Chapter 7

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Huzzah! This story is officially one hour long (at least in Wattpad terms)!

As you stood and stared up at the red souls above you, you contemplated. Things were getting a little... complicated. First, there was your friendship? with Error, but that was making progress so you didn't need to worry about that. Second, there was the problem of Ink creating too much, which had you very worried. And lastly, there were your own feelings on the matter and the things surrounding it.

Since you died and were now living in the Anti-void with the Error, you couldn't really pretend that these monsters, skeletons, and other entities weren't real anymore. They weren't just words in fanfiction or characters in a video game they were real-life, living beings with thoughts and feelings of their own. And that meant you had to treat them with the same consideration you had for other people.

You couldn't predict how they'd react and couldn't assume they'd listen to anything you said. You also didn't have the abilities of the Frisks and Charas here, which meant if you died, you stayed dead. There were no saves, resets, or loads you could use to save yourself. You were powerless against the magic these beings wielded.

You looked over to Error, who sat on his beanbag scrutinizing the decorations he'd added to a hat he was knitting. You noticed he'd done nothing to manage his injuries, and sighed. Since you were well rested now, you decided you'd actually address that issue. It didn't matter if he said he was okay, you knew he wasn't. Walking over to him, you cleared your throat to get his attention.

He paused, looking at you inquisitively. You pointed to a cut on his arm. "Are you going to do anything about these, or do you just expect them to 'magically' get better?" you questioned. You wanted to smack your forehead when he just shrugged disinterestedly in response.

You looked around, searching the area with your eyes for anything you could use to help him. Of course, when you didn't see what you were hoping for, you groaned. Crossing your arms, you turned to glare sternly at him. "Do you have ANYTHING for healing around here? Magic food? Bandages?" you asked, desperate for at least something.

He seemed to think about it for a moment, before opening a small portal an inventory? and reaching in for a couple of items. When it disappeared, you saw he was holding a small med kit and a cinnamon bun.

You stared in disbelief. "Why didn't you use these earlier?!" you yelled in frustration. He scoffed, rolling his eyelights.

"I didn't need to, my injuries would've healed on their own anyways," he said, annoyed. You wanted to strangle somebody, probably Ink. Why were you stuck with someone who cared so little about themselves?! It was infuriating!

"Give me the damn things and sit still," you hissed. He was so surprised he didn't move. As he continued to sit frozen in place, you became impatient and leaped to snatch the items. You almost fell over trying to hold them both. When you just barely didn't you set the bun, encased in a layer of thin paper, on the ground, before using both hands to pry open the med kit. You hugged a large roll of bandages from inside and dragged it out. You rolled it over to his leg.

"Well?" you asked, tapping your foot. Finally snapped out of his daze, he looked at you in confusion. You pat his leg, hoping to convey you needed help to get up. His eye sockets widened in realization, before he reached down and scooped you and the roll up.

"Thank you, now I need you to take off your jacket and shirt, then lean back so I can reach your arms," you said. He still looked a bit bewildered, but listened. After setting you beside him he took off his jacket and shirt, set them aside, and reclined so you could reach his limbs better. You noticed the clothes were torn, the blood dried and staining them while bits of dust left spots of gray behind.

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