17; Melodies Of K-Love?

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"You brought a cat." Benazir stated, staring at the fuzzy little demon as Amina likes to call it in the arms of Aahil, whom casually strolled in with it with little care.

One of his hands held the white coated creature, while the other hand caressed it. To express its appreciation for the action, it curled into the man's arms further, seeking solace and comfort from being petted.

Aahil continued the action, almost subconsciously as h made his way further into the kitchen, where the others were with little care. "And so?"

Benazir shifted her gaze from the creature, to Amina whom stood behind her, as if seeking protection from the cute little being. Truth be told, anyone who does a double take at the creature can tell its harmless.

Amina was unwilling to see that though. In her eyes, it was a devil that will ounce on her any chance it gets. She could never see her overcoming her fear of cats.

It was obvious from the repelled look she pulled, glaring at the being from behind the protection of Benazir.

Benazir sighed, and tilted her head in the direction of Aahil, whom made his way to the refrigerator, pulling it open and looking for God knows what.

She remembers the promise she made to Amina, but she didn't bother to let anyone know because she hadn't expected anyone to bring a pet, especially not a cat and especially not Aahil.

He was never a pet person. What changed.

"How were you even allowed to bring a pet along? I thought you guys flew here as well." She knew it was possible since some do so, but she doubt with the way Aahil was petting it that he allowed it to stay in a cage for an hour flight.

He seemed to be treating it a little too much, maybe even better than he treats some people.

One of Dean's friends, and team mate, Hunter, chuckled from the side as he picked up a grape from the bowl on the table, and popped one into his mouth. "He's Aahil Tafida. Does that answer your question?" He slanted an amusing look in the direction of the man whom remained unfazed by the statement.

He acted as if he didn't even hear it. He casually went on to pull out a bottle of juice he wanted to take, before closing the refrigerator. Placing it on the counter, he shifted the cat to his other hand before pulling it open with his right hand.

Benazir casted an annoyed look in the direction of her cousin, "Yes, we get it. He's a celebrity and all, big deal."

"He is a big deal." Stated another of one Dean's team mate, Chris, the blonde with a knack for dark humor. Though his tone was light, there was no trace of amusement on his face.

He has always been the one that takes things a bit serious amongst them all. Safe to say, he's the sensible one. And the one with facts.

Benazir blew out a fed up sigh, hands akimbo. She just can't throw anything against Aahil in the presence of these guys, they are always quick to defend him. Makes one wonder what he does to earn this much solidarity from them.

And to think they are supposed to be opponents.

They get along well. Always have.

"Since when have you had a cat?" She resorted to asking instead, her lips slanted into a deep frown. "I don't remember you being the pet type of person." It wasn't like he can't take care of it or anything, heck, he can take care of them all if it comes to that.

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