47; Promises In Busan.

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Guys I've got two tests tomorrow. Include me in your prayers please.

Abuwi had been brainwashed.

That has to be it. Else, explain to Amina, how he, who spoke big about how he'll never accept Aahil Tafida nor even entertain any member of his family ever suddenly ended up chatting away with the man, and laughing in the living room of his hotel room after cancelling their plans for the day.

Curious, aren't you?

Well, it all started when the next day came. Since it was Saturday, Amina, whose room is beside her father's decided to go over and breakfast with him in a café nearby that has some good reviews. She thought, what's a better way to start the morning than with good food and some lovely moment with her Abuwi?

She giddily got dressed, tucking away the memories of the night before, fully prepared to spend the weekend with her father to the fullest. Upon standing in front of his room, she tapped the bell button, then waited light on her feet with her hands intertwined behind her.

She tapped her feet restlessly, sporting a wide grin while counting the seconds as she waited for the door to swing open. And, it did, a few seconds after. Only instead of the older looking man she adores and hoped to see, she saw a young man that she least-scratch that-didn't expect to see there even in her wildest dreams.

Her grin instantly disappeared, her eyes slowly dilating as she blinked, wondering if she was still dreaming. Perhaps, she's hallucinating. It has to be, because no way is her eyes actually seeing the man there.

She's gone nuts, she concluded. He had not only infiltrated her dreams the night before thanks to his words that refused to leave her brain even for a second, but he managed to make her see him in places as well.

Good one, Aahil Tafida. Good one.

If she thought she was thinking things, then his words that followed certified she was not only seeing things, but hearing it as well. Because how is it that his lips curled upwards into that has imprinted itself in her brain, as he stepped aside.

"Come in. We've been anticipating you." He gave her way to pass, gesturing for her to come in like a homeowner welcoming his guest.

Amina stared at him warily, like she's seeing a ghost. Still stunned, she extended her hand that held her phone, using it to poke his arm to make sure she wasn't imagining stuff, and that he was actually there.

The phone didn't go through him, meaning he's real.

If anything, his eyes followed her action, before he met her gaze again, that amused smile still there.

She took a few steps back, checking the number plate beside the door to be certain she didn't ring the wrong room.


That's the room indeed. Hers is 291C, just the door to the right.

Her head tilted to the side, her eyes slowly moving to meet his again, suddenly hit with that feeling as though she'd been in that position before. She got déjà vu.

It felt like when they first met in Seoul. The room mix-up accident.

She wasn't sure how long she stood there, staring at him as if she'd suddenly wake up from the dream, till a familiar voice came, putting a screeching halt to those thoughts of hers.

"Son." Called out a very familiar voice fondly. She could, and would recognize that voice even in her sleep. "Who is there?"

Son? Yup, she's definitely hearing stuff.

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