Chapter 11

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As Error walked, you considered how long you'd be staying here. Nightmare hadn't specified, but you wouldn't doubt he'd make excuses to extend it, if only out of spite. This wasn't what you'd had in mind when you came here. You were expecting a quick, but difficult conversation, then a nice, relaxing rest in the Anti-void watching Undernovela while Error knits beside you. You had a feeling you wouldn't be able to be that relaxed here, at least if any of the gang members were around.

Way to ruin my plans, Nightmare, you thought sourly. The only good thing is you weren't here alone. If you had to suffer, you were glad it was with Error. Besides, if any of them tried anything, you're sure he'd be able to stop them, considering you were a soft, plush doll, and they were all powerful, magical skeletons with more than a few screws loose. Thinking Error was the most sane one here, other than you, was something you didn't imagine you'd ever think... though with enough time around these skeletons, you might just become as insane. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Horror spoke.

"are you... really... here... for an... alliance?" he asked slowly, looking back and staring at you both, his gaze lingering on you a second longer. Error snorted.

"Do you think I'd really waste my time being around you psychos if I wasn't?" he sneered. Horror rolled his eyelight, turning to face him, his hand twitching before going up to tug at his right eye socket.

"just... didn't take... you... for the... type," he finally rasped. His eyelight on you was dilating, and you could practically see his suspicions that it wasn't Error's idea to come here. It seemed you didn't have to know him much to understand he likely wouldn't ask for help, much less volunteer it, unless he either had no other choice or it was someone else who'd persuaded him to. Error shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well maybe I wanted to try something different," he said simply. Horror hummed, but didn't appear convinced. He turned back around and continued to lead the way. You passed by many rooms, labeled with a variety of plaques. There were storage rooms, a ballroom, a few bathrooms, an art room, a training hall, and others you didn't bother to remember. Those were all rooms on just the first floor.

Turning a corner, you saw a large staircase. You hated stairs. Good thing you had a free ride in the form of Error, otherwise you're sure going up those stairs would've been exhausting. When Error prepared to just teleport to the top, Horror held a hand up to stop him. When he was given a curious and wary look, he spoke.

"we... aren't allowed... to... teleport in... the castle," he explained. Error gave him an unamused look, and was about to ignore him and do so anyways, when Horror continued, "if you... want... to show... the... boss your... sincerity... it would... be... best to... follow... the rules," he advised. Error scowled, glaring at him, before ultimately relenting and following as he began walking up. You silently thanked him for being here, and imagined lighting an incense stick for his skele muscles, if that was a thing.

They gradually made their way up. You felt a little bad hearing Error wheeze quietly as Horror stopped at the highest floor... you think this was definitely out of spite. Why else would they be assigned a room up here?! When Error caught his breath, he spoke.

"Why are we on the top floor anyways? Surely there were ones closer to the ground?" he bit out. Horror chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyelight.

"we... all live... on... the top... floor," he said. You were speechless. That's it! you thought angrily. These skeletons were definitely either crazy, sadists, or masochists. You wouldn't even be surprised if they were all of the above with the preferences they had! While you fumed, Error scoffed.

"Who the hell would choose to walk down these stairs every day?" he growled, annoyed that his anger wasn't being taken seriously. Horror smiled.

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