Chapter 19

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After eating Blue took his, yours–they split what was on your plate–, and Dream's plates to wash in the sink. He could not take Ink's to wash because he refused to let him, stating he was using the chocolate syrup to make doodles on it. You really did not know how he became the Creator... though you had to begrudgingly admit he was creative, sometimes.

You caught a glimpse of what he was making. It looked like some animal and a blob in the distance. You were not sure if it was something he miraculously remembered or if it was a scene he made up. You were startled out of your thoughts when Dream closed his book and abruptly stood, lifting a hand to put it in his inventory. You watched as Blue turned from putting away the dishes to raise a bonebrow at him.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" he asked, confused. You saw Dream pause, considering his response. You wondered too. Did Dream have anywhere to go? Friends to meet? You could not think of any reason why he would just leave, especially right after breakfast. It seemed too sudden.

"...I need to spread some Positivity," he answered vaguely. You were stunned. That did make more sense, but why did he say he needed to? And why now? His answer and your own thoughts left you more confused than you were before. You thought the emotional balance was in Dream's favor... was it not? Blue frowned.

"AGAIN?" he questioned, a small amount of annoyance in his tone. You looked at Dream with the equivalent of wide eyes. He's done this multiple times already? This revelation made you feel a sense of unease. Did Dream have to spread Positivity that often? Was it because of Nightmare? Was the Council a thing here? You did not know. Dream gave him a guilty smile.

"Yes, and I know I said I would do less, I am sorry," he said, looking down with a pinch between his bonebrows. Hearing Dream's response, you assumed that regardless of what Blue said, he would still go. Blue stared for a long moment, before sighing, apparently having come to the same conclusion.

"THAT IS ALRIGHT. BUT," he paused when Dream looked up, curiosity and nervousness on his face, "I WILL BE GOING WITH YOU," he finished. Dream's expression became surprised, then he frowned lightly. You were surprised too, but also alarmed. Why was Blue going?! If they both left the only one here besides you would be... You glanced at Ink, grimacing.

"You do not need to, Blue. I will be fine on my own," he soothed, waving a hand casually. You agreed. You did not want to be left with Ink. The very idea was enough to make you shudder. Blue gave him a look that said he did not believe him.

"LAST TIME YOU WENT ALONE, YOU DID NOT RETURN FOR A WEEK. WHEN YOU DID, YOU WERE EXHAUSTED. I AM GOING, THAT IS FINAL," he declared stubbornly, putting his hands on his hips. You deflated. That definitely meant you would be staying with Ink. You wanted to cry at the likely outcome. Before you could continue to wallow in self-pity, you suddenly realized what all Blue said.

Woah. Wait. Dream was gone for a week last time?? You felt both bewildered and a little concerned at that. Why did it take that long? You did not doubt it would take a while to spread a sufficient amount of Positivity, if that was indeed what he was doing, but still, that sounded a little too long.

When Dream opened his mouth to attempt to dissuade him, Blue's gaze hardened. Dream slowly closed his mouth and sagged in quiet defeat. Blue grinned triumphantly, before his expression became stern and he turned to Ink. You could tell Ink knew something was up when he froze mid-doodle. When the silence continued, he stiffly moved his gaze up to Blue, a wary look in his eyelights.

"...What?" he eventually questioned cautiously, leaning away when Blue leaned toward him. Blue's eye sockets narrowed.

"STITCHES WILL BE STAYING WITH YOU IN THE MEANTIME. IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THEM, YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE," he threatened. You heard Ink groan, sinking further in his seat. You wanted to groan yourself. You knew it. Why did they have to leave you with the one person, besides Killer, you did not want to be left with? Your only solace was that if anything happened to you, maybe one of them would avenge you.

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