7; Whispered Promises in Hallyu.

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Amina meticulously applied the final touch of her makeup, a lip gloss that perfectly complemented her look. Satisfied with her reflection, she smiled and muttered, "Perfect."

Moving away from the vanity table, she picked up her shoulder bag that she had carelessly thrown on the now untidy bed while searching for the ideal outfit for her first day at work. She hurriedly left the spacious bedroom.

Before leaving, Amina briefly considered making something to eat in the kitchen, specifically tea. However, she quickly dismissed the thought, reminding herself of the earlier reasoning. She decided against it.

Glancing at the digital clock resting on a nearby cabinet, she noticed it was 7:50 AM. Aware that she had no time to waste, as her work started at 9:00 AM, she chose not to idle around. She planned to buy something to eat at work, assuming they would have a cafeteria or similar facilities available.

With that in mind, she swiftly made her way to the corridor. She slipped out of her flip flops and put on a pair of pearl white sneakers. Observing the weather forecast earlier predicting rain, she hurriedly shrugged on an oversized pastel coat. She wanted to be prepared for any change in weather.

She mentally reminded herself to buy an umbrella when she left the building, knowing she would otherwise get soaked. Her movements were swift as she hurriedly stepped out of the apartment, with the door locking behind her with a soft buzz. She rushed to the elevator.

The descent to the first floor felt shorter than her earlier ascent, but she didn't dwell on it. As soon as the doors opened, she hastened outside to hail a cab, hoping to avoid a repeat of the previous day's airport ordeal.

Unfortunately, luck seemed to elude her once again. She spent nearly half an hour trying to flag down a cab, but none paid attention to her. She was certain she appeared foolish standing there, but she didn't care. Determined not to give up, she continued her attempts to find a cab. Time was ticking, and she had only thirty minutes left to reach her destination, unsure if she would make it on time.

Being late on her first day would create a poor first impression, which she wanted to avoid.

Unbeknownst to Amina, someone was watching her, witnessing her struggle. He hadn't intended to, but while sipping his morning tea on the balcony and enjoying the fresh air, his gaze fell upon her.

Amina's hijab, which she had neatly wrapped around her hair, was beginning to slip, but she seemed unconcerned. She was too preoccupied waving her hands and bouncing on her feet like a headless chicken  in an attempt to hail a cab.

Did she not realize it was rush hour? Couldn't she order a cab online like everyone else? Did she think she was still in Nigeria?

He was certain she was Nigerian as well, given her accent and demeanor. Even if she were in Nigeria, couldn't she order an Uber? Or did she think she could hail a cab on the street like a tricycle? She could, but not at that hour.

Aahil tsked and shook his head, furrowing his brow at her perceived foolishness. Although he found some amusement in watching her appear comical on the street, it was becoming pitiful.

He leaned against the door frame, taking sips of his tea while observing her. After half an hour of her futile attempts, he found it rather sad. Nonetheless, he appreciated the free morning entertainment.

Shaking his head upon finishing the tea, he turned around and headed back inside. His hand slipped underneath the cashmere cardigan he had on and into the pocket of his pants to pull out his phone. He tapped a few things on it while making his way to the kitchen. When he was done, he made a quick action of washing the cup before placing it aside.

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