Chapter 176-185

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Chapter 176
She felt like throwing up!

“I just want to take a look!”

Gerald could feel the contempt in Rita’s words and he really did not want to get into any entanglement with Rita. Therefore, he simply replied to her like that.

“Hehe. It’s good that you have this kind of thinking. Besides that, Gerald, since you are my sister’s boyfriend, I have to remind you that you should not compare yourself to those rich heirs. Those rich heirs’ families have so much more money and assets compared to you! What about you? You are just
being idle and wasting your fortune away. You will definitely spend all of your money sooner or later! To
be honest, based on your ability, I can hardly believe that you will be able to support my sister!”

Rita was as proud as a peacock.

Yes. Gerald, you are really amazing. You won tens of millions of dollars and you are driving a three million dollars Lamborghini. After finding out some information, Rita could only think that Gerald must really be stupid or have some brain damage!

She had no other feelings or emotions for him anymore!

Therefore, she reprimanded and scolded Gerald unceremoniously as soon as they met.

She wanted to take revenge for the last time.

“Rita, is this the brother-in-law you were talking about? The one who bought a Lamborghini after
winning the lottery? He looks pretty handsome but why is he acting like this?”

“But I can tell that he is rather reserved. I am afraid that he must not have been to this kind of big event and seen so many people before, right? Alas, we cannot blame him. This kind of country bumpkin who

has already been poor for a long time has very little knowledge but suddenly came into so much money.
Therefore, it is inevitable for him to have the nouveau riche mentality!”

“Exactly! He will only regret it when he has already spent all of his money. However, it will already be too late at that time. Sigh. Instead of thinking of ways to improve himself, he is actually spending tens of thousands of dollars just to buy a ticket to participate in such a high-end event?”

There were two women and one man standing behind Rita at this time.

The two women were really beautiful and they were really on par with Rita. Besides, the man was also very handsome and he looked like a rich heir.

The few of them were all about the same age and they looked like they were twenty-five to twenty-six years old.

When the few people saw Rita being so contemptuous towards Gerald, they also started habitually speaking contemptuously towards Gerald without any hesitation at all.

This made Rita feel rather embarrassed.

“Gerald, did you spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a ticket again? Where is Mila? Does she know
about this?”

Rita asked coldly.

“She knows about it. We even had dinner together last night. However, it is not convenient for her to come today! As for the admission ticket, I have not bought it yet!”

He was telling the truth. Gerald often ate with Mila in the past two days, and he really wanted Mila to come and have some fun with him. However, she could not come with him because she was feeling a little uncomfortable as she was having her period!

“Oh my god! People like you really make me feel very anxious!”

To be honest, Rita really wanted to scold Gerald.

However, no matter how pathetic Gerald was, he was still Mila’s boyfriend. She would still have to give
Mila some face, right?

Therefore, Rita forcefully endured and held back her anger. At this time, she saw that Gerald was still persistent about going into the exhibition hall.

Therefore, she could only say:

“You are lucky that you ran into me today. I have a few admission tickets assigned to me. In addition to my friends, I can give you one. You can go to the exhibition hall with my friends. Remember not to speak any nonsense after you go in!”

Rita exhorted before she threw one of the admission tickets at Gerald impatiently. As the design director, she naturally had a few admission tickets assigned to her.

“Dawn, Nyla, and Samuel, I will be responsible for giving an introduction of the Mountain Top Villa when we enter later. So, please take him along with you! He does not know anything at all!” Rita said.

“But I have to meet with a few of my friends from the business community later. If I bring him with me…well, okay then. I will just ask him to look for a place to sit down later!”

Samuel felt that he was in a very difficult position.

If he knew that this would happen, he would have bought a ticket himself.

After all, tens of thousands of dollars for an admission ticket was just a trivial matter to him. However, why would he bother to spend any more money since he could depend on his relationship with Rita?

Now, it was really degrading for him to bring a lowly person like this, along with him!

However, he still agreed to it.

“Samuel, who are you going to meet later? Can you bring us along with you too? Can you introduce us to them too?”

Dawn and Nyla were really very beautiful women. Both of them were willingly staying by Samuel’s side
as they took the initiative to get closer to him.

“Okay! Okay! Let’s bring him in with us first. Sigh!”

After sighing, everyone prepared to go in.

Gerald did not expect that there would be so much trouble when he was just here to take a look.

However, since Rita had already asked him to enter with Dawn and the others, Gerald felt that it would not be good for him to reject her offer directly.

Therefore, he took the admission ticket before he walked towards the VIP entrance.

“D*mn it! Are you insane? Come back here!”

When Rita saw Gerald walking towards the VIP entrance, she could not help but yell at him.

“That is the VIP entrance, which is specially prepared for the richest men from all the various cities in the
Sunnydale Province. Are you mentally insane?”

Dawn was also very anxious and she cursed directly at Gerald.

“Oh. So, you guys are not going through here?”

Gerald asked as he shook his head helplessly…

Chapter 177
”Gerald, aren’t you foolish? It feels like you have been studying in college for three years for nothing. Don’t be in a daze anymore. Hurry up and follow Samuel, Dawn, and the others into the exhibition hall. Seriously! I really do now know how my sister can actually be interested in someone as lowly as you!”

Rita replied coldly.

No one wanted to continue talking about this matter anymore.

After all, Gerald was also very embarrassed at this time. Therefore, he had no choice but to ignore Yoel and followed Samuel and the rest into the exhibition hall.

The VIP passage and the ordinary passage have very different seating positions.

Those who entered from the VIP passage were all seated at the front row of the exhibition hall.

And those who entered from the ordinary passage like Gerald could only be seated at the back of the hall.

“Eh? Samuel, is it you? How are you? How is your father?”

“Uncle Light, you are here too? We are good! We are all good! My father is often thinking of you!”

As soon as Samuel entered the hall, he met with quite a few of his acquaintances. A middle-aged man also came in to greet him.

“By the way, Samuel, are these two beauties with you? Which one of them is your girlfriend?”

“They are both my classmates. I do not have a girlfriend yet, Uncle Light!”

Samuel replied as he smiled.

On the other hand, he was also waving his hand to greet some other people that were familiar with him.

To be honest, he was feeling a little proud because he knew so many people as he felt that he was reputable at any scene!

“Hello, Mr. Wyatt Light. I have read your introduction in the Mayberry Economic Times!”

Dawn said something very dignified as she adjusted her hair in a ladylike manner.

“Those are all trivial things. By the way, Samuel, as an uncle, I have to tell you that marriage is the most important thing and top priority in life. Therefore, you should not miss out on some very precious people. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!”

After that, Wyatt shook hands with Dawn and Nyla.

Wyatt specialized in the chain supply of kitchen and bathroom equipment. He should not be underestimated because his business was actually quite big.

“Uncle Light, I will remember everything that you just said! By the way, didn’t Melanie come with you today?”

“That girl of mine! She saw a few of her classmates from Sunnydale University and she went over to greet them. She is also in her third year of university but she is still so reckless. She really makes me very worried. I really want to find a good boyfriend for her. Hey! That girl is back!”

Wyatt replied as he smiled.

“Melanie, say hello to your handsome brother, Samuel, and his two beautiful friends!”

“Hello, Brother Samuel! Hello, two beautiful sisters!”

Melanie greeted them with a smile on her face.

She was very tall, and her hair was tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a very expensive set of sports attire. She looked extremely beautiful and sexy.

At this time, Melanie fixed her gaze on Gerald who was following behind Samuel. She saw that Gerald did not have very good taste in clothing and he was not dressed very well.

Melanie frowned but she still said, “Hello!”

“Oh! I did not notice him. This is?”

Wyatt also reacted and asked immediately.

“Umm. Uncle Light, his name is Gerald. Director Rita asked me to bring him in so that he could take a
look around and gain some insights. He came from a small place and has never seen this kind of big
scene before!”

Samuel could not help but scratch his head.

This was so embarrassing!

Why did he have to bring this kind of person in with him?

As for Gerald, he was ridiculed by Samuel.

However, when he saw Wyatt looking at him as he raised his hand, Gerald thought that he wanted to greet him and shake his hand. Therefore, Gerald thought that it would be rude of him not to return the greeting.

Gerald nodded as he smiled at him before he also raised his hand.

Little would he have expected…

“Well, Samuel, you can accompany Uncle Light today! Come and sit next to me!”

Unexpectedly, Wyatt directly removed his gaze from Gerald before he raised his hand to pull Samuel’s
arm as he asked Samuel to come and sit next to him.

He ignored Gerald completely.

He left Gerald’s hand dangling in the air. It was really embarrassing!

Melanie had also obviously lost her interest in Gerald and she simply sat on the other side of Wyatt!

“Pfft! You are so embarrassing! Why don’t you put your hand down already? Why don’t you think of who Mr. Light is? Why would he possibly shake hands with someone with no name or status like you? Do you really think that you are like Samuel and that people would give you face too?”

Chapter 178
Dawn was speechless.

“That’s right. But Dawn, there is a really true saying. A person with no temperament or class will never be able to have any temperament or class. No matter how rich they are, they will never have any class at all! Just look at Samuel. He is not only very wealthy at home, but he also has a very good temperament and class. Ahh! Take a look at Gerald again. He won the lottery but he turned out to be nothing at all.”

Nyla looked at Gerald and she was completely speechless as she shook her head.

If a person did not have any self-knowledge, then what difference would he have from a corpse?

Both of them were thinking this to themselves.

To be honest, Gerald was feeling a tightness in his chest now. It felt really uncomfortable to be snubbed despite showing good intentions.

However, he decided to sit down first. They could just say whatever they wanted to!

Gerald sat down.

Of course, he was seated at the back.

At this time, Melanie turned around. When she saw that Gerald was sitting behind her, she knitted her brows tightly together.

After that, she stood up before she walked toward Samuel and smiled before she said, “Brother Samuel, can we change our seats?”

“Ahh? Why do you want to change seats? Isn’t it good for Gerald to be sitting behind you?”

“Oh! I don’t want that! Please change seats with me!”

“Okay, okay. Although Gerald comes from a small place, he is actually a pretty clean and decent person. It is really okay!”

“No! You know that I am a clean freak so I really do not like this kind of person the most! Please!

Melanie continued pleading and it seemed as though she was about to cry.

“Okay, Samuel, why don’t you just change places with Melanie then? I also have to say something about you. People are easily influenced by their surroundings and the companions that they hang around with. You should not hang out with these dubious and shady people. Have you forgotten what I told you before? You can only stand higher and get farther in life by mixing with powerful and influential people.”

Wyatt replied coldly at this time.

The two families were family friends. Moreover, Wyatt had always had a very straightforward attitude. He was also very strict when it came to educating the younger generation.

Samuel only nodded silently in response.

When Gerald heard these words, he was so angry that his face turned pale immediately.

Even if he was impolite, he should still have to have the minimum amount of respect for someone that he had just met.

What did he mean by dubious and shady?

Was he a dubious and shady person, just because he did not look as rich as Samuel?

Dawn and Nyla simply laughed. They listened quietly as Wyatt educated and gave Samuel some advice.

They felt that the words of this successful businessman would definitely be of great help to them in life.

At this time, more and more people were entering the exhibition hall.

A beautiful hostess stood on the high platform of the exhibition as she took control of the venue and tried to calm everyone down.

“Dear sirs and madams, welcome to the exhibition ceremony of the first launch of the Mountain Top Villa! Before the official opening ceremony begins, let us give a warm round of applause to welcome the distinguished guests from the Sunnydale Province!”

“Let us welcome the founder of the Holden Group, the richest man in the County State, Howard Holden,
and the young master, Yoel Holden!”


“The father and son from the Holden family are both here. Based on the young master’s spending habit,
do you think that the Holden Group will buy the one hundred and twenty million dollars villa?”

“That is impossible. Even if they have the money, the company will have huge competitors. If they are to compete with one another, then they will have to consume a lot of money. Who would have as much as one hundred and twenty million dollars just to buy a house? Do you know that once the competition
begins, even one hundred and fifty dollars will determine the outcome of the two big groups, right?”

“That is right. It is impossible for the Holden family to buy the villa. They are currently the richest family in the County State but there are also many other powerful companies in the County State. They could easily use this one hundred and twenty million dollars to fight a good defense war!”

The crowd continued discussing this matter amongst themselves.

Yoel and his father walked into the exhibition hall, following these sounds.

However, there was an obvious palm mark on Yoel’s face. It seemed as though someone had slapped

Gerald naturally knew that it was his father who slapped him.

As for the reason why? It could be because Gerald sent a text message to Yoel earlier, stating that he did not see him anywhere and that was why he had already entered the exhibition hall with someone else without waiting for him.

To put it bluntly, Yoel got slapped because of him.

At the same time, Yoel also raised his head to look for Gerald in the exhibition hall. However, at this time, there were two to three hundred people in the hall and it was not so easy to find Gerald so easily. After all, Gerald was being blocked by Samuel at this time.

“Next, I would like to extend a grand welcome to a VIP of the exhibition event, and also a representative
of the Mayberry Commercial Street, Zack Lyle! Mr. Lyle!”

“D*mn it! Mr. Lyle is here too? Is Mr. Lyle thinking of buying the villa? I think that would be more likely. After all, Mr. Lyle has no competitors at all in Mayberry City!”

The crowd of people continued discussing amongst themselves.

“It is impossible for Mr. Lyle to buy the villa. Do you know the reason why, Samuel?”

Chapter 179
”Ah? That is impossible, Uncle Light! Mr. Lyle is the richest man in Mayberry City! Therefore, I am certain that he definitely has the ability to buy it!”

Samuel was very surprised.

“Hehehe. You are wrong. In the past, Mr. Lyle was indeed very capable. However, I received news that Mr. Lyle has been transferred from Mayberry Commercial Street. Mayberry Commercial Street will be managed and run by someone else in the future!”

“Even though Mr. Lyle has already been transferred, Mr. Crawford had taken him in. So, at this time, even if he has the strength and capability to buy the villa, he will not buy it!”

“Ahh? So, it turns out that Mr. Lyle has been transferred away?”

“Yes. Mr. Crawford is still keeping him by his side. Therefore, he will definitely restrain himself a little!”

Samuel nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood what Wyatt was saying.

“Brother Samuel, dad, what are the both of you talking about? Who is this Mr. Crawford? Why haven’t you mentioned him to me before?”

Melanie asked as she was very curious at this time.

She could tell that this Mr. Crawford was very amazing and powerful just by listening in to their conversation.

It seemed as though the entire Mayberry Commercial Street belonged to him.

Both Dawn and Nyla were stunned.

They have never been exposed to this kind of information and they naturally became very interested in this matter.

“Of course, I have never told you about this. This was because your father only found out about this fact yesterday. Some of my friends told me about the story of Mr. Crawford. Of course, Zack is also a very amazing and capable man but he is just working for Mr. Crawford. The whole Mayberry Commercial
Street belongs to Mr. Crawford!”

“Oh my God! Oh my God!”

“D*mn it!”

Melanie, Dawn, and Nyla were all stunned.

“Besides that, have you heard of Yoel before?”

Wyatt asked as he smiled bitterly.

“Of course, I know Yoel! He is a top rich heir. He has a garage for all of his sports cars alone! He even
held a party for all the rich heir some time ago!”

Melanie said.

How did she know all these so clearly?

This was because Melanie had also been invited to the party.

However, she happened to have her period that day and she could not go because she was in so much pain.

This was a very great regret for her because there were not many girls who did not worship Yoel.

“Hehehe. Yoel is actually Mr. Crawford’s godbrother. The Holden family is also closely related to the Crawford family. That is the reason why they could rise so much and become the richest family in the County State within a few years!”

Samuel and the others opened their mouths wide in shock. Unexpectedly, there were so many background stories behind this.

At this time, everyone has finally arrived.

The host also introduced Rita to the crowd again. After that, she asked Rita to introduce the Mountain Top Villa to everyone.

Although Gerald had been holding his anger in for a long time, he did not lose his temper.

When he saw Rita introducing the villa, he looked up and glanced at the background that had appeared on the screen.

Just a single glance.

And Gerald was also fascinated. The Mountain Top Villa was built on the mountain, straight into the clouds and it really looked like a heavenly palace.

It was extremely luxurious.

To be honest, Gerald was really moved.

One hundred and twenty million dollars was really a whooping high price!

If it was some time ago, even if he owned a lot of assets, Gerald would not spend one hundred and twenty million dollars just to buy a house no matter how moved he was.

However, it was different now.

His sister gave him one hundred and fifty million dollars and she wanted him to spend it within seven days.

He had been worried because he did not know how he should spend the money.

Wasn’t this a god-sent opportunity? He would be able to kill two birds with one stone!

The more he looked at it, the more excited Gerald was.

It took her two full hours to fully introduce the villa.

Everyone yearned for it.

But no one dared to buy it.

Rita was very satisfied with everyone’s expressions and she smiled as she said immediately:

“The Mountain Top Villa is priced at one hundred and twenty million dollars. Is anyone in this room
interested to buy it?”

Rita asked as she smiled cordially.

“I…do not want to!”

At this time, an old boss stood up and shouted before he sat down quickly.

Everyone present started laughing out loud!

Zack also started laughing at the scene.

There were always some bosses who loved to joke like this!

Rita went on to say, “Gentlemen, this villa will not be auctioned. It will be sold on a first come first served basis. Whoever can pay the price of one hundred and twenty million dollars first will own this villa!”

Chapter 180
”Hahaha! No one is buying it indeed!”

Samuel replied as he smiled.

Wyatt smiled bitterly. “I already told you that as long as the person was a smart businessman, he would
not waste one hundred and twenty million dollars on the villa unless…”

“I want it!”

Before Wyatt could even finish speaking, he heard a voice that was not very loud but was still loud enough that everyone in the whole hall could hear his words.


Doubts were flying in the air at this time.

Everyone was staring at this side.

Wyatt and Samuel were also dumbfounded as they turned their heads back to look at the person.

This was because the person who shouted this sentence was none other than this hillbilly that Samuel had brought in with him. It was Gerald!

“D*mn it! Gerald, are you crazy? How dare you shout so arrogantly? Do you know what is going to happen if you said that you are going to buy the villa but do now have enough money to pay for the villa?”

“It’s over! He is not here to gain insight! This person simply came here to die!”

Nyla and Dawn were also shocked and they really felt like killing Gerald.

“Ah! A person who does not know his own place!”

Wyatt fixed his gaze on Gerald. Was this really an occasion that should be used for grandstanding? He really did not know how to behave at all!

Gerald did not care what they were saying about him.

He simply stood up before he started walking towards the stage directly.

“Crazy! He must be crazy! That pathetic guy is really insane!”

Rita was also staring at Gerald in shock at this moment!

In short, aside from a few people, everyone was all a little dumbfounded.

“Gerald, what are you doing here? Hurry up and leave now!”

Rita said angrily.

She also pushed Gerald a few times.

“Why should I leave when I want to buy this villa?”

Gerald asked as he smiled bitterly.

“Nonsense! How could you possibly afford this villa?”

Rita was seriously annoyed.

“Did you think that I will not be able to afford it just because you say that I will not be able to afford it?” Gerald asked as he sneered coldly. After that, he looked at the bank’s dedicated financial staff who was standing at the side before he said, “You guys, come over here. I will swipe my card!”

The several bank commissioners were all a little confused. After all, the person standing in front of them did not look like someone who would be able to take out even a few thousand dollars. He was even saying that he would swipe his card!

However, they would have to do it since the customer was asking for it.

Therefore, they walked over as they brought a payment machine with them.

Gerald swiped his card on the payment machine before he entered his password and used the biometrics recognition function.

“Ding! The transaction is successful. The transaction amount is one hundred and twenty million

The cold system voice sounded.

What followed was complete silence from the audience.

One hundred and twenty million dollars. This person actually had one hundred and twenty million dollars?

Oh my God!

Rita heard everything the most clearly. She covered her mouth directly as she dropped the microphone to the ground.

Her mind was a complete blank at this moment!


Samuel, who was sitting in the audience, could only swallow his saliva.

He was extremely confused. Dawn and Nyla also had a very shocked expression on their faces.

After all, from their very first meeting, Nyla, Dawn, and Samuel did not only despise and look down on Gerald, but they did not treat him as a person at all.

They simply thought that he was a country bumpkin.

They felt that it was really degrading for them to have him by their side.

But now, they felt as though they were getting countless slaps in their faces now.

They were looking down on him? They might not even be able to earn as much money as he had even if they worked for an entire lifetime!

He was a super-wealthy man!

“Brother Samuel, he…who is he?”

The expression on Melanie’s face also changed.

“I don’t know…I only know that his name is Gerald Crawford! Hey! Look! Why are Mr. Lyle, the father
and son from the Holden family, and the other wealthy businessmen walking toward the stage?”

Samuel replied intermittently at this time.

Chapter 181
Zack, Howard, and his son went up the platform together.

They stood in the same row subconsciously.

To everyone’s surprise, they gave Gerald a 90-degree bow.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Crawford. Congratulations on purchasing the Mountain Top Villa successfully.”

They said in unison, just like they had discussed it, and reached an agreement beforehand.

A loud bang was heard.

As soon as they said that, it appeared like a great blow was thrown into the crowd, and they were shocked immensely.

“Mr. Crawford! So it turns out that he’s Mr. Crawford!”

“Oh my God! Is he the Mr. Crawford from Mayberry? Is he the absolute national millionaire, Mr. Crawford?”

They gaped in surprise and excitement.

“What? Mr. Crawford? So Gerald is that Mr. Crawford!”

Rita staggered and retreated weakly.

During their family reunion before, somebody made a guess that Gerald was the absolute national millionaire, Mr. Crawford.

However, Rita had denied it there and then.

It was because Gerald did not seem like it at all.

But the scene before her soon shocked her deeply, so much so that she was about to faint.

‘Mr. Crawford! Gerald is that Mr. Crawford!’

No wonder one hundred million dollars meant nothing to him.

He did not even seem surprised when he touched the luxurious car which cost around two thousand dollars.

It was because he was a prestigious and wealthy young youth—Mr. Crawford.

He was the heir of the most wealthy and influential family.

Rita’s facial expression became complicated. She was filled with deep regret.

At the same time, Wyatt’s facial expression worsened. He was regretful too.

A while back, Mr. Crawford wanted to shake hands with him. He even smiled at him.

That was such a good chance for him to get close to the wealthy people and gain some benefits from it.

But what did he do? He did not even glance at Mr. Crawford.

Besides, what else did he say? He even condemned Mr. Crawford, claiming that he was a mere nobody.

He even started to give him a hard lesson, but Mr. Crawford only smiled without saying anything.

At the same time, Dawn, Nyla, Samuel, and Melanie gaped in shock.

In short, they were filled with deep regret.

Gerald stood on the platform. He looked at them who appeared quite shocked before him. He did the same thing, he smiled casually.

He did not have to be infuriated by them.

It was better that way. It was so much better than beating them up vigorously.

Gerald looked at Rita beside him. “Rita, I’ve purchased the villa now. Shouldn’t you give me the key and then bring me there to take a look at the Mountain Top Villa?”

“I… Yes, Mr. Crawford!”

Rita said that with much difficulty.

She did not even know how she should address Gerald.

She then turned around and brought them along. Soon, they reached the foot of the mountain where Mountain Top Villa was.

“Rita, we would like to go too. Could you please plead with Mr. Crawford and ask him to bring us along?”

Two beautiful women—Dawn and Nyla rushed toward them now.

When they reached Rita, they purposely spoke louder, just to let Gerald hear them and realize that they indeed regretted what they had done.

They did not even care about the deep humiliation which engulfed them when they did so. They couldn't care less about it.

The most important thing was they needed to please Mr. Crawford so that he would forgive them. They believed that they would be able to gain something from there. Even though Mr. Crawford might not admire them, they would be able to stay by his side and be his servants given how beautiful they were.

“I… I can’t do that!” Rita was still in shock. How could she help to plead with him?

“Mr. Crawford, could you please let us go up there and take a look? We were wrong just now. We’re deeply sorry! May we know how we can seek your forgiveness?”

Both Dawn and Nyla became teary.

In fact, Gerald felt that he was slightly sorry toward them when he saw them like that.

They changed their attitude too drastically in so short a time.

Gerald directly retorted given what they said just now. “Fine, if you want me to forgive you, act like a dog and bark in front of me!”

He said those words in anger, asking them to get lost immediately.

A few barks were heard.

Unexpectedly, they started barking like a dog in front of everybody.

At the same time, they twisted around and said, “Mr. Crawford, do I look like a dog now? What kind of female little puppy do you want to see? Why don’t you ask me to act for you?”

They stuck out their tongues at Gerald.

Chapter 182
“D*mn it!”

Gerald felt like he was about to have a headache.

Those two women were indeed the most shameless women Gerald had ever met in his whole lifetime, even more so than Xavia.

He asked them to bark like a dog, and they did so without any hesitation.

Actually, both Dawn and Nyla had risked everything they had. They would certainly cling onto Mr. Crawford vigorously no matter what he asked them to do.

It was indeed such an effective tactic.

Gerald was speechless now. He waved his hand. “Just come along if you want!”

“Mr. Crawford!”

At that moment, Wyatt shouted. He raised both of his hands and bent his body slightly. He then squeezed out of the crowd and ran toward Gerald.

“Mr. Crawford. I didn’t know who you are just now. I was wrong. Please forgive my bad manners. I’m Wyatt Light. We were introduced to each other just now.”

Wyatt held both of his hands in midair, wanting to have a closer contact with him, shaking his hands.

Mr. Crawford was indeed not someone who Wyatt could afford to offend. He would definitely be able to ruin Wyatt any minute.

“But I don’t know you!”

Gerald said softly, then he put his hands in his pockets.

“This… Mr. Crawford… My daughter and I offended you just now. Please forgive us. We’re deeply sorry.”

Wyatt appeared quite upset. He waved his hand immediately, and Melanie stepped forward pitifully.

‘It turns out that this pathetic man is Mr. Crawford. It’s so unexpected!”

“Mr. Crawford, I was wrong just now.”

“Oh? Don’t you have mysophobia? I sat behind you just now. You were so anxious that you changed your seat. Now, it seems like you don’t have that now. Why are you standing so close to me? Aren’t you scared?”

Mr. Crawford smiled, and that was all he did at the moment.


Melanie blushed deeply. ‘Am I not attractive enough for him?’

Gerald smiled bitterly and shook his head. He did not bother about them anymore. He then turned around and went up the mountain with Zack and the others.

That was the first time Gerald condemned the others. In fact, he was quite infuriated just now. After venting his anger out like that, he felt much better.

Besides, his extremely pompous and arrogant second cousin——Rita followed closely behind him, holding the key in her hand. It made Gerald feel that it was indeed wonderful being a rich person.

In fact, Rita was in a dilemma too. It was because she started to hold different feelings and emotions toward Gerald at that moment.

She felt that Gerald appeared quite handsome, outrageously so.

Rita was humiliated deeply, but she knew that it was a good thing. It was because it seemed like there was a new chance for her after all, being married into a rich family.

From what she could see, Gerald did not appear to hate her.

Besides, she would now be the butler for the Mountain Top Villa from now on. She would surely have much contact with Gerald.

‘Sister, does it mean that I’ll do something bad to you?’

That afternoon was indeed quite interesting.

Gerald strolled around the villa for around one to two hours. He then brought them and went down the
mountain at around four o’clock in the afternoon.

When he reached the foot of the mountain, there were a few messages in his class group chat all of a sudden.
It was the class representative, Cassandra who posted a few photos and words in the group.

“Please help to share it on your social media!”

“Help our classmate. Her younger sister is seriously ill, and she isn’t able to earn money too. Please
donate some money and help them to resolve this issue. Your kindness is greatly appreciated!”

At first glance, one realized that Cassandra was the one who was in charge of the shooting of the photographs and the writing of the content.

It was Layla Hack.

Cassandra asked her to hold up a sign with the words “Please help me!” scrawled on it and stood on the platform in the class. She seemed to be asking for everybody’s help.

At that moment, Layla seemed extremely paled, and she closed her eyes tightly. She was grasping the sign tightly in her hands. Clearly, her fingernails were stabbed deeply into the paper sign.

“Friends, this is the photograph and details I designed for Layla for the fundraising campaign. Is there anything you think that I should improve on? If no, I’ll report it to the department. If you think that there’s not a problem with it, please reply with the number ‘one’ here.”

Both Blondie and Felicity wrote their reply. “1!”

“ ”

It was indeed that woman!

How could she crush one’s dignity like that?

Gerald did not know when Layla had returned to the college. He was also unaware when the fundraising campaign started.

But Gerald knew instantly that it was Cassandra’s idea, using such a tactic for fundraising and publicity

It was because Gerald was forced to do exactly the same thing by Cassandra before. She claimed that it was a way to show their compassion and improve the class’s honor and reputation.

“D*mn it!”

Gerald knew exactly how Layla felt at that moment since he experienced it before.

He could not even bear that kind of humiliation. How about Layla who had much more self-esteem than he?

“Yoel, get a car. I need to return to college this instant!”

Gerald said immediately.

Chapter 183
Soon, Gerald reached the college.

He went straight to his own department classroom.

When he reached the west entrance, he saw that it was crowded.

There were a lot of students from different departments, and they almost blocked the road.

Gerald saw Harper and the others who stood in the crowd. So he squeezed his way into the crowd.

Then only he saw what was happening.

A girl was standing at the west entrance, holding up a sign pitifully.

She lowered her head greatly.

But Gerald recognized her at first sight. It was none other than Layla.

Beside her, there were Cassandra, Victor, and the president of the student union—Whitney.

At that moment, Layla acted like a background image, giving the others the chance to snap their photographs with her.

“Gerald, here you are. It’s so frustrating!”

Harper patted Gerald’s shoulders slightly.

He then said angrily, “Layla is indeed in some crisis now. But the class representative is over the line. It’s
fine if they want to hold a fundraising campaign. But why do they have to force Layla to hold up a sign
like this and stand here in front of everybody?”

Benjamin said, “If they don’t create such a commotion, how would our department gain our popularity?
Just take a look at it now. The class representatives, Victor and Whitney, have worked busily for the
entire afternoon for Layla’s fundraising event. They then asked Layla to stand there like that just so they could show off about it.”

“Besides, this event has attracted the attention of the college. They claim that they have to put significance on it, and they must help that particular student to resolve her crisis!”

Actually, there were quite a lot of students who knew the inside story of that event. They were quite angry about it.
The others who knew not what happened would have another kind of mindset. “Just look at her! How pitiful she is! Her family has run out of money. So she’s more than willing to stand in front of everybody, trying her best to raise funds for her younger sister so that her illness could be cured.”

“She’s so pitiful!”

So a lot of them were willing to donate some money for her.

But for those who knew the inside story were perfectly aware of the fact that it was all planned and arranged by Cassandra. Something happened in the morning. Layla returned to the college and asked for help from Cassandra.

In the end, Cassandra thought of such a plan for her. If Layla refused to do so, she would not help her with that other request.

“Mr. Zach, here you are!”

Cassandra shook hands with a middle-aged baldheaded director. After that, that middle-aged director took out his donation—two hundred dollars and put it into the donation box.

“Mr. Zach, let’s take a group photo!”


The sound of the shutters was heard.

They took a group photo.

“Hey! Tyler! Max! Here you are!”

At that moment, Victor’s friends came too. He greeted them smugly. Those friends came from another
department, and they were friends in the student union.


Then, they donated a few hundred bucks too.

Soon after that, they snapped some group photos there.

Gerald watched the whole scene there. He realized that the entire donation process had almost the same procedures.

‘How could it be called a donation? It’s just some kind of show, showing off one’s honor!’
Gerald was so angry that his face turned pale.

He pitied Layla who now appeared hopeless and desperate. At the same time, she felt slightly guilty too.

He was the first one who knew that something was wrong with Layla’s family. She trusted him and told
him about it.

Moreover, he advised her and gave her hope.

But for the next few days, he did not manage to help her to resolve that crisis in time.

That was why she was put in such a difficult position.

Gerald was not such a kind and generous person. But whenever he saw a scene like that, he could not help but think about himself. It was because he had experienced the same kind of thing before.

‘No! I can’t let this go on anymore! Layla might even lose the desire to live then!’

Thinking about that, Gerald rushed into the crowd and pushed Victor away, who was still taking a group
photo. He snatched Layla’s sign away and threw it down.

“Gerald, you-!”

Layla sounded hoarse. Clearly, she had cried multiple times now.

“Layla, you don’t have to be the background for them. If they do want to help you sincerely, they would
never do such a thing to you. I’ll help you with the money. Just go back to the classroom first!”

Gerald said angrily.

“There are a lot of kind people in this world. If someone is in great trouble, the others would surely lend a hand if they noticed it.

But how could Cassandra and Victor do such a thing? You manipulated this incident and made
yourselves look quite good about it. You really shouldn’t do a thing like this!”

“Gerald! Have you gone mad?”

Whitney stared angrily at Gerald. ‘When did he become so bold?’

Chapter 184
Gerald, are you even aware of what you are talking about right now? I must warn you now. Get lost this
instant. Otherwise, you’ll be expelled!”

Cassandra valued her dignity and fame so much.

She was outraged when she heard Gerald condemning them like that.

Victor was even more so.

“You’re just a poor pathetic person. Don’t feel so smug about yourself just because you won a lottery. How dare you shove me away!”

Then, Victor grabbed Gerald’s hair and dragged him along. He then slapped Gerald’s face directly.

Victor was certainly a bad-tempered man. He came from a rich family. When was he being treated like that?

Besides, Gerald was not as strong as he was.

Gerald felt quite painful, being slapped by him.

“Please don’t beat him up anymore. Victor, I’m begging you. Don’t beat him up! I don’t want this donation anymore. Just don’t beat him up!”

Layla was deeply frightened. She then rushed toward Victor and grabbed him since that incident happened because of her.

“Get lost! Two pathetic poor people! How dare you touch me!”

Victor shouted loudly.

He even wanted to throw himself at Gerald, beating him up.

A loud bang was heard.

Suddenly, Victor felt that his vision was blurred and blocked by something black. A red thing materialized in front of her, being enlarged slowly.

It was Gerald. He took up a brick from beside him and smashed it hard on Victor’s head.

Gerald used quite a great force. The brick was broken.

A loud cry was heard.

Victor held his head, fell on the ground, and howled in agony.

“He beat him up!”

The others were in deep fright.

Both Whitney and Cassandra were scared out of their wits.

How harsh and savage Gerald was!

“Oh gosh! That poor man beat Victor up!”

“He doesn’t want to live anymore. Didn’t he know what kind of an influential person Victor’s father is?”

“It’s all over now! He won’t be able to stay in this college anymore!”

“How could he stay still? Even if the college expels him, how could he be able to stay alive and leave the
train station of Mayberry!”

The others were deeply shocked. It was because there were just some kinds of people in this world where one could not afford to offend or annoy. Otherwise, their whole lives would be ruined.

“Victor, are you alright?”

“D*mn it! How bold he is to beat you up! He’s such a b*stard! Go and call your father up quickly! Slaughter his entire family!”

“That’s true, Victor. We cannot let this b*stard get away with it!”

“Victor, you’ve lost so much blood!”

Soon, he was surrounded by a group of women. They supported him and helped him up. They appeared to be filled with much pain.

Besides, they stared at Gerald angrily.

Indeed, they adored Victor deeply. He was both handsome and rich. But Gerald was nobody but a poor pitiful person. He would certainly be punished for beating Victor up.
“D*mn it! I definitely will not let him get away with it! Just send me to the hospital first. I’ll call my dad right away!”

Victor was seriously injured, and he might suffer from a concussion. At that moment, he was sent to the hospital by an ambulance with the others’ help after he said that fiercely to Gerald.

“Gerald, just you wait!”

But what about Gerald?

He sneered. ‘Wait? I won’t!’

Actually, Gerald had always wanted to beat Victor up.

In the past, Gerald was ordered by Victor to go and do some work for the student union. When he was slow with his work, Victor would kick him several times. He even beat Gerald up several times too.

Besides, when he met Mila in the lecture hall at first, he was almost beaten up by Victor for dirtying
Mila’s shoes. But Victor was stopped by Mila.

Usually, he did not mention those things, but he remembered them distinctly.

He heard Victor condemning them as two pathetic poor people just now. Soon, he was filled with
immense anger. ‘Victor, you busied yourself for Layla just now! But now you condemned her like that!
Do you even respect her?’

So, Gerald picked up a brick and smashed Victor’s head. He managed to vent his anger out on Victor. He
felt quite good about it.

Someone sneered. “Gerald, how bold you are! But I just want to see how you continue to stay here, studying for the course! Whitney, come along with me. We’re going to meet the department director. Before Victor’s father comes, we need to get rid of Gerald and resolve this issue. Otherwise, something disastrous might happen given how his father is.”

“Fine, Cassandra!”

Whitney became speechless. She then looked at Gerald and shook her head.

It seemed to have an underlying meaning.

‘Just wait for your severe punishment…’

Chapter 185
Gerald did not bother about their sneers and sarcastic remarks.

He only took out his phone and sent Zack a message, telling him what happened with Victor and his family affairs.

Then, he dragged Layla back to the classroom.

Harper knew that Gerald was now facing great trouble.

The Wrights were indeed a wealthy family.

Victor’s father was involved in international business, and they were indeed rich.

Besides, his father was a local in Mayberry, so he could be considered a powerful and influential person there.

But Harper and the others still stayed with Gerald, disregarding those things.

“Gerald, are you hiding in the classroom? The department director wants to meet you!”

At that moment, Whitney opened the door of the classroom where Gerald was. She then crossed her arms in front of her and said lightly.

“By the way, you’re Harper, aren’t you? Go and help to pack up his things. If not, he has to do it himself after he returns to the classroom later.”

She did that just because of the sake that Gerald had bought branded clothes for her before.

So Whitney reminded him.

Then, she left directly.

Gerald then followed behind Whitney and reached the door of the department director’s office.

Cassandra and a few women who were close to Victor were also waiting at the door.

They sneered. “How dare you do such a thing! Go into the office now! The department director wants to
meet you alone!”

Cassandra smiled coldly.
“Don’t think that you’ll get away with punishment as light as being expelled from the college. Let me tell you. Your whole life is ruined now that you have beaten Victor up!”

The other women said angrily.

Gerald smiled casually. He opened the door and entered the office directly.

Mr. Reeds was the department director.

He was called Jacob Reeds.

He was a middle-aged man who wore glasses.

At that moment, he was drinking tea and reading the newspapers.

The moment Gerald entered the office, he put the teacup down harshly on the table.

“Gerald, it surprised me to see you beating people up. Your results are exceptional, and you have such good manners. Besides, you’re an honest man too. It never occurs to me that you would be so
impulsive. You’re indeed a fool!”

Jacob scolded him sternly.

“Mr. Reeds, he started it!”

Gerald said calmly.

Jacob sneered. “I don’t care who started it. The fact is you beat Victor up. You’re wrong for doing such a thing! Let me tell you, you’ve created such trouble this time around. Besides, how could your family
background be compared to Victor’s? How about this? I have an application form here, applying to leave
the college. Just sign it and leave this instant!”

Jacob stared at Gerald in contempt.

So what Jacob said just now in his favor was nothing but just mere civilities.

But Gerald never thought that it would be as serious as that until he was expelled from college.

Now he realized that Jacob had made up his mind to expel him from the college.

It was because Victor came from a wealthy family, and Gerald was poor.

If Victor beat him up that day, all Victor needed to do was just to apologize to him and pay for the medical fees.

But if it was the other way around, he would then be expelled from college.

He could not help it.

Since he was forced into such a state, he had no choice but to sign the form.

Gerald put his phone on the table, took the pen, and got ready to fill in the form, including the reason to leave the college.

Jacob smiled disdainfully.

Surprisingly, Gerald’s phone rang all of a sudden.

The caller ID showed that it was a call from Mr. Raine.

It was a call from the minister of the Ministry of Education—Mr. Raine.

During the previous week, his sister—Jessica asked Gerald to contact Mr. Raine a few times because of the affair of investing in Scothow Elementary School.

But Gerald did not get to answer the phone. He was filling up the form quickly.

However, that call attracted Jacob’s attention beside him.

“Is this… Mr. Raine? Why do you have his phone number?”

Certainly, Jacob was not in a position to be acquainted with Mr. Raine. But he remembered Mr. Raine’s
contact number distinctly.

‘Why did Mr. Raine call Gerald up? Why did he contact Gerald?’

“You… Why are you still in a daze? Faster pick up the phone!”

Jacob’s facial expression worsened. He stood up directly and asked Gerald to answer the call.

‘Oh gosh! Even the chancellor dares not neglect an important person like Mr. Raine!’

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now