37; Fragments Of The Past.

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"I got you this. Take it, I owe you this much since it's my fault yours had a problem."

That was what Aahil said when he handed Amina a black box wrapped neatly with a silk bowtie that he'd fetched from the backseat of his car upon dropping her home. They spent a little while longer at the Namsan Tower after their dialogue, before they decided to call it a night.

Weirdly enough, the drive back home wasn't awkward though neither of them spoke to the other throughout the drive. It was peaceful though each had a lot they wanted to stay to each other only to hold back. One believed there's enough time to say it all, and the other believed the right time will come. No need to rush.

Regardless, Aahil eventually pulled up in the underground parking lot of their building, where they both got off. While she made a move to pick her belongings, he picked out the box and rounded the car to reach where she stood.

Amina hesitantly took it from him, eying the box warily. "What is this?" She inquired. It felt light in her arms, she couldn't imagine what he could've possibly gotten for her there.

He dropped his hands by his sides, one of it rubbing the nape of his neck for a split second before his voice came. "Open it when you get home." His lips slanted into a small, soft smile. "You'll love it, I promise." He affirmed, sounding so certain though he was anything but internally.

He can never be sure with women. He could only hope she likes it.

She eyed the box again, seeming as though she was hesitating to take it because she really is. She wasn't sure if they're at the point of giving each other gifts, more like him giving her gifts just like that. Just a few hours earlier, he gave her a new pair of shoes. And now this? Whatever it is.

It's going too fast; they weren't close enough for that. Besides, she'll feel bad to always be on the receiving end.

He must've seen the hesitation across her features, so, he was quick to add in a light tone. "Keep it." He encouraged. "Can we call it truce?"

"Truce?" Her brows drew in, as she stared at him in confusion. She thought they'd already done that.

He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he took a step closer to her, seeming more serious than she'd ever seen him before. He nodded, to confirm his earlier statement. "Yes, truce." He looked down for a brief second, looking for the right words to use before he met her gaze again, this time more determined. "I'm truly sorry for everything I'd done up to you up to this point. I honestly had no intention of making your life hard. I was just childish, and failed to realize how I've made your life hard in the process. I know an apology won't be enough, but I hope it'll be the beginning. So, I hope, we can call it truce with this. That we'd be good."

He had been meaning to apologize for a while, and though he knew apologies were simply just words, he still wanted to say them, earnestly. Perhaps, she would see the sincerity behind his words and recent actions.

Even if she doesn't forgive him, an apology seems to be the first step down the right path. They haven't spoken of it at all, simply pretending it didn't happen. He felt it wasn't right. Since he's at fault, it's better he started to rectify it by apologizing.

Amina blinked, caught up by the sudden apology. Truth be told, she wasn't expecting that from him at all. Given, she'd seen the clear difference between the Aahil she knew before and the one standing right in front of her, she didn't think he changed that much. She liked this Aahil more. Quite a lot it happens.

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