Chapter 20

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If you recalled correctly, Ink's room should be on the... left of the fourth floor. Shit, this was going to be one insane journey. You forgot how difficult it was to travel this size when everyone usually took you around. At least you would be able to see Ink's reaction at the end of this, and since you are a doll, you do not have any muscles to strain. A benefit of being made of stuffing and fabric you supposed.

Slowly rolling your items toward the nearby staircase, you stopped and took a breath. This was probably going to be one of the hardest things you would do. It was time to face the stairs, alone... Wow, that sounded stupid. Snorting softly, you began trying to get your items and yourself up the stairs.

It was a struggle. Many times you would tip over and end up dropping something from the weight. If you were unlucky, you would go down a step. Sometimes after getting them up a step, you would lose your grip trying to pull yourself up and fall flat on your back. It was not exactly painful, but it was an uncomfortable feeling.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you made it to the fourth floor. Staggering, you flopped to the ground to rest. Even if it was not truly physically draining, you somehow felt exhausted. You again questioned why they kept choosing the top floor. After a peaceful moment, you stood and made your way to Ink's room.

When you saw the plaque with his name on it you felt like crying. Quickly rushing over, you felt even more relief when you saw the door was open a crack. Thank god for Ink's horrible memory. You had not even thought of how you would open the door. If he had not left it open, you were not sure what you would have done. In the worst-case scenario, you would have had to abandon your plans...

Shaking yourself off, you pushed it open further and turned back to roll the yarn ball and tape roll in. Leaving them behind a cardboard box beside the door, you examined the room. The walls were so covered in artwork you could not see the color underneath clearly. You think they were a shade of red.

The floor was entirely made of pink carpet. You could see why the living room carpet was pink now. You wondered if he had carpet here because he did not wear shoes and it was more comfortable or if he just liked the aesthetic. Benching those thoughts, you observed the furniture.

In the left corner was a messy desk, pieces of paper scattered on the surface. To its right was a bookshelf full of notebooks, coloring and writing utensils, and paper. You did not see a chair, but spotted an exact replica of his beanbag downstairs that he must use instead. In the right corner of the room was a bed. From what you could see the blankets and pillows were rainbow themed. To the left of it was a dresser. You could just make out an extra pair of gloves sat on top of it.

Done with your inspection, you turned back around to exit the room. Though you wanted to set some things up now, you decided you would collect the ketchup from the fridge and bring it up first. You knew it would be quite the task, but you were determined to make this prank as annoying as you could. And for that to happen, you required it.

Walking back to the staircase, you stopped to consider it. You did not want to slowly go down step by step, you felt that would take too long, and you did not want to risk slipping and falling all the way down. You were worried that if you somehow hit something sharp, you would get torn, and that would not turn out well for anyone.

'Squinting', you noticed that the bottom of the railing was just wide enough that you could slide down on it. Grinning, you reached up, grabbed hold, and pulled yourself up. Then, you began descending rapidly down the stairs. If you were the only one here, you might have whooped in excitement. This was just like going on a rollercoaster!

Your wide smile faltered when you saw that you were reaching the bottom... How were you supposed to get off safely? Uh oh. Before you could do anything more than freeze in fear, you flew off the end of the bottom railing, going airborne. You 'closed' your eyes, bracing for impact.

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