49; Oppa Overboard.

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I can't be the only one upset about Labarina, am I?

Aminu Saira ya qure min hadda Sha. I've been hissing since.

Amina slipped back into their dorm room alone, making her way towards her bed, underneath Lana's bunk. Reaching out her hand, she untied the veil she'd wrapped into a veil before she was dragged out for the surprise as her friends claimed. She discarded it somewhere on the bed, before crashing on it as well, resting on her back.

A few seconds passed of her lying motionless before she lifted her left hand, to stare at her ring finger with her head tilted to the side slightly. Her heart felt heavy, too heavy for it to be contained in her ribcage. She wasn't sure what she was feeling exactly, she was feeling a range of various emotions, it felt impossible to simply pick one out and stick to it.

Upon getting tired of simply staring at her hand, she dropped it to the side, her eyes flicking close as she took in a deep breath, practicing her breathing exercises. She's read somewhere on the internet that doing that helps for when one feels as though there's a lot going on in his mind. She didn't believe it then, but having being rendered no choice, she had to try.

She continued the action for a short while, till her heart rate slowed down to normal. Her mind went back to what happened earlier, and she was suddenly hit by a wave of nostalgia, a strong one. She felt as though her throat was clogged, so, she cleared it a few times.

She wasn't sure how long she sat there motionless, her mind playing the activities of the past month as a whole like a broken playlist, but at one point, the sound of someone else clearing their throat snapped her out of that trance.

She blinked, zoning back to the present. Her eyes glanced in the direction the sound came from, where she found Yu Ri standing there, leaning against the bunk with her arms crossed over her torso. Her expression was hard to read, not with her lips set into a tight line like that.

Regardless, Amina pushed aside the feeling of unease, offering the woman a small smile as she pushed herself up to sit down. "Hey, Yu Ri." Her voice was soft, and light—a testament of how she was truly feeling at the moment.

Yu Ri's frown deepened if possible. She held her silence for a short while, before her voice came, lowly. "Speak to me." She muttered softly, but it resonated loud as they were alone, and the room was silent, a pin drop could be heard. Moving from where she stood, she settled down on the bed beside Amina, turning around to give her undivided attention. "Talk to me, what's going on in that head of yours?"

Amina's smile widened slightly, though it was pretty much fake. She shook her head, feigning ignorance. "What are you talking about?" She muttered. "There's nothing bothering me. I'm good."

Ahn Yu Ri hummed, quirking a brow in a way that showed she doesn't believe her in the slightest. "You've been out of it for a while, you know. I'm not blind. The others may not see it, but I do." She can tell when someone's bothered by something, and she can confidently say in this case that something is bothering Amina. "It's been going on for weeks. The spacing out, the fake smiles, the sudden silence...something's going on with you. Tell me, what is it exactly?"

Amina was about to shake her head, firmly standing with the idea of denying that notion when Yu Ri threw her a slight glare that dared her to claim otherwise.

So, she sighed, looking away for a second. "I'm...good, really." She swallowed thickly, lying straight through her teeth. Meeting Yu Ri's gaze again, she tried to offer her a genuine smile this time around. "I know you're only worried about me, Yu Ri, and I appreciate it honestly but you don't need to. I'm okay. Hmm?"

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