28; Cracks In the Façade.

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Should I leave, or should I stay?

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Should I leave, or should I stay?

Should I leave, or should I stay?

Should I leave, or should I stay?

Amina weighed those options in her mind repeatedly, like a broken cassette while conversations continued in the background. She tried to tune them out, resisting the urge to drown them with the cup of drink—the only thing she ordered despite being asked to order anything she wants.

She couldn't bring herself to stomach any of it. Not that she had any trust in what was served to begin with. It just didn't sit right with her, not when she has a bad feeling regarding the whole thing.

Did anyone care what she thought though? Not a single soul. Veronica's voice was the most heart, as she tried so hard to get on the good side of the guy with the creepy smile whom Amina eventually found a label for him.

Captain of Anyang Mavericks, the top Korean Football team.

From what Amina had gathered, Veronica is trying to get him to agree into allowing one of the team members—Amina has no idea what his name is—take the place of the guy Ae Ra had been trying to scout to avail. No one asked her to, she was simply trying to gain some good points for herself.

Truth be told, Amina had no idea why they keep pushing this issue any further. Whoever is the person Ae Ra had been chasing, clearly, it isn't going to work out—so why not just replace him with someone else?

After all, Hallyu has the power to get someone else to fit the concept so they can close the issue and get it over and done with. It seems to cause nothing but trouble for them. Because if it isn't for that, Veronica wouldn't have had the chance to push through with this sad excuse of a plan of hers because Amina could really see it crashing.

The Captain is a jerk that without a doubt is there just for his pleasure—he seems to enjoy seeing other grovel at his feet, making themselves look stupid in the process. He wouldn't agree to whatever she's proposing, that much is obvious. But the woman fails to pick up on the obvious, and kept on pushing with her pitiful attempts.

"If you agree to this, it'll be beneficial to us both, and you know it." The woman's voice came yet again, her gaze fixed on the man two chairs away from her. "Let us work together on this--"

"Enough, enough. Relax. Let's discuss this later on." Yet again, like it's been since the ridiculous dinner started, he cut her off with a slight wave of his hand. Reaching his finger up, he rubbed the space underneath his nose before shifting his gaze to Amina, whom hadn't spared him a glance or uttered a word since he seated herself down. "Agassi...how about a drink?" It doesn't take a genius to tell he's picked her as his target for the night.

Veronica is too annoying to be targeted, she would talk his ears off and she just seems like the clingy type. He wouldn't spare her another glance. The younger woman though...there's something about her that draws him to her.

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