Chapter 23

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When Blue stopped in front of a door on the third floor, he opened it to reveal a common bathroom. He flipped on the light and moved to stand before the bathtub. Then, he sat on his knees and reached over to insert the plug and turn the faucet handles He leaned back and looked down at you, grimacing.

"I Am Sorry That Happened," he apologized quietly. You scoffed, turning away from him. It had already happened. What was the point of apologizing for it now? "...HOW ABOUT YOU REMOVE THE OUTFIT AND WE WILL GET YOU CLEANED?" he eventually asked.

You glanced at him, nodding hesitantly. You still were not sure how you would react in water. You had seen plenty of stuffed toys left out in puddles before, and they did not look good. They always appeared soggy and stained and were heavy to hold. You did not want to end up like that, but you also did not want to stay dirty.

You began pulling on the hideous outfit to try and get it off of your head. When it was obvious you were struggling, you reluctantly allowed him to help. Then, you took off your boots, gloves, and crown. Luckily, your clothes underneath were not that unclean since the outfit had provided protection. When you got ready to dive off of his hand and test it, he quickly used his other to stop you.

"WAIT! ARE YOU NOT GOING TO TAKE OFF YOUR BOW?" he questioned. You turned your head to give him a wary look.

You had considered it but... it was the only thing you had of Error. Though it was not in the best condition, you were hoping he could fix it when you saw him again. You did not wish to part with it, not even for a moment. When Blue tilted his skull in inquiry at your prolonged silence, you shook your head firmly in response. No, it was too important to risk losing it.

Blue sighed, but moved his hand to slowly lower you into the water. At first, you could not say you felt much. Then, you began feeling heavy, and you noticed your hands and feet were becoming darker... You were soaking up the water! Panicked, you flailed.

"Blue! I'm sinking!" you screeched. You saw his eye sockets widen from where your head was bobbing in and out of the water as you struggled to keep afloat. Your hands slapped against the water, sending it and the bits of dust and rainbow ketchup from your clothes spraying everywhere. He snapped out of his shock and anxiously snatched you up, cradling you in his hands.

"OH DEAR! ARE YOU ALRIGHT, STITCHES?" he asked, concern on his face. You coughed, laying limp in his hands. After breathing in and out shakily, you gave him a thumbs up, shivering. The fear of drowning then was just as scary as realizing you had been run over, even if you were not sure you could actually drown. Blue frowned.

"You Might Not Be Able To Get A Bath If This Is What Happens..." he mumbled, worried and perplexed. You turned your head toward the bathtub and groaned in annoyance.

How were you supposed to get clean if you could not stay afloat in some water? Looking over at the tub, you saw specks of dirt and other substances floating and mixing slightly. It made you realize how dirty you actually were, and reinforced your determination to get a proper bath.

What if Error saw how dirty you were and did not want to be near you?! You do not think you could handle the disgusted expression you imagined he would have. No, you needed to be clean. You scanned around the bathroom, looking for something that might help. Suddenly, you saw something and had an idea.

"Blue!" you called. He startled from his thoughts and looked at you curiously.

"YES?" he answered, bonebrows furrowing. You grinned at him, pointing toward the object that caught your eye.

"What if I rode that rubber ducky to stay afloat?!" you declared excitedly.

Thinking about it, that would practically be a dream come true! Getting to ride around on a toy duck had just become something possible you had not even thought of doing before. But now that you were literally the size of a doll, you could! This had to be another perk of being small! Blue glanced at it, eye sockets widening in surprise, before he smiled.

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