1; Same Book, New Chapter.

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I'm sorry for leaving without notice, but I've made up my mind. I'm off to pursue my dreams. Hopefully, it turns out well. Wish me luck.

The moment her finger tapped the 'send' button, she released a deep breath, feeling a weight being lifted off her shoulders. She switched her phone to airplane mode to cut off all communication in case someone tries to reach out to her, and she knew there would be many due to her impulsive decision.

With no connection to the life she had left behind, she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, taking a moment to absorb the surreal nature of her decision. She could hear slight shuffling beside her as someone occupied the seat next to hers, most likely her flight neighbor for the long journey.

Almost immediately, the Captain's voice came over the intercom. She had planned to tune it out, but one thing caught her attention, something she couldn't ignore as it made everything feel more real.

"... this is your Captain, Asad Gidado speaking. Thank you for choosing British Airways. This is flight 14T from Nigeria to Manchester. Our estimated arrival time is 5:00 hours local time. We have a special guest with us today. Seated among you is my wife in chair A16, hey baby..."

A chorus of "awws" filled the cabin, prompting her to open her eyes and look in the direction of the mentioned seat. Sure enough, a woman sat there, her face blushing as people whispered about the cute couple.

The wife shyly hung her head low, clearly uncomfortable with the attention. It seemed she wasn't a fan of being in the spotlight.

The Captain, Asad Gidado, continued in an amused tone, seemingly unaffected by the public display of affection, unlike his wife who wished she could disappear. "...it's her first time flying on a plane piloted by me. So, I'll make sure to get you all safely to our destination, or I'll never hear the end of it from her.

On that note, please fasten your seat belts and switch your phones to flight mode. If you need assistance, the cabin crew is available..."

Amina huffed and rolled her eyes before muttering under her breath, "Let the single breathe, people." Despite her words and actions, she couldn't help but be in awe of the couple. It was a cute display of affection, and she internally swooned. If it didn't make her feel so single, she would have cheered for them too. They were undeniably head over heels in love, the kind of love everyone desires.

On another note, she couldn't help but think she would faint if her love interest showed public affection like that. She disliked being the center of attention and preferred observing others from behind the screen.

That's what she was good at, and that's why she had left her old life behind to pursue her dream. A dream that not many understood the value of, but a dream that she wholeheartedly adored.

Her dream involved closely observing human interactions and portraying them in a way that touched people's souls.

As the flight prepared to take off, she held her breath and gripped the armrest tightly, her eyes shut and her heart pounding. She could feel her heart racing within her chest, and her fingers digging into the armrest.

She tried to practice the breathing exercises she had been taught, hoping the time would pass quickly. She always hated the moments during takeoff, as they felt the same every time.

It wasn't until the plane was safely in the sky that she released her grip on the armrest. Slowly opening her eyes, she was startled by what she saw.

The armrest was actually a person's arm. She had unintentionally held someone's hand tightly, most likely leaving bruises due to her strong grip.

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