Bonus Chapter.

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Bonus Chapter: Just Married.

“Ladies, Gentlemen, and uhm…Chris.” Hunter cleared his throat, ignoring the glare that got sent his way from the addressed man. He chuckled along with the others instead, before he continued. “I’d like you all to put your hands together for the latest couple in town. I present to you, Mr. And Mrs. Aahil Tafida!”

The backyard of Amina and Aahil’s matrimonial home which they had turned into a small dinner setting erupted with claps, despite not being much of them as the couple made an appearance hand in hand. Grins adorned their faces, as they were welcomed by the sight of their closest friends turned family.

It's the very day the knot was tied, and they’ve all agreed to a small, intimate dinner together, nothing else. They weren’t fans of crowds, nor were they in the mood to host a very big event of any sort. Instead, they will make do with the small gathering with the only people that matter the most to them.

Aahil and Amina made their way to the table set for them, facing the others. Aahil, like the gentleman he is, pulls a chair for his wife whom offered him a warm smile before setting down. He took his sit beside her, and as if dissatisfied with the distance between them, pulled her chair closer to his so there was no space between them. It instantly reminded Amina of that day he took her out for dinner in a run down stall in Seoul, and albeit a sour memory for her, the rerun had butterflies erupting in her belly.

The action of course earned them a round of awws and oohs from the others but Aahil remained unfazed. He casually took her hand in his, intertwining it before dropping it on his thighs.

Amina, faced beetroot, placed her head in his shoulder, buying her face there to save her the embarrassment. Thankfully, it’s just the Jeju Squad there plus their two best friends, Aadil Kari and Inaya Sa’id—whom gracefully made an appearance together  in this beautiful tale contrary to their rugged, tense filled one.

She eventually got over the embarrassment, when Hunter, whom tasked himself the job of an Emcee, continued on from where he stopped. He extended his hand out to pick up a champagne flute from a waiter passing by, then turned around to face the others. “I want you all to raise your glasses before we begin to make a toast to the newly married couple.”

They all did as he asked, including the couple with their undivided attention set on the man.

Hunter fixed his gaze on Amina, offering her a warm, but underlined with mischief smile. “Noona, it’s a great honor to see you two finally settle down, and how he managed to get you at long last. We all know he would’ve been sulking and shedding tears still had you turned him down.”

Aahil glared at him, upset to have his secret laid out like that. But, the man is right. He would indeed be sulking and acting like a teenage girl that got her heart broken by her first crush.

Hunter seemed immune to the glare, because he has a feeling he’ll be getting a lot of it that night. Still, he carried on. “—let me let you all in on a little secret.” He chuckled, already amused by the thought of it.

“Hunter…” Aahil warned, already regretting giving the guy a microphone. He’s screwed, he knows that now. Hunter will expose his secrets like that. They will all see him finish.

And he was right, judging from the wicked smile sent his way.

“—during the year you two were apart, especially during the early days, I’ve caught him not once, not twice, listening to sad songs late at night and wiping his tears.” Hunter erupted into fits of laughter, just like everyone else did except a red faced Aahil. “He listened to break up songs so much that I’m certain he can sing them up head. Bro, you can sing Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon, right? You listened to it the most.”

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