5; Journey To K-Love.

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Dear Miss Ibrahim,

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on your accomplishment. Having carefully reviewed your resume, we are immensely pleased and satisfied with your qualifications. It is with great pleasure that we inform you of our decision to select you as one of the ambassadors for our esteemed brand. We eagerly anticipate your presence and look forward to welcoming you into our team.

Best regards,

Hallyu Heritage.

Amina's lips formed an upward slant as she gracefully strolled out of the terminal at Incheon International Airport, her arrival in Korea marking the beginning of a chapter she hoped would leave an indelible impact on her life-an unforgettable one.

With one hand firmly gripping her suitcase and the other clutching her phone, she couldn't resist checking the message that had brought her to this place, once again relishing the joy it brought her. Admittedly, her lifelong dream was writing, yet she found equal enjoyment in modeling.

The fact that she had landed a modeling gig in Seoul, with a renowned brand no less, left her utterly thrilled. She was undoubtedly over the moon. However, her arrival in the country served as a stark reminder of what had transpired just a few days prior when she arrived in Manchester, believing it to be the place that held such promise, only to find herself relocating shortly thereafter.

Truly, the wonders never ceased.

Upon receiving the email, she must have checked and verified its authenticity a dozen times over. If her old acquaintance hadn't personally vouched for it, having recommended her personally, she might have dismissed it as some elaborate prank.

Yet, after all the double-checking, it became increasingly certain that the opportunity was genuine, that her eyes were not deceiving her.

Without wasting another moment, she packed her belongings once again, not that she had accumulated much, and ventured to the other side of the world, a bold attempt to carve out a new life for herself.

As she stepped out of the airport, a wave of goosebumps traversed her skin, the warm sun of Seoul gently kissing her, reminding her of the anticipation she had felt earlier when she acquired the shades that shielded her eyes from the blinding sun.

She recollected her conversation with Inaya, informing the woman of yet another sudden departure. Curiously, she found herself nervous when breaking the news to Inaya, who embodied a maternal figure in her life-a person who scolded her when she erred. And scolded she was.

"Wait a moment, I supported you the first time, but this is simply absurd," Inaya's voice emanated from the other end, exasperation undeniably present in her tone.

Usually calm and composed, Inaya was inadvertently being supplanted by an image of concern and exasperation, courtesy of Amina's deliberate actions.

Amina, on her end of the video call, could only sigh, anticipating the prolonged conversation that lay ahead. She continued packing her belongings, albeit there wasn't much to pack since she had only acquired essential items for her stay.

"One minute you're in Manchester, and the next, what? You're moving to Korea? Seriously, Amina? Are you alright? Does any of this make sense to you?"

"Yes, it does," Amina responded casually, neatly folding an article of clothing and placing it in her suitcase.

An audible hiss escaped Inaya's lips. "This is not the time for you to act clever, young lady," she scolded, her gaze narrowing at the figure on the other end of the video call who appeared uninterested. "At this point, it would make more sense for you to say you're simply traveling the world. It would be more comprehensible than whatever this is."

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