Chapter 2

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Halfway through maybe your 6th? episode of Undernovela, which was really just a copy with a different fight scene, you heard Error growl. Startled, you turned to him, staring cautiously. "Uh... are you oka-" he interrupted you before you could finish.

"SHUT UP!" he snapped, getting up abruptly. "Woah! Sorry," you hastened to apologize, confused. He seemed to ignore you, scowling at the white above you both. "I know! Just shut up already, I'm going!" he slashed at the air with a hand, closing the one-way window, before summoning a blue and red glitching portal.

Your confusion became realization as you recalled Error mentioning voices before. You hadn't thought much of it then, but now you remembered that in some fanfiction he'd hear voices. You weren't entirely sure what the voices really were, there'd been many theories and iterations of their origins, but the majority of the time they were bodiless entities made to push Error into insanity, encouraging his destruction and self-hate.

You cringed, feeling bad for him. If he was getting yelled at now, it must mean he has to go and destroy some poor copy. You weren't sure what to feel about that realization. On one hand, he probably had to in order to maintain some balance. On the other, those copies didn't do anything wrong other than exist too close to one another or be one too many.

You were broken from your previous thoughts when Error turned to look at you. His stare sharpened, seemingly suspicious. "While I'm gone, you better not mess with my stuff abomination, got it?" he hissed. You stiffened. "And if I did? ...not on purpose!" you added when his stare became a full-on glare.

"I guess you'd get to see first-hand what happens to those that cross me," he said ominously. You stiffened, suddenly regretting asking. As they say, ignorance is bliss after all. "I won't, I promise," you said, feeling like that'd get your words taken more seriously. If this Error was anything like some Sans, he'd know the importance of promises.

He paused, eye sockets widening a fraction, before his expression became blank. Without another word, he turned and entered the portal. Now alone, you let out the breath you'd unknowingly been holding. You were pretty sure you didn't need to breathe, but some things don't just go away.

Since you weren't distracted anymore, you took the time to actually inspect yourself. Before, you had to keep hidden, now that you didn't you felt it was safer to check. First, you looked at your new hands. The gloves you wore felt rubbery and smooth, but that was quickly put aside as you noticed something. You only had four fingers... you couldn't flip anyone off anymore. Yes, it wasn't that important, but losing the ability still felt awful. How else were you gonna get the small joys of a silent cuss word aimed at someone? It was silly, you knew, but it wasn't like you'd flip off strangers or anything, just your friends or family on the rare occasion. It brought fond memories. Sighing forlornly, you moved on.

Next was your outfit. Being a doll now, you couldn't really feel temperature as much anymore, but you imagined you'd be pretty warm with the layers you had on. You especially liked the gold crown you wore, it didn't do anything, but it made you feel fancy, and that was nice. The yellows, teals, and blacks also appealed to you in a way. The colors matched nicely and were easy on the eyes.

Lastly, you inspected your shoes. They were smooth like your gloves and had the same darker yellow, but the material was tougher. The sole was hard and seemed outdoor-oriented. They resembled boots. Overall, you had a very new and stylish, you'd say, outfit. It made sense since there was no way for it to get dirty here and you doubted Error took any of his dolls for field trips somewhere.

The review of your outfit didn't take too long, and now you weren't sure what to do. You stood, glancing around curiously. You didn't want to risk Error's anger by messing with his things, but you also didn't see anything else here. It put you in a tough spot. Either do nothing, look through Error's stuff, or find something else to do. Well, you promised him you wouldn't touch his things, so you couldn't do that. Mmm, you'll explore in that case. Since this is the Anti-void, something could be different.

...nope, not a single thing. The Anti-void is just as empty as that black abyss was, if you ignored the few things Error had. The only option you see now is sleeping. And now you had another problem. If you weren't allowed to touch his things, did this mean you had to sleep on the floor now?? Damn, you should have asked when you had the chance! The box may have been his, but you lived in the thing, didn't that mean anything?! Wishing you could cry, you sullenly lay down on the cold, flat, and uncomfortable floor... this sucks.


You woke when you heard the telltale sound of a portal opening. Lazily rolling over, you squinted at it. Error limped through, dust and blood staining his blue coat a dark red. Suddenly wide awake, you jolted upright. What the hell happened to him?!

The portal closed as Error stumbled to his beanbag. Shakely, he sat down heavily, his breathing erratic. You were hesitant as you stood and inched your way closer. "Are you... alright?" you whispered, afraid talking any higher would startle him into lashing out.

He blinked lethargically, turning his head towards you. He didn't seem to register you were there until you spoke again. "...Error?" Slowly, he reached out and picked you up. You squeaked, fearing you'd angered him. Instead of the slow, painful death you'd predicted, he instead held you up and studied you. You were surprised he didn't start glitching, then thought that since you were a doll it wasn't like he was touching another monster or person anyway.

"Oh... you're real." When you just stared blankly, he continued. "...I thought you might have been a hallucination." You still didn't quite get it, but decided you wouldn't push for a better explanation. Now that you didn't think you were going to die, at least not yet, you noticed the sensations you hadn't before. You could feel the rough texture of his hands and see the chips that decorated them. Though they were scarred, they felt warmer than you expected. But now that you'd calmed, you also noticed the myriad of injuries that littered his bones.

He had a variety of scratches, cuts, burns, and other injuries you couldn't see beneath the layers of clothes he wore. Your hands twitched, but you didn't make a move to do anything other than hang limply in his hold.

"Okay, well... do you need help? What happened??" You didn't think he'd actually tell you, but you hoped he'd at least allow you to help. Seeing anyone injured left an uneasy weight in your gut. It made you feel squeamish.

"...No, and why should I tell you?" He squinted in obvious suspicion. This also made sense, based on everything you'd read, Error wouldn't be so trusting of strangers. You couldn't even imagine how long Nightmare had to bug him until he'd been willing to accept any of his 'assistance'. You were pretty sure they were acquainted here at least, if Nightmare had offered to let Error stay at his castle. "You don't have to, I'm just... worried," you decided to say.

He huffed, turning his head away. "I don't need your concern abomination." Even though he said that, you noticed he didn't set you down on the floor. Instead, he set you on a small depression in the beanbag. When neither of you spoke, he turned back forward and opened another portal, one-way, to another copy of Undernovela. It seemed that was the end of that conversation, if you could call it that.

Despite your lingering worry, you tried reassuring yourself that this had definitely happened before, which means that Error would be fine... even though you didn't want to consider his current condition or the one after fine.

Since you knew his role and what he'd most likely gone out to do, you assumed that the reason he was injured is either because he fought the inhabitants, you doubted they could do this much damage though, or that he fought the Star Sanses. Your bet was on the ladder.

Your feelings on the matter were complicated. The Star Sanses usually consisted of Dream, the guardian of Positivity, Blue or Underswap Sans, and Ink, the Creator. You knew they had their reasons, be it the balance or their own morals, but you also knew that Error's reasoning was just as valid. He may be the Destroyer, but that didn't mean he wanted to kill everyone and everything. You wondered if he tried telling anyone, then thought that no one would probably believe him even if he did. You hoped that at least hanging out with Nightmare and his gang made him feel the tiniest bit less alone.

Left that off on a sadder note than I expected, but I'm kinda just winging it anyways soo expect more of that? ...I have no idea what I'm doing, but trying to write is kinda fun, even if it ends up making no sense (I'm sure there are going to be a lot of plotholes, somewhere, so just pretend it's fanfic logic) :>

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