Chapter 1177-1183

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Chapter 1177
“Well, Master Ghost said that while you’re currently trapped, you shouldn’t feel upset or troubled since this is simply your fate playing out, Gerald! He also added that your fate won’t be ending within a day, and nor will you be able to solve the answer that you’ve been seeking in your heart within a short period either. All of this is simply inevitable, so with that in mind, all you can do is face all your hurdles bravely!” explained Zenny.
Hearing that, Gerald simply nodded. When he had last met Master Ghost in the church, Ghost had given him a reading which Gerald hadn’t really taken to heart back then. To his eventual surprise, everything that Ghost had said slowly became true in the end. With that in mind, Gerald couldn’t help but feel slightly regretful and ashamed now.
“Anyway, he also said that your predestined relationship is much stronger than you could ever imagine! Once you encounter her and decide to face her head on, it’ll only end up affecting the people around you! My master had been awaiting your visit for the longest time, but you came a bit too late! You see, he couldn’t just secretly send a message to you to share what he knew. If he had done so, he would’ve had to pay the price by receiving retribution for his great sin of messing with fate! Regardless, it isn’t completely impossible to crack this predestined relationship!”
“Do note that she isn’t an ordinary person! Rather, she belongs to a certain energy group! As a result, while she is very strong, she has her own fatal weakness, that being her aura and destiny get greatly reduced between the tenth and fifteenth day of each month! Since her strength declines rather steeply during that period of time, that would be your best chance and time to deal with her!”
Nodding again, Gerald made sure to note down everything that Zenny was saying.
“While she may be weakened between that period of time, I’ve noticed that my inner strength can’t seem to hurt her at all!” replied Gerald with a slight frown.
“But of course it wouldn’t! Your inner strength hasn’t gone through the baptism of heaven yet! Just so you know, ordinary inner strength doesn’t possess the functional aspect and yin energy from heaven! As a result, no matter how strong your inner strength is, it’ll still be completely useless against her since her inner strength consists of righteous yin energy from the heavens! Something that ordinary inner strength could never compare to!”
Zenny then added, “To undergo the baptism of heaven, you’ll first need to find a stone called the Zircobsite. Once you locate it, you’ll have to touch it with both your hands to absorb the essence of the sun and moon. The stone will definitely aid you greatly and soon, your inner strength will be able to undergo a complete transformation!”
“Indeed! The Zircobsite is a spiritual stone produced by both heaven and earth. It’s hidden deep in the mountains and it’s able to absorb the essence from heaven and earth, making it extremely strong! In fact, it’s the strongest functional yin energy in the world! As long as you’re able to obtain the stone, you’ll surely have a higher chance of avoiding danger and getting through this crisis in one piece!”
“But where exactly is it located at? And once I’m there, how am I supposed to find it? I really don’t have the time to slowly search for it since she’s already hot on my tail! I’ve really been cornered like a rat this time!” replied Gerald, his distress evident in his voice.
“Worry not, for Master Ghost had already predicted all this! As a result, he prepared several countermeasures for you, Gerald, so please focus and take what I’m about to say next to heart, Gerald!” said Zenny.
After seeing his nod, Zenny then explained, “You see, the reason you’re unable to escape her is because the scent on your body is different compared to that of an ordinary man! Because of that, you’ll never truly be able to shake her off and even if you manage to do so, she can easily find you again no matter where you go! With that in mind, you’ll first need to conceal the yang scent on your body before you head off to look for the Zircobsite!”
“Regarding how to hide the scent, you’ll need to locate two people with strong yin physiques and once you do, you’ll have to obtain invigorating blood droplets from them, though to be quite honest, just a single drop of blood from each of them should be sufficient. The blood is needed for two reasons.”
“Firstly, the two drops of blood will be enough to shield your masculine scent, subsequently preventing her from locking onto you. As for the other reason, the blood can also be used to sense the specific location of the stone. After all, yin and yang naturally oppose each other, so once you get close enough to the Zircobsite, the stone will reject you! When that happens, you’ll be able to safely and easily determine the location of the stone!” concluded Zenny.
“What a meticulous person Master Ghost is! Regardless, how do I find a person with strong yin physique…? And what on earth is invigorating blood droplets?” asked Gerald, puzzled. As far as he knew, once blood was removed from a person’s body, it would be more dead than invigorating…
“Ah, well, invigorating blood is blood that is willingly offered by the person you’re asking it from! To put simply, if the person is willing to help you, then their blood will surely remain active and spiritual! If the person is unwilling, then their blood will just be dead blood that won’t be of any use to you at all!”
Continuing to explain, Zenny then added, “As for where the two people with strong physiques can be found as well as the location of the Zircobsite, Master Ghost left behind four sentences from a poem that he had obtained through the use of the Nine Dragon Divination Technique. From the poem, it’s said that all three of these can be found hidden within two cities, though that’s just from my analysis. I’m afraid you’ll have to do most of the figuring out on your own… Regardless, here’s how the poem goes!”
“The green hills enter the deserted ancient cities,
A bending willow was revived and rejuvenated,
Strategists were met with repeated failure and success,
The people were all struggling to make a living.”
After hearing Zenny recite the poem, Gerald mumbled to himself as he thought about its deeper meaning.
As someone who was from the Department of Language and Literature back when he was in university, the poem wasn’t that difficult for him to decipher.
A short while later, Gerald was able to formulate an answer in his mind.
Chapter 1178
The green hills enter the deserted ancient cities and a bending willow gets revived and rejuvenated… The two distinct sentences immediately reminded Gerald of a place known as Lugaw City which was located in the southernmost area.
‘As for strategists were met with repeated failure and success and the people were all struggling to make a living’, Gerald barely had to even think about what it was referring to. After all, he was far too familiar with that place. This half of the poem was clearly referring to Mayberry City, the place where he had grown up in.
If his deductions were correct, then it seemed that the three things he was looking for could be found in both Lugaw City and Mayberry City.
“Speaking of which, Gerald, Master Ghost said that since you haven’t undergone the baptism of heaven, conflict should be inevitable the moment you meet with a person with a strong yin physique. Even so, you don’t have to worry about that!”
“Master left two jade charms for you, and the first one helps you temporarily conceal the yang energy in your body! That way, she won’t be able to lock on to you for a while! Even so, you should still hurry to the places you need to be, since the jade charm’s ability can’t last for too long!”
“As for the second jade charm, this one will help you determine whether the Zircobsite stone is within the city or not. If it senses it within the city, then the charm will start burning up! While it’ll definitely help you determine where the stone is much quicker, there is one condition you have to abide by! You aren’t allowed to use your inner strength until you find the stone, and master really emphasized it! Please remember that condition! Now then, you don’t have much time left, so hurry up and leave!” said Zenny.
As soon as her sentence ended, two small boxes came out from Zenny’s mouth, and in them, were the two jade charms she had told Gerald about.
Taking the two boxes out of her mouth, Gerald then replied, “Got it!”
“Alright, now hurry and leave! Otherwise, it’ll truly be too late for you!” ushered Zenny.
Just as Gerald got to the door, he froze for a second before turning around to ask, “Speaking of which, did Master Ghost tell you where he had gone to? How can I find him?”
“Master said to me that if both of you aren’t destined to meet again, then there’s no real reason for you to cross paths. However, if you and master truly are fated to reunite, then you’ll eventually see him again! Actually, hold on, Gerald! There was one last thing that Master Ghost wanted me to tell you!” shouted Zenny.
“What is it?”
“You have to be wary of the people around you!”
“Be wary of those around me? What do you mean by that?” asked Gerald immediately.
However, it was exactly that moment when Zenny’s initially glowing eyes went dim. It was evident that her batteries had finally died.
Even though he still had questions, Gerald knew that he could no longer afford to stay there any longer.
It was because the sense of being locked on suddenly felt way stronger than before…
She was here!
Crushing the first jade charm in his hand as he reminded himself not to use his inner strength, Gerald then quickly descended the opposite side of the mountain.
It wasn’t long after when a strong gust of wind suddenly began brewing. At one point, the wind got so turbulent that all the church’s windows and doors began shaking violently.
Seconds later, a young woman stood before the church, frowning as she muttered, “…How strange… I swear I could sense his aura extremely clearly just a while ago… How could he have just disappeared without a trace?”
Naturally, the woman in question was none other than Queena.
Chapter 1179
“…How on earth did he do it…? Even if he managed to regain his inner strength, it’s quite impossible for him to hide his yang energy from me…! Someone must have helped him escape! Why… Just why would anyone help him leave me?! That person… The person who’s helped him must know that I can’t lose him! That person is definitely trying to oppose me by making me continue to suffer! However, I won’t let you escape me, Gerald! Even if I have to chase you till the very ends of the Earth!” muttered Queena to herself as she trembled in near-uncontrollable anger, her bloodshot eyes reflected her extreme bitterness.
Her immense killing intent alone changed the atmosphere so drastically that the entire church felt like it had just been layered with frost.
By the time Gerald finally got to the foot of the mountain, he turned up to look at Langevern Church one final time… Only to find that it was now in flames! In fact, the blaze was getting so wild that fire was already spreading quickly across the rest of the Mountain.
Gerald had no doubt that this place would end up in ruins by dawn. At the same time, he also found himself feeling more respect for Master Ghost deep down in his heart. After all, all his predictions always came true!
Even so, what was Master Ghost attempting to say to him by telling Gerald to be wary of those around him…?
Whatever it was, Gerald knew that he wasn’t going to get an immediate answer even if he were to stress over it. Not wanting to think about it at the moment anyway, Gerald simply used the dark of night to his advantage as he ran all the way to Halimark City’s port. Even if Gerald wasn’t allowed to use his inner strength, he was still quite strong physically.
Soon after, he arrived at the port. Taking a passenger ship back to land, he quickly hopped onto a train straight for Lugaw City the moment he could.
It was around three days later when Gerald finally set foot into Lugaw City.
The city itself was similar to those small towns within ancient capitals, and its streets were lined with ancient-looking buildings. From what Gerald could see, there was also an abundance of ancient traditional folk arts within that city.
Clear examples of these—that Gerald saw along the streets—were a few people performing puppet shows while many others sold traditional snacks by the roadside.
At that moment, a luxurious-looking convoy came to a halt by the side of the street.
Upon seeing that, all the pedestrians instantly avoided it. After all, from how expensive the convoy looked, it was evident that the young master or lady in there came from a prestigious and influential family. With that in mind, none of the pedestrians dared to get too close to them for fear that they could accidentally get involved with unnecessary trouble.
Everyone simply continued observing the situation from afar as two youthful-looking girls stepped out of one of the cars.
The younger of the two looked to be around eighteen, and though her relatively youthful appearance lacked any hint of maturity, her body, on the other hand, was quite developed.
As for the elder sister—who looked like she was twenty-three—she was quite tall and her figure was quite divine.
Due to their immense beauty, they quickly attracted the attention of most—if not all—of the people within the vicinity. With how absolutely stunning both of them looked, several found it difficult not to affix their eyes on the beauties!
‘What a truly beautiful duo!’ Thought everyone present.
“Humph! Cundrie, look! The gazes from those men are very annoying! There’s no way we’ll be able to shop happily this way!” complained the younger sister.
Cundrie herself—who was the elder sister—appeared much more mature and prudent than her younger sister. With a much more ladylike temperament, she then replied, “Even if you don’t speak, nobody would consider you to be mute. I’ve been in a bad mood recently which is why I’ve decided to bring you out shopping with me. Pay no attention to their gazes and let’s just enjoy our shopping trip!”
With that said, both girls then slid on masks before walking toward the shopping area, hand in hand.
Following closely behind the two girls were a few bodyguards who made sure to give stern, warning gaze to those who were still staring at the duo. This, of course, prompted the men to quickly withdraw their gazes and walk away.
Though their arrival had caused a minor sensation, it ended as quickly as it had begun, and everyone simply resumed with what they were doing earlier.
It was around then when Gerald walked out of a clothes store. Now wearing a simple set of casual clothes, he began making his way to the roadside to buy himself some snacks to fill his belly.
Though Gerald was filthy rich, at the end of the day, he was well aware that he would only be deceiving himself if he continued maintaining his pretentious and showy side here. After all, he had never been the kind of person who enjoyed living extravagantly.
Chapter 1180
All Gerald had always wanted to do was to live an ordinary life.
Regardless, now that he was in Lugaw City, he needed to start looking for people with strong yin physiques. For all he knew, he needed to wander around places where lots of people gathered. In other words, busy locations like train stations and bustling commercial streets.
With that in mind, he knew that now was a good time as any to begin the search.
From what he could see, Lugaw City was a lively place, and as he was walking around, he saw a few stalls selling small pendants that had once been owned by the sellers’ ancestors. Some of them seemed to be selling what seemed to be radios from back in the 1970s as well.
While looking around, Gerald noticed several people—rather excitedly—gathering around one of the stalls. Following that, he heard a voice saying, “Sir, please! I need the money urgently to treat my sick child! Know that this jade has been passed down by several of my ancestors! Even though my mother passed it down to me, I really have no choice but to sell it! I’m only selling it for eight thousand! Eight thousand, I say!”
Despite the large crowd, Gerald had sharp and precise hearing, allowing him to accurately listen to the voice. Sensing that something wasn’t right, he quickly slipped into the crowd to see what was happening for himself.
“The hell? You’re telling me that this broken piece of jade is worth eight thousand dollars? I’ll have you know that I’ve seen many jade pendants before in my life, so I can easily tell that this is only a fake! How dare you try to cheat me! From the quality of this thing, eight dollars would already be a massive profit for you! Now that you’ve angered me, however, not only am I not going to give you a single cent, but I’m also going to beat you up!” declared the rich young man as he instantly began kicking the seller.
The seller himself was a middle-aged man, and beside him, stood his young daughter.
Not wanting the rich young man to take his jade away, the man instantly knelt, clearly begging for mercy.
From what he had observed, Gerald managed to get the gist of the situation. In short, the man was in desperate need of money to treat his seriously ill daughter. As a result, he was selling the jade pendant that his ancestors had passed down to him for a relatively low price just to get enough to treat his child  While a rich young man took a liking to said pendant, he wasn’t willing to cough up the money that the middle-aged man was pricing it at. As if that wasn’t enough, the rich youth was even threatening him so that he could just take the pendant by force! With all that happening, the old man really didn’t have any other choice but to kneel and beg for mercy while holding onto the rich youth’s trousers.
“Hey now, didn’t you hear what my husband just said? He’s an expert when it comes to appraising jades, you know? Since he’s already confirmed that you’re trying to sell a fake for such a high price, you should be glad that we’re letting you off easy by not calling the cops! Now let go of him already!” shouted a woman with heavy makeup on—who had been standing by her husband’s side this entire time—as she began striking at the middle-aged man’s face with the sharp corners of her LV handbag.
“I’m telling you that that jade pendant is worth at least fifteen thousand dollars! I’m only selling it at this low a price because I have no other options! If you’re unwilling to buy it at that price, then please return it to me already! I’m not selling it anymore!” cried out the man as he continued begging.
“Oh? You’re not selling it anymore, you say? Do remember that you’ve already taken my fifty dollars earlier and the jade pendant is now in my hands! That means that our transaction has already been completed! If you want to buy it off me again, then you’ll first have to pay me thirty thousand dollars!” declared the youth’s girlfriend in a cold tone as she held onto the jade pendant.
“Just pay my husband that amount and this broken jade pendant is yours again! While awaiting the payment, here, catch it!” added the woman as she instantly threw the pendant in the opposite direction.
Eyes widened, the middle-aged man instantly limped over to catch it. Of course, there was no way he was going to be able to catch the jade pendant in time from where he currently stood.
The second the pendant fell to the ground, it instantly shattered into pieces!
“My… My jade pendant…!” shouted the man—who was already bleeding from the corner of his right eye due to being hit by the woman’s handbag earlier—as he knelt in shock, looking like his entire world had just crumbled along with the pendant!
“Hahaha! Looks like you weren’t able to catch the pendant in time! That’s on you so you’d better not blame me!” squealed the woman in glee as she clapped her hands.
“You… You broke my jade pendant…! Compensate me!” shouted the middle-aged man as he immediately began rushing toward the vile woman.
However, before he could get far, several of the rich youth’s bodyguards grabbed the man by his neck, holding him in place.
Following that, the rich man slid his hands into his pockets as he slowly walked toward the middle-aged man…
Slapping the middle-aged man gently on the face, he then said, “As long as it makes her happy today, my girlfriend can do anything that she pleases. If you dare ruin her mood, then believe it or not, with just a single phone call, I’ll make sure that your daughter won’t ever be able to get admitted into any hospital! I hope you can imagine how helpless both of you will be then with nowhere to go!”
After hearing the young man’s cold warning, the middle-aged man instantly stopped struggling. Knowing he was completely powerless against the young man, he could only tug his own hair in frustration as he replied, “…I… I was wrong… My jade pendant was a fake… I was the one who had attempted to cheat you of your money, so I deserve to die!”
“Daddy!” shouted his daughter at that moment as she hurried over to her father’s side to comfort him.
Seeing that, the woman locked her arms happily with the young man’s before coquettishly saying, “It’s not fun anymore, darling! Now let’s go!”
Just as she was about to walk off, however, she suddenly realized that someone was grabbing onto her hair… Before she even had a chance to react, she found herself being pulled backward!
Naturally, she instantly began screaming…
Chapter 1181
“D*mn it! You must be courting your death! Let go of me!”

The woman went crazy as soon as she was grabbed by her hair.

She started flinging her bag around, trying to hit the person who was pulling her hair with her bag.

As a result, before she could even hit the other party with her bag, the other party had already given her a tight slap across her face.

There was a loud sound from the slap.

The woman immediately felt as though her world was spinning, and she was in a state of confusion after getting slapped. She stumbled into a bread stall nearby, and she knocked all of the bread on display down in an instant.

The person who had slapped her was none other than Gerald.

After witnessing the previous scene, Gerald had become so angry and enraged that he could not hold his anger in any longer.

He had seen and encountered many arrogant people in his life, but he had never seen anyone as arrogant as this.

This woman was actually using a person’s pain and difficulty as a way for her to gain excitement and pleasure. Why should he allow this kind of vicious woman to go around harming people?!

“D*mn it! Yumi?!”

As for the rich young man, he was also dumbfounded at this time. Everything had happened too quickly, and the rich young man did not even have time to react at all.

His own woman had actually gotten beaten up in Lugaw City?

She had been beaten up?!

How could this be possible? Who would even dare to do so?!

However, after coming to his senses, the rich young man glared at Gerald as he shouted, “You brat! You are indeed courting your own death, right? You actually dared to hit my woman? Do you know who I am?!”

All of the passersby on the street could not help but take a few steps back at this time.

The locals obviously knew of this rich and young man’s identity and power. This was also the reason why no one dared to say anything even though they had clearly witnessed the scene just now.

This young man might be taking action out of a sense of justice and righteousness, but he was taking it all out on the wrong target! He shouldn’t have gotten involved in Mr. Gross’s business!

That’s right! Mr. Gross could easily kill anyone he wanted to in Lugaw City!

When someone had accidentally offended Mr. Gross the last time, Mr. Gross had actually killed the other party’s entire family in a single night!

The passersby could only secretly think about this matter in their hearts.

“This jade pendant is clearly a genuine piece of jade. This man over here is obviously facing difficulties and in urgent need of money. The both of you are not short of money, yet you threatened him and tried to take the jade pendant from him by force for just eight thousand dollars. Don’t you think that you are being too overbearing? Furthermore, it would have been fine if you did not want to buy it, but why did you guys have to break his jade pendant? This is his life-saving money! Don’t you think that this woman deserves to get hit since she is so heartless and utterly devoid of any consciousness at all?” Gerald replied coldly.

“Husband! Chop him up! I want you to cut off his hands and feet!”

The woman on the ground finally recovered her senses, and she immediately cried out to Mr. Gross as she held onto her face.

“Pfft? She deserves to get hit?! You are truly courting your own death! Men, come over here and chop him up now!”

Mr. Gross said as he waved his hand.

At this time, several of his bodyguards instantly pulled out their machetes as they charged directly at Gerald.

Gerald could not help but feel extremely enraged and furious when he saw them charging toward him.

At this time, strong killing intent filled him instantly.

However, at this critical juncture, Gerald suddenly recalled that he was not allowed to use his inner strength.

As soon as he utilized his inner strength, his yang energy that he had been hiding using the jade pendant would all be in vain, then.

On second thought, even if Gerald did not utilize his inner strength, these men would not be his opponents at all.

Very soon, all of the men were clutching tightly onto their broken arms and ribs, and they were all wailing and crying out in pain as they lay down on the ground.


Mr. Gross and his few remaining bodyguards’ eyes widened in shock. 

None of them dared to step forward at this time.

This young brat was actually very powerful!

Mr. Gross could not help but panic when he saw Gerald walking toward him. So, he hurriedly took out a pistol and aimed it directly at Gerald’s head.

“D*mn it! You are truly a very nosy person, aren’t you? I will kill you if you dare to take another step forward!” Mr. Gross yelled with flushed red eyes.

The crowd of people also dispersed as they screamed out in fear.

“Besides, if you dare to make another move, I will definitely not spare this pair of father and daughter’s lives today!” Mr. Gross warned.

Gerald took a deep breath. His inner strength began to move around restlessly.

It would simply be too easy for Gerald to deal with this rich young man.

Gerald would only need to move slightly, and his head would already be rolling on the ground.

Moreover, Gerald could easily slaughter his entire family.

But Gerald could not do so at this time!

Therefore, Gerald could only take a deep breath.

Mr. Gross saw that Gerald had stopped moving at this time.
Chapter 1182
Mr. Gross could not help but sneer coldly.

“Beat him up!”

Mr. Gross shouted out to the remaining bodyguards behind him.

The bodyguards rushed forward in an instant, and they were about to charge directly toward Gerald to chop him up.


Suddenly, a pair of bodyguards dressed in black came over and stopped those men.

“Who are you people?!” Mr. Gross yelled as he looked at them.

“The Smith family.” The bodyguard casually replied.


Mr. Gross could not help but tremble slightly as he hurriedly put his pistol down.

“So, it turns out that the Smith family is here!” Abner said as he smiled faintly.

The Smith family was indeed one of the very few families that were even more powerful and influential as compared to the Gross family in Lugaw City.

Although Abner was very vicious, he also knew the ways of this world very well, and he knew how to abide by the rules. He knew that there were people that he could provoke, but at the same time, there were also some people he should never try to provoke!

“You cannot touch this man, and you cannot touch this pair of father and daughter either! This is because they are under the protection of the eldest young lady of the Smith family!” The bodyguards said.

“Pfft. The eldest young lady of the Smith family?! I am the…”

Abner’s girlfriend was about to lose her temper as she slowly stood up at this time, but she was immediately stopped by Abner, who gave her a warning look.

“Alright, then. Since the eldest young lady of the Smith family has already spoken up, the Gross family will certainly give her face. Moreover, these are just a few stray dogs anyway. I will let them go if she wants me to!”

Abner said as he nodded and smiled coldly.

After that, he supported the woman as they prepared to leave.

However, as they walked up to Gerald, Abner whispered, “Brother, you’d better watch out. Wait for it.
There will come a day when I make you pay for your actions!”

After that, Abner left with his girlfriend.

“Uncle, there are fifteen thousand dollars here. This is given by our eldest young lady. You can just treat it as though she bought the jade pendant from you!”

The bodyguard handed a box that was filled with fifteen thousand dollars over to the middle-aged man. “Use this money to treat your daughter’s illness first. You don’t have to worry about Mr. Gross. He will not cause you any trouble!”

“Thank you! Please thank Miss Smith for her kindness and mercy!”

The middle-aged man was so touched that he was about to kowtow to thank him, but the bodyguard hurriedly stopped him.

As for Gerald, he could not help but feel very touched, and he now had a very favorable impression of the eldest young lady of the Smith family.

At this time, there were two young women who were wearing masks over their faces, looking at this scene from a distance.

These two young women were none other than the two beautiful women from the street earlier.

Their convoy had already arrived at this time.

In fact, when Cundrie had arrived at the scene with her sister just now, they did not know what had happened. They could only see the crowd of people quickly scattering and dispersing.

It turned out that Abner had taken out his pistol and had been pointing it directly at an ordinary young man at this time.

After stopping a passerby to ask about the situation, they found out the general context of everything that had happened earlier.

Therefore, Cundrie had immediately sent her bodyguards to stop Abner.

This had eventually led to the current scene and turn of events.

She had a very kind heart. Therefore, whenever she saw anyone in trouble, she would always help as soon as she could.

Gerald could not help but feel very moved because of this girl’s strong sense of justice.

When he heard the bodyguard saying something about the Smith family, Gerald immediately turned around, and he saw Cundrie through the crowd of people.

Cundrie was wearing a mask at this time, and she simply nodded slightly as she faced Gerald’s gaze.

After that, she turned around and got into the car with her sister.

She did not seem to notice that Gerald looked dumbfounded, and his mind had already gone completely blank as soon as he saw her.

At this time, Gerald’s whole body was trembling in excitement.

This was because Gerald could see this girl’s eyes and figure clearly. He was all too familiar with it, and he would never forget it in this life!


Gerald called her name out loud in disbelief.

This was because the girl was none other than Mila!

However, the girl did not hear him at all.

The car started moving as it left in a hurry.


Gerald hurriedly chased after the car that was leaving from a distance…
Chapter 1183
The several bodyguards were all stunned when they saw Gerald chasing after the eldest young lady’s car.

They could not hear what Gerald was shouting out at this time. However, they were worried that the eldest young lady would be in danger. Therefore, they hurriedly got into the car to chase after him.

Gerald continued running after the Cundrie as her car continued driving on.

Inside the car.

“Sister, did you notice that young man before you got into the car just now?” Riley asked with a smile on her face.

“Which young man are you talking about?” Cundrie asked as she frowned slightly, and her red lips were also slightly parted at this time.

“I’m talking about the young man that Abner was pointing a pistol at after he helped that pair of father and daughter!” Riley said, and she covered her mouth as she laughed.

“Him? No. Why?”

“You might not know this, but he looked dumbfounded and completely stunned when he saw you just now! He was just standing in place, and he looked so silly then! Hahaha! I saw the look on his face before I got into the car, and it was truly hilarious! Fortunately, you did not take off your mask. If you had taken off your mask, wouldn’t he have been so mesmerized by your beauty that he would have already fainted on the spot?”

Riley could not help but laugh out loud.

“You are the only person who could say something like that…” Cundrie simply replied.

However, at this time, Cundrie also suddenly thought of the strange expression on the young man’s face earlier when she had nodded slightly at him. He really had had a very stupid and silly expression on his face, and she felt like laughing when she thought about it now.

As Cundrie thought about it, she could not stop the corners of her lips from curving upward into a beautiful arc.

“He is actually quite handsome, and he also has a very kind heart. He is so much better compared to
Ferris! This kind of young man would simply be a great husband. Don’t you think so, sister?”

“Shh! Shhh! Stop bringing up my weakness!”

“I am not doing that! But in all honesty, Sister, what is your fantasy about love? Be a little more serious. I am seriously asking you about this matter!”

“My fantasy about love? How can I explain this... In truth, throughout all these years, I have always been thinking about whether there would be a guy like Yang Guo in . He has only ever been in love with his aunt, and he had been searching for her throughout his entire life. Even though there were countless beauties by his side, his goal had always been very clear and certain. He simply wanted to be together with her!”

At this time, a longing look flashed through Cundrie’s eyes.

“Oh. Pfft. I don’t believe that there will be this kind of love in this world. Furthermore, that kind of love would only exist in fantasy novels. There will never be a man who is as infatuated as Yang Guo was in real life. Nowadays, there are only men who would appear and stay by a beautiful woman’s side to get closer to them regardless of anything she had encountered. I feel as though that kind of man would fall in love with any beautiful woman. Hahaha! In truth, this kind of man is just a scumbag in reality! If he cannot wait for his one true love, he might simply forget her really quickly!”

Cundrie nodded in agreement when she heard those words. “What you said seems to make sense too. Men nowadays are no longer that silly!”

“Pfft. Can you stop changing the topic just to avoid my question? Let’s talk about serious business. You have not commented about that young man just now. My guess is that he has already fallen in love with you. Perhaps he is already head over heels in love with you now, and he can no longer forget you. Even though we have already left, he is still chasing after us and following us closely because he wants to take a closer look at you. I am serious! My senses are usually very accurate in this kind of matter! I believe that is the way that he was looking at you just now!” Riley said mischievously. 


At this time, the driver suddenly yelled out loud.

Cundrie and Riley frowned at the same time.

After all, girls absolutely disliked and hated men who swore.

“What do you think you are doing?” Riley asked coldly.

The driver pointed at the rear-view mirror before he said, “That kid is really chasing after our car! He is right behind us!”


The two beauties were shocked and surprised at this time, and they hastily turned around to look behind the car.

At first glance, they could see that Gerald was indeed chasing behind their car.

Even though the car was going at an extremely fast speed, Gerald was desperately chasing after the car.
—— To be Continued... ——

The Invincible Rich Man (Gerald Crawford)Where stories live. Discover now