Chapter 1220-1369

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Chapter 1220
Yulisa’s tone was beyond contemptuous as she said that.

“…Regardless, let’s just forget about taking the pictures for now and focus more on the camera issue first… Once we’re done, we can go eat out at Dominoes or something…” said the long-haired girl as she shook her head.

“What? We can’t just let him off just like that! We have to make sure he pays us for all that damage!” replied Yulisa, clearly unwilling to let Gerald off that easily.

“Just forget it already!” said the long-haired girl in a rather awkward tone as she watched as more and more people began excitedly gathering around them to see what the commotion was about.

As she continued trying to pull her friends away from him, Gerald quickly turned to look at the long-haired girl before saying, “Hold on! Could… Could you give me your contact information? I still need to transfer the money over to you later, you know?”

Hearing that, Yulisa and her friends instantly became dumbfounded.
F*cking hell! To think that after dropping their camera, he still had the audacity to ask for Noelle’s phone number! To think that such a person even existed!

From what everyone could now tell, Gerald had only dropped the camera for a chance to get Noelle’s contact information! Was it because she was more beautiful than they were? The thought of it only served to further fuel the anger and contempt the girls had toward Gerald!

Noelle herself truly wanted to just leave already. Not only did she not want to continue getting entangled in the situation any further, the fact that so many people were currently looking at them simply made her uncomfortable.

“Hah! Brother, I hope you know that Noelle’s the most beautiful girl in our department! Don’t you know how many rich and young heirs have already attempted to pursue and confess their love to her? To think that you’d actually dare to ask for her phone number!”

“Indeed! While you may have had the slimmest chance to do so if you had managed to properly take our photograph earlier, you managed to mess that up greatly as well! Hope you regret your own actions now!”

As several of the onlookers continued putting Gerald down, Gerald simply shook his head with a wry smile on his face, ignoring their mockery for the most part.

In his mind, he was wondering if the attraction between yin and yang had interfered and affected the balance in his heart again. After all, the same thing had happened back when he had first met Cundrie in Lugaw City.

Gerald had ended up making a huge blunder upon his and Cundrie’s first meeting due to him being unable to properly control his own emotions. Somewhat similar to the previous event, he had made another mistake upon coming across Noelle—who had a strong yin physique—though this time he ended up breaking the pony-tailed girl’s camera instead.

What more, he had even attempted to rush things by immediately asking for Noelle’s phone number even though the one who had rented the camera was the girl with the ponytail! He was clearly too impatient and anyone would find that sort of behavior annoying!

Despite the misunderstanding, however, Gerald was still quite happy with the turn of events. After all, he had finally managed to find the person with the strong yin physique. That meant that he would be able to find the Zircobsite stone soon!
Even though the middle of the month was coming soon, there was still a chance that he was going to be able to make it! All his efforts hadn’t been in vain!

Snapping out of it, Gerald turned to look at Noelle and the others— who were currently still walking away from the scene—and instantly began tailing them.

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now