21; Kimura.

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By the time they returned home, it was nearing afternoon, and everyone was awake. Even the guys had dropped by, making the house livelier with their presence. At that point, Amina was convinced the only thing they didn’t do there is sleep, but they practically lived there.

Amma and the others considered them a part of the family as well, so no one seemed to mind. Not that Amina did either. It was nice being around the company of people after living a life of solitude for a while.

Besides, it felt good to be part of a big group, even if reality would soon come knocking on her door again.

Before that happened, she tasked herself with enjoying the moment. From the good moments to the bad ones, and the casual ones with no labels.

An excited voice soon interrupted her train of thought, its enthusiasm hard to miss. “Hola chica! Oh, sorry, we’re in Korea. Annyeonghaseyo, noona. I can call you that, right? Benazir said you’re older than you look,” greeted Hunter, always the most jovial of them all.

They exchanged quick greetings with Amma, and she left to rest for a while, giving them space. She seemed to derive more joy from doing her own thing than prying into their lives.

She would when there was a need for it, but not then. They were adults, after all. The guys could be reckless, but they were adults nonetheless.

So with her gone, they directed their attention to Amina. Naturally so. There was a teasing notion in the air upon seeing the two women bonding, and Amina didn’t miss it, though she chose not to address it.

Amina offered him a warm smile. He just happened to be her favorite of them all, after Dean, that is. “Hey, Hunter.” She didn’t make any remark about her age.

Judging from how young Hunter looked, she could be older. She was actually older than Benazir as well, and most of her mates back in secondary school. The reason being, she joined school late, so she wasn’t on par with her peers.

She didn’t care though. Why should she? There was no reason for that. It’s just the way life is.

She’s not perfect. Her life has never been. She’s simply normal. A tad bit weird and odd, but normal still.

Hunter, being inquisitive as ever, wasn’t willing to drop the topic though. He then pressed on, “So, I can call you noona, huh? For formality’s sake. And to pay respect to the country’s culture as well.”

She shrugged. “Whatever floats your boat.” He didn’t sound like he’d listen if she asked him to stop anyway, so why bother? “It wouldn’t be for long anyway.”

After this, she’s not sure she’ll ever see him again, or the others as well. They happen to live in separate worlds, as she reminded herself after her conversation with Dean the day before.

He nodded to himself, as if making a mental note to keep addressing her as such. “Well, with you being our potential sister-in-law, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other soon.” He added cheekily, drawing his lower lip between his teeth to hide his grin, knowing he’d crossed a line.

And if he hadn’t made a remark that had her stomach in knots, she would’ve admitted Hunter is quite good-looking. He possesses striking green eyes that shimmer with depth and intrigue. His chestnut hair, which appears to have been touched by the sun’s warm rays, gives off a hint of red undertones, creating a captivating contrast against his fair skin.

His boyish charm Is undeniable, with soft features that exude innocence and playfulness. A natural smile graces his lips, highlighting his approachable demeanor. His overall appearance is that of a heartthrob, effortlessly combining youthfulness and undeniable cuteness.

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