12; The Seoul Connection.

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Yall should thank Amiiyraah_x for this. Her comments made my day fr❤️

Amina has always believed in the law of paying everything back whatever it is someone owes her regardless of the situation.

If you owe her, she pays you back and you have to accept it for she wouldn’t take it back.

So, she believes she owes Aahil one now for last night’s dinner. She was the one that asked for it anyway, because she was in desperate need of it. It still doesn’t change the fact that they hate each other’s guts though, even more considering what he did for to her afterwards.

She owes for the food, or so she wanted to believe till he ran way and ditched her. Now, she owes him a piece of her mind.

She couldn’t get to do so the night before as by the time she returned, it was actually quite late and she didn’t have the energy to argue with him. The small energy she had managed to muster was spend on wishing dishes and mopping the floor to pay back for the food she'd eaten.

“Work and earn what you eat.” Said the stall owner  lady. She said it in Korean, or more scolded it in to Amina’s mind whom used her little  knowledge of Korean to translate it.

She couldn’t even argue with the woman. How could she when she’s holding the short end of the stick?

She could do nothing other than hang her head low and scrub the floors clean to avoid getting scolded. Her outfit, of designer brand, got tainted by Kimchi water and she doesn’t need a genius to tell her it wouldn’t easily come out, if it would.

It's ruined anyway. And she adored that outfit with everything in her.

All throughout, she was cursing out Aahil’s entire generation and making a mental note to give him a piece of her mind. She’s so sick and tired of him. Every time he gets involved, every single damn time, something bad always happens. It’s like trouble follows him around like that.

When she was done scrubbing and washing dishes, something she’d never ever done in her life before, she was finally allowed to leave. She was in a rush to disappear and never been seen there again.

She’d need another shower to get rid of that stench, and to think she took one just before she went out.

Damn you, Aahil.

She was stopped by the owner, the woman Amina had grow a fear of because God, can she scold. Her loud voice was enough sent divers down one’s spines.

She brought a pack of something wrapped in a silk an pushed it into Amina’s arms. “Here, take this home and eat it. It’s bad to stay without anything healthy. Don’t depend on those junk food of yours.” She said in Korean, and yet again, Amina managed to translate and put a meaning to it.

She stared down at the small lunch boxes that have been piled to make a tall pile. Her eyes widened, and then she instantly shook her head. “No, I really can’t take this…” What follows after she’s taken it, a part time job where she’ll wash and scrub stalls? No, thank you.

That’s the last thing she wants. The horror.

The woman was quick to wave her hand and cut her off. “Nonsense, take it, it’s free. And don’t worry, I didn’t add anything that’s not permissible to eat.”

Even with that said, Amina still wasn’t willing to accept it. Yes, she definitely needs it especially now that she’s broke, but how could she take food from a random stranger without paying? It doesn’t make sense.

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