48; Farewell To Forever.

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Three long weeks, that's how long Aahil has been groveling for so far.

It didn't matter what he chooses to do and how he chooses to do it, she wouldn't budge in the slightest. And with Abuwi leaving only a day after the whole debacle, Aahil doesn't exactly have anyone to help him win her favor—not that he believed he needed any help at first.

He thought he would be able to win he rover easily, but it's proving to be a formidable task—especially because she's pretending as if he doesn't exist. And his biggest obstacle yet, the one person he chose to undermine.

A certain Hamoud guy.

He had underestimated Amina's affection for him, believing it's nothing more than a mere fling that she would forget about once he come back into the picture. And yet, the more he pushes, trying to get on her good side, the more she seems to grow tender care for the guy.

Aahil's rocket high confidence has really been depleted to smithereens. He was starting to wonder whether she's the same woman he fell for or not, because the cold shoulder he was getting is simply beyond words.

He tried everything he possible can, while staying clear of people's sight anyway because the last thing he needed at the moment is another scandal about them—especially not when he's currently in the limelight.

He wasn't sure of things anymore, but he's certain she wouldn't take that lightly. So, he steered clear of pretty much everyone's sight, except hers. Flowers, gifts, showing up at random places she's alone to get her attention, acts of service...whatever, you name it. He'd done it all, only to be ignored.

He was no longer confident, not knowing what to do either.

Plus, he had other issues to worry about which he had been putting off aside because of her that he can longer do so no matter how much he wanted to.

"I really don't get what's going on with you, AT. I gave you one week break, and you spent what? Three weeks!" An exasperated voice came from the other end of the call, making Aahil reach his hand out to massage his temples.

Making his way to the balcony of the penthouse he was currently staying in—courtesy of the club making the top notch reservations for him, he flicked his eyes close, taking in a breath of fresh air to clear his mind. His hands wrapped around the rail, his fingers clenching shut as he thought of what excuse to give, only to come up with none.

"I'm sorry." He knew he's at fault, there's no doubt there. He was indeed granted just a week, and yet, he extended it that much without letting them know, because he's well aware he wouldn't get what he seeks. "I really am, Coach."

"I am not seeking your apologies, young man. I am not interested in your excuses as well." On most occasions, the Coach is akin to a father to them all on the team—Aahil had grown a close relationship to him over the past year as the man welcomed him with open hands.

However, that to say doesn't mean he feigns a deaf ear and blind eye to the things the man does. He doesn't accept it in the slightest.

"—Are you forgetting that the World Cup is in two months? This is not the time for you to be slacking around. You know what this means for you, your whole career depends on it. This is the only chance you've got to redeem yourself, need I remind you that?" His words may sound harsh, but it really is the truth.

It's the one thing Aahil cannot deny even if he wants to. Not that he plans on doing that.

He sucked a breath, slouching forward slightly as the words hit him in the gut. He's well aware that he's wasting time like that, precious time that needs to utilize if he really wants to win.

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