11; Bibimbap Hearts.

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An update because why not? Comments for an update?

"Okay, I know you have to be rich to live where you do, and the way you do. You don't strike me as one living a fake life. So, don't you think this place is a bit... I don't know, rowdy?" Amina's lips curled upwards slightly in disgust upon standing in front of the small stall because she wouldn't even call that a restaurant. "I'm certain your standards are more than this."

When he agreed to take her out, after she pitifully explained her situation to him, or as pitiful as she could muster up, she didn't have the highest expectations.

But at least, she expected a medium place, not a downtown, rowdy stall in the midst of nowhere.

Just then, she saw two people duck out from under the set-up canopy, sporting big grins on their faces. It wasn't about the smile; it was something about their looks that made her stomach curl.

She subconsciously took a step back, only to bump into him. Upon realizing her mistake, she was quick to turn around and let out a string of apology. "Sorry... I'm sorry about that. I didn't realize—"

"You coming or what?" He cut her off, his tone dripping with boredom.

Amina's lips slanted into a frown, her mind going back to the first day they met at the airport. She'd been trying to put it behind her and leave it where it belongs, especially since he helped her then, but she's starting to regret it.

Seems he will forever be an asshole. Good to know.

Not waiting for her answer, he sidestepped her, one of his hands tucked in his pocket, reaching out to push aside the leather makeshift canopy and ducking in.

Amina had a quick double thought. She was weighing her options on whether to go into the place that's probably on the least list of places she'd ever gone to, or make a dash for it and take tea.

She should be able to make tea now. It's just to boil water and put a tea bag along with sugar cubes. How hard can it be?

She'd survive if she just lives off of tea.

The sensible part of her brain pointed out that it'll be a terrible idea. So, against the nagging part that's recoiling into a ball at the thought of eating at a place like that, she drew her lower lip between her teeth and pushed her feet forward.

Screw it. She's hungry, she cannot risk it for anything.

Even if it tastes bad, it's not like she has any reason to be picky. She has no right to.

So, a rowdy downtown stall it is. Yay.

Unlike him, she didn't have to duck under to get in, already of the right height or a bit shorter but she'd ignore that part. Upon stepping in, she was welcomed by grease-scented air and a row of tables that were surprisingly more than she expected the stall to fit.

Not to mention, half the place was packed already. The light hum of their voices filled the air, making it sound like a buzz of some sort.

She didn't have to look around far, spotting him already settled on a table by the corner, typing something away on his phone.

She took a second and forced a fake smile on her face before trudging in his direction. Her skin was crawling simply by being there, when it's even neater than she expected but still.

He made no comment on it as she settled on the chair beside him, not wanting to sit as far as being on the opposite side. Her mind would feel much better at least simply by being around someone she knows at the very least, even if she doesn't particularly take a liking to him.

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