13; Mi Chin Saeggi.

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"I'm hungry."

Amina lifted her head up from her phone, seated on a couch opposite him. She had asked for a day off, or more like permission to do her work online for the day since it seemed she wouldn't leave the hospital before the day ends.

By some sort of miracle, Veronica agreed with little qualms.

Her lips slanted downwards into a frown, her eyes narrowed at the man now seated on the hospital bed. He had been awake much to her dismay, but they seemed to have arrived at some sort of unvoiced agreement that they wouldn't speak to each other.

It's been like that since the doctor in charge of him left. At first, it was a bit awkward, but they quickly grew out of it when they both engrossed themselves on their mobile devices—his, which the manager fetched along with everything he wanted based on Aahil's request.

Amina could only watch in wonder, seeing the way the manager was acting as if he would kiss the ground Aahil walks on. The obedience was too much.

And what does Aahil do? He seems unbothered by the action, almost like he was used to it.

Just who the hell is he?

"You're hungry?" She repeated, her gaze now on him despite having heard him as clear as day.

He nodded, his expression blank. "Yes."

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Buy me food."

Why is he telling her that again? She wondered whether he was kidding her. Did he forget what happened last night? She's in no position to get him food. Is he doing this intentionally to mock her or something? Because he seems to be pretty good at doing so.

She blew out a breath to calm herself before saying anything she might regret. Upon releasing the deep breath, she met his gaze with a plastered, fake wide smile. "Well, Mr. Whatever your last name is, I guess you've forgotten what happened last night, but," her fake grin widened. "I'm in no position to buy you food."

He didn't respond, neither did his expression give him away. There was no look of surprise, not that there is a reason for that, he knows already, and no mocking look as well to show he was kidding.

He simply stared at her with a blank look, unwavering.

She waited for him to take it back after one second, then the one after that, and another. Eventually, when she got no response, she found herself looking away for a brief second and then exhaling slightly before she met his gaze again.

"Listen, whatever it is you want to eat, I'm sure it's nothing you can't order online. It'll just take a few seconds to do so, I'm sure you know better than I do." He didn't seem like someone who's there for the first time, and even if he is, she's sure he's spent long enough to get acquainted with most people there.

The stall lady from last night, a typical example, she seems to know him well.

It means he knows his way around the place better than her, no doubt.

Why is he intent on making her suffer then? Because it seems he derives pleasure from seeing her all distressed.

"The place I want from doesn't do deliveries," he stated casually. "And I need it to eat that. You heard what the doctor said earlier, I need to be careful about what I eat. Do you want me to get sick again?"

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