Chapter 14

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...You were starting to regret not just stealing the gift, then immediately felt guilty for the thought. Dang it, these skeletons were rubbing off on you. You lowered further down in the pocket, making sure to lean on Error so you did not make a noticeable bump in the fabric. You could still see out of a small sliver of space. You felt Error shift closer to Dust to whisper to him, face dark.

"I thought this AU was under Nightmare's jurisdiction?" he hissed, squinting at Dust suspiciously. Dust seemed just as confused, if not more than he was. He looked back at Error, his expression bewildered. You guessed the Stars' appearance was enough to lift his mask of apathy. Then again, who would not be surprised if their Boss' enemies appeared in his territory?

"it is, i don't know why they're here," he said quietly, looking mildly lost and slightly irritated. Now that you thought about it, why were they here? How did they get here? Before they could discuss further a voice interrupted.

"As nice as it is to see that I was right, are you done chatting yet?! I'd like to start fighting!" Ink hollered, tapping his foot impatiently. His face held a smile, but it did not feel sincere in the least. You shivered. What an unsettling skeleton. Error turned to glare venomously at him.

"Right about what? And what are you even doing here, don't you have AUs to stalk?" he sneered. You were curious too. What did Ink mean by right? Did he assume or guess something? What did that have to do with Error being in an AU with Dust, or being in one under Nightmare's authority? You saw Ink's face light up, his grin widening.

"Well, when you didn't appear for a while, I thought 'Huh. I wonder if he's taking a break?' Then, I noticed the gang had been rather quiet lately, not even one of them had been reported as sighted around the time you didn't appear. But then again, some of the little spies here aren't all that attentive, so maybe they just didn't notice.

That still gave me some suspicions about what you were up to, but because I couldn't find anything after searching and I was getting bored, I decided 'Why not just reclaim some AUs from the baddies, that'd be fun!' So, I went and grabbed Dream and Blue, dragged them here, and viola! Here we are now, my suspicions proven right! What good luck! You," he pointed at Error, "are working with the Bad Sanses!" Ink declared with a victorious smirk. were struck speechless. First off, what luck? This must have been punishment for something! Secondly, this version of Ink was a lot more intelligent than you gave him credit for. And lastly, damn, Error's comparison between you two way back when was actually making you feel a little flattered now. But back then you doubted Error had seen this side of Ink, so it is probably just as much a surprise to him as it is to you.

It made you want to cry though, since this Ink was an enemy... the reaffirmation made you feel petrified with fear. You wondered briefly if this was how Dream felt encased in the cold, unforgiving stone prison that he had been trapped in ages ago. The only reason you felt like laughing, hysterically you might add, was because Dream and Blue looked just as stunned, and maybe a little scared to realize Ink actually had something smart to say. What terrible misfortune...

Error's jaw dropped, Dust's face blanked, and Dream and Blue looked just as disturbed as before. You would have a similar reaction if your face could do more. Well, it seemed the cat was out of the bag. The Stars knew about the alliance now, there was nothing anyone could say to change Ink's mind on that. Plus, it was true, and denying it would just make them seem guiltier. While everyone was still in a daze, you saw Ink brandish his brush, a fierce glint in his eyelight.

"Now that we're done talking, let's start!" he shouted. Before anyone could react, he bolted at Error, swinging his brush in a wide arc. Error managed to barely dodge at the last second, a bead of magic sweat rolling down his skull. How unfair! He did not even wait for everyone to absorb the information in his villain monologue before attacking!

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