Chapter 30

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The way to the dining room was just as confusing as the way to anywhere was here. You were certain that no matter how much you traversed the place, you were never going to be able to remember the layout. Especially when every hallway looked almost identical, save for a random decoration here and there that you were sure would eventually be destroyed.

When you arrived, Dust pushed open the doors and immediately went for his seat next to Killer, who for some reason was trying to make a card tower. You had no idea where he got the deck.

You had to stifle a tired laugh when he tried leaning two cards together to make a triangle top, only for the whole thing to collapse as soon as they touched. Apparently, you were not quiet enough, because he shot you an annoyed glare.

You looked away innocently and he huffed, ignoring you in favor of attempting to make another. When your gaze drifted to the other side of the table, you noticed Horror already sat there, his sockets closed peacefully. Your eyes 'widened'.

He was back from his AU! You uncomfortably shifted on Error's scarf, suddenly feeling a lot more awake. This was your chance to apologize to him and give him your gift! ...You could not help feeling incredibly nervous at the thought.

The last time either of you saw each other was at that dinner, and it had ended on a somewhat depressing note. You still did not know if the reason he had gone straight to his room was because he was upset with you or if he just felt like it.

Regardless, you knew now was the best opportunity you had to apologize. Steeling yourself, you straighten and lightly tap Error on the cheekbone to get his attention.

When he turns confused eyelights toward you, breaking his laser-focused gaze on the back of Nightmare's skull, you nod toward Horror. He glances over, then seemingly understanding, reaches up a hand to give you a discrete pat on the head before moving to sit next to Horror.

Horror opens his sockets at the noise to gaze at you both, shock and curiosity marring his face as he takes in your appearance. Maybe he had not known you were back yet.

You lift a hand to wave timidly at him, not quite sure how to start your apology. There were not a whole lot of ways you could start an apology, and you were not exactly a master with words.

Especially not with words that were meant to comfort someone. The most you usually did was pat someone on the back, say some form of "It's okay", and hope that was good enough.

...You did not feel like it was "good enough", at least in this situation. You decided to just ask him how his visit with Papyrus went first to break the ice and ease some of your worries.

"I heard you went to see your brother. How'd it go?" you asked as nonchalantly as possible. Horror blinked, his eye sockets widening momentarily before he took a moment to think about his response, then spoke. He probably did not expect you to know about it. To be fair, you would not have had it not been for you asking Dust about his whereabouts.

"it... went great... me... and my... bro... read many... books... on gardening... and... have already... planned... how we... want... ours to... look," he answered, a soft smile surfacing on his face at the memory. You perked up. Perfect! He mentioned gardening first, making this an excellent chance for you to present your gift!

"Oh, that's great! I-," You suddenly hesitated a little, before shaking your head and continuing past your anxiety, "I have a gift for you! ...I-it's to apologize for, well, you know," you said awkwardly, looking down as you pulled at your gloves.

You hoped he knew anyway, you did not really want to say "It's for rejecting your food" out loud. That sounded and made you feel bad. It did not matter to you right now whether you could have eaten it or not, what mattered was that it had hurt Horror's feelings. You snuck a peek to watch as his bonebrows rose in surprise. Then, the corners of his eye sockets crinkled in amusement.

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