31; The Jeju Squad.

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"So, what you're saying is-if I I'm getting you right, that is-is that there's a dating rumor ongoing about us." Amina stated slowly, as if that will make it any less believable. "About me," she gestured to herself, and then the man seated beside her. "And you."

Aahil nodded in confirmation, seeming way too composed for her liking.

She may not show it, yet, but she was freaking internally. She just wasn't sure how to visualize it yet. She needed to wrap her head around it entirely.

Dating rumors? Really? Of her and Aahil nonetheless?

Oh, God no.

And to make matters worse, the others did nothing lessen her worries-only adding to it if possible. "It's more than just rumors actually." Chris, as always being the sensible one chirped in, a chair beside Hunter-whom is seated across her. With everyone else's attention now on him, he went on to elaborate. "Rumors mean it's baseless. This isn't."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Amina found it weird how she managed to keep her voice calm, when she was seconds away from losing it entirely. Did he just say it's baseless? On what claims? What could possibly be the grounds that will justify people believing she's in a relationship with Aahil Tafida of all people?

Him? It can't be. Ever.

"There are pictures." The man stated as a matter of fact. Chris was simply laying out what everyone had already grasped, except she. "Numerous pictures of you two together that are misleading."

"Misleading?" Can they hear themselves? Amina wanted to ask. Since when has she ever been in a position with him that's misleading? Leave that room exchange incident out of the equation-that's been proven to be a mistake from the staff of the hotel.

She can't recall a single situation between them that would lead to that conclusion.

And it seemed they read what was going on in her mind, because Aahil stepped in before the man could make things worse. "Convincing." He corrected. "Pictures that make it convincing, he means."

Amina reached a hand to massage her temples, flicking her eyes close for a moment. A second later, she peeled them open, placing both her hands on the meeting table. Blowing out a breath, to calm herself, she inquired further. "What pictures could they possibly have to make them draw such a conclusion?"

"You two at the hospital." Hunter pointed out.

Chris followed afterwards, "You were spotted at the airport in both Jeju and Seoul together, on the plane as well." He mentioned. "Said you two travelled together."

She shook her head, raising a hand to stop them before they could make her mind a fumbling mess. "That was yesterday." She stated. "How could they have processed everything so fast? Didn't they need to collect facts together before publishing such news?"

"They have." This time around, it was Aahil that answered. When she turned around to look at him, awaiting an explanation, his fingers which he was using to drum the table with halted, followed by a response that drew out the most reaction from her. "A honeymoon."

"A WHAT?!" She pushed her chair back, instantly getting on her feet. Of all the ridiculous things she'd seen and heard that day, that statement tops the list.

Did she hear him right? Or were her ears deceiving her? Or perhaps, he was the one doing just that. He's pulling her legs, right?

It didn't seem like it, because he didn't take back his words. Instead, he held her gaze, turning around to look at her completely before he repeated it yet again. "A honeymoon." He voiced out slowly, so the words would sink in. "You know, the vacation newly married couple take--"

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