorous intent. They repeatedly stole glances at him, hoping to get his attention.

However, Gerald was already exhausted, too tired to continue messing around with the bunch of pretty ladies. It would be the afternoon in no time, and the festival on the cruise ship had ended as well. He
even declined Yoel’s invitation to explore another place.

Gerald was, after all, different from Yoel. It didn’t even matter if Yoel earned no college credits. It would
be Monday tomorrow, and Gerald needed to attend college!

Aiden, in charge of driving, sent Gerald back to college.

Upon returning to his dorm, Gerald found nobody at his unit. It seemed Harper Sullivan and the others must have gone surfing the net again.

Gerald had been tired for two days straight. He planted his head on his pillow, instantly sleeping like a baby until he was awoken by the sound of the door opening.

“Harper, isn’t Gerry back?”

“What? He’s back? Why is his phone switched off then?”

Harper, Benjamin, and the rest had returned. They looked at Gerald excitedly, joking and laughing as they went along.

“Oh, it’s been some time since I switched my phone off. I was too tired, and I didn’t charge it. Hey, I’ve slept till six p.m. You guys were surfing the net for that long?” asked Gerald as he glanced at his watch. He’s been sleeping for more than three hours.

Chapter 166
”D*mn it! Still surfing the internet? Gerald, I really suspect that you must have gone on a vacation for
the past two days, or did you go to pleasure town? Don’t you read the news in our class group chat?”

Benjamin asked excitedly.

Before this, Gerald simply told them that he was going out with a friend but he did not tell them exactly what he was going to do.

Therefore, Benjamin and Harper did not know what Gerald had been up to over the past two days.

As for the pleasure town that Benjamin had just mentioned, Gerald had really been there.

They were all the same, they were all big beauties!

At this time, Gerald smiled before he said, “What pleasure town are you talking about? So, tell me, what is happening in our class?”

“Before you left, didn’t Felicity enter the popularity competition for the star anchor? In the end, Felicity won the competition directly and she became the absolute top anchor, the star anchor in the same city live broadcast platform. That day, Felicity earned more than thirty thousand dollars of rewards! D*mn it!”

Benjamin was really envious and hateful. He really envied the fact that other people could earn so much
money in one day. He hated it that he wasn’t a woman too!

“Well, yesterday, many newspapers and media came to interview Felicity and the headlines were even more domineering: A girl from Mayberry University, who does live broadcasts for a few hours a day, earns more than thirty thousand dollars!”

“Oh, in short, all kinds of related reports have already been launched. This is all because of the propaganda from the newspaper. Ever since this afternoon, some people from the Mayberry Television Station also came to do a special interview with Felicity. Just now, we also recorded a video as Felicity’s classmates. I even showed my face!”

Harper explained everything.

Gerald understood this.

Felicity was famous now. After interviewing her, they naturally had to conduct some other peripheral interviews too. This was similar to the interview column of the television stations. After the interview, they would then interview the person’s classmates, family, and friends.

This was all usually planned in advance.

Hahaha. Gerald really did not expect that using his identity as Ordinary Man to give Felicity some gifts and then investing some funds in the same city live broadcast would have such an effect.

He actually indirectly provided some free publicity for Felicity.

This made Gerald feel a little dumbfounded.

“Gerald, hurry up and change! Felicity is treating all of us to dinner tonight. She will be buying us dinner at the Homeland Kitchen where you bought us dinner the last time. She has already booked the place! All of our classmates will be coming too!”

Harper patted Gerald’s bed before he went to change his clothes.


This time, Gerald quickly agreed.

After all, he was almost done resting and he was already hungry.

Secondly, Felicity became famous all because of him. So, what was the big deal if he went to eat at the celebration banquet hosted by her?

This was reasonable and justified!

Gerald hurriedly changed his clothes before he ran downstairs with Harper and the others.

At the school gate.

A large group of Gerald’s classmates was already waiting here.

Felicity was no longer the same person that she used to be. She used to be just a small-time anchor who was earning just a little money. Now, she was a real internet celebrity who was making a lot of money.

Therefore, she was naturally everyone’s focus of attention.

“Sister Felicity, are we going to call for cabs?”

Blondie was following closely behind Felicity. Ever since Danny had beaten up the son of a wealthy and powerful man in Mayberry City with his cousin brother, Chad, he had been in a very miserable state. He did not even dare to come to school at all. Now, only Blondie was left in class.

“Why should we call for cabs? I have already contacted the service company and asked them to send ten
Audis over here. We will go by car. By the way, Blondie, can you count the number of people who have
already arrived and check to see who else is not here yet?”

“I’ll do it now!” Blondie happily replied before he got to work immediately, as though he was managing his own affairs. After that, he shouted, “Don’t talk anymore! I will call out everyone’s name!”

He was done very quickly.

Blondie ran over before he said, “Sister Felicity, only Harper and the boys from his dormitory are not here yet. Layla said that she is feeling unwell and she is resting alone in the dormitory!”

“Okay, I got it. Why are Harper and the boys taking so long just to change their clothes?” Felicity asked coldly as she put on a branded wine-red sunglasses while crossing her hands in front of her chest. After all, she was an internet celebrity now so she would have to be more stylish.

“They are here! They are here! Harper and the boys are here!”

At this time, a girl shouted.

Harper and the other boys, a total of six of them were running over to them.

“Eh? Didn’t Gerald go out to play? Why is he back already?”

“Yes! Oh my. Perhaps he hurried back as soon as he heard that we would be going out to eat. Who knows if he had already spent all of his lottery money? Maybe he is just saying that he went on a vacation, but he was probably out working!”

Gerald had not even arrived yet but the ridicule had already sounded…

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now