FILLER - A Normal Christmas Party

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I decided to make a filler for Christmas because I just randomly started thinking about it a few days ago, and now I've written it so... yeahh

Also, I've decided this takes place far off into the future, after everything is all good and dandy! That's why everyone acts less like enemies (some more than others), and more like frenemies :P

Anyway, Merry Christmas (early, late, and now) everyone! And enjoy the chaos~ <} ❤️

You and Error awoke this early morning to loud, very loud, ringing right outside your door. It was not welcomed. Yes, you liked Christmas, but being woken up to bells ringing louder than any alarm you had ever had was bound to annoy you. It was no surprise it annoyed Error too.

"CAN YOU SHUT THAT SHIT UP?! IT'S TOO EARLY FOR HEADACHES!" he screamed, sitting up abruptly. You stretched out of your balled up position and turned over, watching him. You both waited, the ringing having stopped. Then, it started up again and actually got louder.

Incensed, Error, snarling lowly, stood and stomped over to the door. He yanked it open, the door squeaking from the forceful tug. The ringing stopped again at his voice, "You," he hissed accusingly. Being unable to see who, you rolled until you came to a stop on Error's pillow.

His side of the bed was closest to the door, so now you could see exactly which skeleton was at the door. It was... Killer, of course. Said skeleton smirked as he held up the handheld sleigh bells he had and shook them tauntingly.

"Me," he confirmed, "Now that you slowpokes are up, Boss wanted me to tell you to hurry up and come down to the living room. The party starts in an hour, so if ya don't want me to continue to serenade you, might wanna come on," he advised you both.

Wait, there was a party? Since when?! How come you did not know that? When Error just stared at him in confusion–he apparently also had no idea about it–he shook the bells again like maracas, "Tick tock Cinderella, time's a wastin'!"

As he began shaking them again, and you saw him take a deep breath, you knew you had to scramble to get going. He was actually going to start singing if you both did not hurry. And that, you did not want to hear.

"Wait!" you shouted desperately. He paused, turning a sly grin on you. You 'gulped', "We-we're coming! Just... give us a minute," you said. And please, for the sake of whatever sanity we have left, don't sing, you added silently. Killer tilted his head, seeming to consider it.

"...alright. You get one minute! If you aren't down by then, these babies are just waiting to be used," he relented. Then, just when you thought he was being surprisingly merciful, he spoke again, "But, I'll give you guys a demonstration since you seem so eager to hear it!"

You covered where your ears would be as soon as you heard him begin singing the lyrics to "All I Want For Christmas Is You". His singing was so pitchy, and he was not even trying to make the bells work! He was just shaking them as hard as he could to be extra annoying!

Error, saving the day, suddenly lashed out with a bone attack, "No one asked to hear your terrible singing poser!" he screeched. Killer, with his sharp instincts, swiftly ducked out of the way. He stopped "singing" to respond.

"Well, that's rude! My singing is beautiful, thank you very much!" he retorted. Error growled, summoning another bone. Killer held his hands up, "Hey, I'm only saying the truth!" he stated, before shaking the bells violently for a third time. Error lunged.

"Truth my ass!" he roared. Killer laughed as he dodged.

"What ass?" he wheezed, bracing the instruments on his knees, "Uh oh," he mumbled, grin straining as Error desummoned the bones to reach up toward his eye sockets, "Looks like it's my time... to run!" he yelled, bolting down the hall, blue string flying after him.

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