24; Ramen Romance.

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Brace up, ladies. We're in the era of Aahil being lovey dovey.

Single people, put your face masks. Love is in the air and it reeks of oppression!

There are few instances where Amina chooses to forget things going on in her life, and things that had happened as well simply because it doesn't matter then. She wouldn't allow them to ruin what she has, she deserves some peace of mind as well.

That moment she found herself in is one of those times. It's a moment where she chose to keep aside the fact that Aahil could be, and is an asshole in more than one occasion.

She didn't think she would ever find herself in such situation, especially not that early. Or more like, not that easily.

However, when she found herself seated on a stool by the kitchen island, watching as he walked around, getting ingredients to prepare something for her, she couldn't help but think it's weird how fast time changes.

What led to that? Well, she had bawled her eyes out and then decided she was hungry. It was such a weird request, but she couldn't help it. She really was hungry, she could barely eat much at the BBQ so her stomach has been rumbling.

She intended to just take tea, because she in the kitchen isn't a good idea. However, there's Aahil. She could only complain to him since it's his home anyway.

And that led to them, in that peculiar moment.

Amina leaned her head on her palms, her arms resting on top of the wide space while she fixed her gaze on him. Then, her voice came. It was light, teasing almost. "You're being oddly nice to me, you know."

Aahil looked up from the cooker he had turned on. "Would you prefer I be rude to you instead?"

Amina pretended to think, folding her lips in the process. She then shook her head, her lips slanted upwards into a small smile. "No, I'd rather have nice Aahil tonight. You can go back to being the rude, inconsiderate, mean Aahil tomorrow." The her voice dropped as she added in a small tone. "I think I like nice Aahil more."

Aahil only got the first part or so he pretended. He maneuvered round the place, picking up essentials. "Well, for your information, nice Aahil is still the same as the rude, mean and inconsiderate Aahil." He pointed out.

She vehemently expressed her disagreement by shaking her head. "No. This nice Aahil has to be an alien. The real one isn't capable of being this nice."

Aahil turned around, his face scrunched up as if asking what the hell did she just say. "What?" He was left chuckling upon seeing the wide grin she spotted. His eyes narrowed slightly, as he tried to fight back his smile. "Are you sure you haven't had a sip of the soju the guys had earlier?"

Amma made one rule clear, no alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes in the house. It was the one rule she upheld regardless of what. But Hunter being well, Hunter just had to sneak in one bottle under her nose.

Aahil scolded him for him, when he discovered it after the guy had downed it down completely. He made a mental note to scold him tomorrow while the guy is nursing his hangover. He's terrible with alcohol. His tolerance is low and he still takes it.

Knowing how loose Hunter's screws are, Aahil wouldn't be surprised if he had offered Amina some or tried to fool her into taking it by naming it something else judging from the way she's acting. He hoped not, because if that had actually happened, Hunter will be getting a piece of his mind.

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