35; Tangled in Norigae Threads of Fate.

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"I'll take you somewhere."

That single statement somehow made her cave in, not without throwing a questioning look in his direction before she joined him off to God knows where. By the time they all left the Karaoke bar, Chris was pretty much hammered and surprisingly so was Ae Ra. You'd think Hunter will be the one in that situation but the man surprisingly knows how to handle his liquor well.

Bae Hyun took his girlfriend away, bidding the group farewell while Hunter took the drunk Chris that could barely stand on his two feet home as well—or at least, to the place they decided to stay for the days left.

Benazir of course wanted to tag along with her friend, she even made preparations for a sleep over. However, upon hearing the words her cousin uttered, she was more than excited to leave them alone, offering them a thumbs up and a wide grin before she disappeared off as well, heading back first.

There was still some time left before it was really late. If the two wanted some alone time for a date, who is she to object? She's pretty much the president of their fan-club, she supports it fully.

Amina was honestly baffled with how calm headed and supportive Benazir was being over the situation. Shouldn't she be against anything brewing between them? She's being the exact opposite.

Still, she held her questions to herself, making a mental note to drill Benazir for answers when she gets home later on. Being the gentleman he was feigning to be, Aahil even did the honor of opening the passenger seat door for her, as if he wasn't the one that was so much against letting her in his car a few months ago.

How time seems to fly fast was beyond her.

Nonetheless, she settled in the cozy chair and held back the urge to ask him where he was taking her. She didn't want to give in and go along with him, but something propelled her to do so. It was hard to explain.

He didn't say anything as well, and made little move aside from reaching out to lower the conditioning when he noticed it was starting to bother her. To lessen the awkwardness in the air, he turned on the radio, a random song humming in the background.

She seemed to know it though, because she began to hum to it almost immediately. She recognized Confess To You by Lim Kim, it being a recognized OST of a kdrama she watched not long enough—King The Land. She could recall how obsessed she was with the soundtrack. It has pretty much imprinted itself in her mind, she was wired to get sucked into that moment immediately she hears the song.

The ride continued that way, with the songs changing seamlessly—from the ones she knew, and those she'd never heard of before. Soon enough, the car came to a halt—signifying their arrival at their destination. Out of instinct, she looked out to see if she could recall the place.

She did.

Namsan Tower. One of the many places she was planning to visit having rounded up the project. Only a few days prior, she discussed it with Hunter and the others, she didn't think Aahil paid any heed to it because he didn't seem to care about their conversation—being caught up in his own world with his phone.

Perhaps, he truly wasn't paying attention and simply choose the place by chance, she tried to convince herself into not getting any false hopes. However, when she heard him utter a statement then, her mind became a jumbled mess.

"You wanted to come here, didn't you?" He inquired, taking off his seat belt as he faced her, sporting a warm smile. "Wait, give me a minute." He held his hands up to stop her before she could make any move to go out or reply.

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