Chapter 16

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You were in awe staring at what was practically a mansion. You had to begrudgingly admit Ink did an outstanding job designing it. You doubted anyone else could make houses out of thin air, at least in the Doodle Sphere. The house had to have somewhere around four floors. The light yellow and brown exterior reminded you of Ice Cream stores. The windows here were clear as crystals, the front door a dark brown.

Overall, the place so far seemed to be a stark contrast to Nightmare's castle. Wherein his castle had a dark, scary atmosphere, the Stars' mansion had a bright, light one. You were jolted when Ink jogged up to it, hopping up the steps and onto a light brown porch. He turned around to impatiently address the others.

"Hurry up guys! You're so slow," he whined. He even rolled his skull back for the added effect. You could not blame them for being "slow", it was Ink who was like a child on a sugar rush 24/7. If anything, you felt bad for them. It seemed every group here had that guy. The gang had Killer and the Stars had Ink. How miserable. Dream sighed.

"We are coming Ink, but Blue is injured, remember?" he questioned with exasperation and slight annoyance. Oh yeah, Ink might have already forgotten that. Having his kind of memory must suck. Yours was not the best, but you could at least remember something that happened on the same day. Ink paused.

"...Uhh yeah... I remember," he said, pretending to look away nonchalantly. You stared at him.

...he was not very subtle, was he? You could tell Dream knew by the look he sent him. Before he could say anything to perhaps scold him for obviously lying, Blue spoke up.

"UHM NOT TO SOUND IMPATIENT HERE OR ANYTHING, BUT CAN WE GO INSIDE ALREADY?" he asked with a grimace. Dream jumped at the sudden sound and looked at him with a confused face, before his mouth formed a silent "Oh!" in realization. He hurriedly apologized quietly to him and walked over a bit faster.

You snorted softly. You found it ironic that Dream forgot about Blue's injury also during his interaction with Ink. It was probably that his annoyance distracted him, or maybe Ink just had that effect on people... you hoped bad memory was not somehow infectious. You eyed Ink with suspicion at that thought as he innocently rocked on his heels by the door, still avoiding eye contact with everyone.

When Dream got to the door Ink quickly yanked it open and rushed inside. You almost felt dizzy with how the colors around you blurred at the action. When he finally stopped it was to plop backward onto a beanbag that looked like someone threw up a packet of Skittles onto it. The sight made you feel a twinge of something in your soul... it reminded you of Error's Anti-void.

Deciding to distract yourself from your sudden bout of sadness, you studied the room you were in. There was a beige couch, a black coffee table, a widescreen TV, and a fuzzy, pink carpet that made you think of cotton candy and bubble gum. You briefly wondered who picked it. You also noticed that beside Ink's beanbag were two more, one that looked like a blue sky with wispy clouds, and the other a beautiful sunset. Before you could continue to examine the living room, you saw Dream walk in.

He led Blue over to sit on the couch before kneeling down. He gently took off Blue's right boot to hold his foot in a hand. The other began to glow a soft green as he pressed it on the red, swollen bone that was Blue's injured ankle. Slowly, the red tint disappeared and the bone's swelling died down. It made for an almost mystical image.

You had never seen healing magic in action before. The only magic you could recall seeing is bones, teleportation, portals, and the skeleton's own unique magic. You considered what other things you would see. You had not seen any gravity magic, that would be interesting. Not if it was used on you, of course, but watching someone else flail around sounded a tad funny.

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