Chapter 33

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The following silence in the room was interrupted by a loud "crunch!" that made you jump. Turning to the source, you saw Cross had grabbed a handful of Oreos and was in the process of stuffing them in his mouth as quickly as he could. When he finished eating those, he grabbed his glass of chocolate milk and downed it in one gulp.

After, he stood and hurried to the door. Before he could try escaping or leaving who knew where, his arm was grabbed. You did not know when, but Dust had already stood and was waiting by the door.

"where are you going?" he asked, side-eyeing Cross. You also wondered that. Why was he trying to leave? Did he have something to do? If he did not, Nightmare made it pretty clear he was supposed to "train" you. Cross chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his skull as he avoided eye contact.

"N-nowhere," he answered. You almost snorted. He was doing a really poor job if he was trying to be convincing. But now you were even more confused. Did he not want to train you? You figured if he actually had somewhere to be, he would not lie about it. Dust rose a bonebrow at him, unimpressed.

"if you think you're leaving, you're not. you need to train stitches while i take error to contact blue," he said sternly. You froze and felt Error stiffen. Wait. They were separating you? It is not like you would be super far or anything, but you had not been separated from Error since he found you at Blue's house.

The thought of being apart at all made you a little... anxious. You guessed having not been together in so long–you were not sure how long, time in the Multiverse was complicated–was making you a bit more clingy than usual. You could not help feeling that way though. You heard Error growl as he stood, jostling you.

"I'm not leaving Stitches alone with that dope," he snapped, irritated. You felt somewhat touched. It seemed Error felt the same, even if he worded it differently. You watched as Cross leaned back, offended, his nervousness forgotten.

"Hey! I'm not a-" He was interrupted by Killer, who had stood and walked over.

"He totally is," he confirmed with a smirk. Coming to stoke the fire like always, you thought with exasperation. And just when you were thinking that maybe it was going to get calmer now that Nightmare had agreed to the plan. You supposed hoping for some peace was still too much. Cross glared at him.

"You-" This time Dust raised his hand to signal for him to be quiet. You were surprised when Cross listened, shutting his mouth indignantly. Huh. Was Dust like the second in command or something? Now that you thought about it, it would make sense in a way.

He seems to be the most mature besides Horror. Plus, he's really smart. You again felt jealous of Sans types' natural smarts. It was so unfair. Although, you had a hard time believing some Sans were smart, such as Killer. He just... did not quite fit the bill so to say.

"error, i know you don't like this, but unless you want to prolong the inevitable and deal with someone like killer, this can't be put off," Dust reasoned.

This time you did snort. It was inevitable that Blue would need to be contacted to proceed, but the terrible prospect of having to be around Killer longer while it was delayed made for a great motivator. Who would want to be around him willingly? Killer loudly gasped.

"Wah-! Deal with me?! You make it sound like I cause trouble," he said with an affronted expression like he could not believe what was implied. He exaggerated this by placing a hand on his chest in mock offense. Error scoffed.

"When don't you? It's the only thing you're known for, besides being a pitiful Sans who killed the only one who ever actually cared about him all because he made a deal with the one who made him miserable in the first place," he mocked maliciously. You winced.

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