23; Moonlit Melodies In Jeju.

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Chapter song. Star by Colde.

Aahil found it hard to sleep that night. He couldn't bring himself to sleep, not that he tried to. He was used to having days when insomnia strikes, and he is left helpless in its arms.

That day was one of those days.

It wasn't that he wasn't in need to rest, he actually was. He was exhausted to say the least, he'd stayed up late exerting the little energy he has in training-brutal training that pushed his limits to the very stage where he couldn't feel his limbs anymore.

He knew he wasn't supposed to train that hard, he wasn't supposed to strain himself that hard unless he wants to deal with the after effects, but he wasn't paying any heed to that.

What he feared rather than his injury worsening, is staying idle and no longer being one of the best players out there. He couldn't have that. He would swallow the pain if he has to.

And he does. He has to take it all. He will.

However, at one point, he got tired of tossing around in bed and simply got up, knowing sleep had long eluded him. He would be lucky if he gets to sleep during the second half of the night.

On getting on his feet, he made his way to the window to get some fresh air, perhaps, it would help him clear his mind as it always does.

His steps were light, a sign of his body being tired and in need of rest he wouldn't get even if he wanted to. He pushed still, only stopping once he was by the window. He pulled open the curtains and allowed air to seep into the room, somehow reducing the suffocating feeling he felt within.

His eyes flicked close for a moment as he inhaled sharply, taking in as much air as his lungs could before exhaling it softly. He the exhaled, and repeated the action a couple of times before he parted his eye lids open, setting it on the sight ahead.

There was one reason he still looked forward to spending their end of the month when possible in Jeju vacation. It's hard to explain, but there's something about the air in the house and surrounding it. By the end of it, one is left with a healing heart.

Not to mention the environment was one to revere in.

There's a beach just behind the house, one could easily trek there to take a breather. It was one of Aahil's favorite place to be, for such reason he picked the room that has the best sight of the beach.

Instinctively as he planted his gaze in the direction of the beach, peace instantly crashed over him as he watched the soft waves against the shore and back again. The Moonlight casted a beautiful glow on the sea, making it seem more beguiling.

Then something caught his gaze, or rather, someone. His brows drew in, lips set into a slight frown upon making the identity of the person.

Without so much as a second thought, he turned around and picked up a hoodie, before shrugging it on. His hand reached out into the closet to pick out an overcoat as well, along with a beanie. He picked up the first one in sight, only to place it back with a furrow of his brows.

He pushed aside the ones that came to sight, only to stop when he sighted the particular one he had in mind. It's a custom made beanie, one that he'd personally adored.

It even had his initials, AT04 written boldly on the front.

A small smile graced his features as he snagged it out, and closed the closet before stepping out, after stepping into the nearest shoe in sight. The digital clock by his bed reading 12:05am. Shortcake, his car, purred from her makeshift home upon sending movements around the room but was quick to curl herself back in the warmness it offered and drift away again.

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