32; Hanbok Hearts.

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For the first time since Amina joined Hallyu, she felt like a part of them

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For the first time since Amina joined Hallyu, she felt like a part of them. She felt important, and useful in all way she could possibly think of.

Taking charge of such an important project wasn't something she ever saw herself doing, nor could she believe she would be able to handle it and pull it off. If not that she has the guys with her.

If it were some people else, complete strangers that she is to coordinate and work with for the first time—she doubts she would've been able to pull it off. However, with them around, it felt more like a group work rather than a model-supervisor relationship.

Perhaps, it was the random moments when Bae Hyun surprisingly helped her coordinate the settings and finding the perfect way to organize everything without her asking or making her look dumb in the process. It was simply him offering help, in a way that makes her understand the field more.

It wasn't like she'd ever done anything like that, and with Choi Ae Ra trusting her with such an important task, she didn't want to do anything wrong. Luckily, the man seems to have more expertise in the element so he chirped in every once in a while.

Whether while going through the list of people needed for a successful production of the entire thing, he aided in picking out the production and post production team while she handled the creative team, comprising of the stylists, art director, and set designer.

Later on, she realized why he had more knowledge on the whole thing. Apparently, he did more brand ambassadorship than anyone else on their team. It made everything make more sense.

Then again, maybe it was the moments when Hunter gave her little headaches with the shoot. With how he normally is, she thought he'd give them a hard time by being goofy and all during the shoots but there was none of that. Surprisingly, he is dedicated to his work quite a lot.

It was baffling to see how easily he morphed into a serious individual in the shoots. Amina would've swooned as well if her mind and heart wasn't a jumbled mess, unable to decide whom it is she is attached to exactly.

Still though, his visuals doing the photoshoot was impeccable and swoon worthy. Amina could hear some of the female crew members gushing over the man. She could only chuckle, shifting her attention from the camera where the photoshoots were displayed to the man posing.

She shook her head, a small smile donning her lips as she focused her attention back on the current work at hand. He made her work easier without much effort because if anything, those women's reaction served as a feedback. Hopefully, the work will turn out to be a success.

Then again, there was Chris, whom Amina was starting to see as an elder brother amongst the men. Though they were pretty much of the same age, he was a few months older. But, it wasn't about the age, it was about how he effortlessly stepped into the role.

Of course, with her suddenly being made to helm such an important task, there was bound to be quite a number of her coworkers that will be against it. Though they couldn't do a thing about it, they still spoke behind her backs, and sometimes, even threw shade out in the open.

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