Chapter 1

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Ahhh, the yarn took forever ;>

You groaned, rolling over uncomfortably. Holy hell your head hurt. You could feel a massive headache building. Your body also ached and burned in a way that made you constantly aware of it. It felt almost like you were hit by a-

You jolted, sitting up abruptly, and clutched your chest. You got ran over! By an oddly inconspicuous truck... and just as strangely, now that you observed your surroundings, you realized you didn't know where you were.

...were you dead? You wouldn't exactly be surprised, but waking up to an endlessly black abyss was a bit much. Nothing like complete darkness to tell you you're dead. Huh, you figured the knowledge you'd died would leave you more concerned. But in this space, you couldn't say you felt much, besides a bone-deep chill and your previous pain. You weren't sure how to feel about that.

"Hello? Anyone there?", you called out hesitantly. You weren't sure if you were alone, but the thought of sitting here with nothing but silence for company made anxiety churn in your gut. You sure hoped not, but then again you didn't know if others being here was a good thing either.

Figuring that waiting around wouldn't get you anywhere, you decided to try and walk around, maybe you'd find something interesting. With a little difficulty, you were able to push yourself off the ground. Your first few steps were more of stumbles before you began to walk more steadily. The pain you'd been feeling started to make way for a hollow numbness. Beginning your journey, you walked forward, determined to find something.

You weren't sure how long you'd been walking, but nothing had changed and you were starting to feel tired. The deafening silence had left a ringing in your ears that you wished you could block out. So, heaving a disappointed sigh, you slowly lie down, just in case the numbness disappeared and you felt pain again.

Now that you weren't occupied, you began thinking about your life. You hadn't had many friends, but you had gotten good grades and had some hobbies you could enjoy. Your favorite pastime had been reading, and the thought of all the fan fiction you didn't get to read made you want to cry. Especially all the Undertale fanfics, there were so many good ones you'd been waiting to read!

You groaned, burying your face in your hands. You just realized how little you'd done in life, how miserable. You decided you might as well try sleeping, at least then your thoughts couldn't make you feel depressed. Scooting around until you deemed it comfortable enough, your breath slowed and your consciousness started to fade. could hear a muffled voice from nearby. Feeling annoyed at being woken, you turned and stuck your head beneath your pillow. Wait... since when did you get a pillow in the afterlife? You also realized that the ground felt far softer than it had before. Cautiously, you moved out from underneath the pillow and squinted at your new environment. The area was dark, but not the same all-encompassing one from before, this dark felt more natural.

You couldn't see much, it seemed like whatever room you assumed you were in was small. Standing and feeling a little bolder, you reached your hand toward the wall and froze... that wasn't your hand. It looked like a gloved hand, and last you remembered you didn't wear gloves. That, and your "skin" looked strangely pale even in the dark. With no small amount of alarm, you jerked back and bumped into the other side of the wall. With a gasp, you stiffened in fear and dropped to the floor, praying you wouldn't get noticed. The voice outside quieted.

You could hear footsteps approach nearer and faint crackling pops. The footsteps slowed, then stopped just outside your room before suddenly, the roof opened and a blinding white greeted you. In front of that white the outline of a skeleton's face was made visible as they loomed over you. Their black skull, electric blue lines like tears down their red eyesockets, and mismatched glowing eyes were a stark contrast against the white background.

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