Chapter 18

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Ink's complaining was entertaining, but you still did not want to be left alone with him for extended periods of time. You prayed they would hurry up, but did not have your hopes up too high. There were plenty of times in your last life when you went on a shopping trip with someone and did not end up leaving until hours had passed. You dreaded going shopping with anyone now. You heard Ink sigh sufferingly.

"Why are they taking so long?? I'm hungry," he griped, sniffing. You could not help but also wonder, at least on one part. You did not get hungry, and you doubted he actually did either, he probably just wanted to whine.

Still, the way he complained made you think of the ships that people wrote between the three. Seriously, now that you thought about it, Dream and Blue take care of him like some date-mate or their kid... Hmm, teasing Ink could be a fun way to pass the time. Just sitting silently in this awkward atmosphere was making you a tad uncomfortable.

"Man, your guys' relationship is kinda weird, huh?" you commented plainly. He froze, before lifting his skull to squint down at you.

"...What do you mean by that?" he eventually asked, suspicion and curiosity in his eyelights. You pulled up a knee to rest your elbow on, resting your cheek on your palm. You gave him a considering look, humming.

"Nothing much, I was just thinking about it, is all," you said with a barely repressed grin. He looked at you skeptically. You figured the "boredom" would get him to continue questioning you. Then, he took the bait and asked further.

"Uh-huh, and what about it?" he questioned, tone slightly impatient at your lackluster response. You could tell he just wanted you to spit it out already. You took your time before replying though, observing him as he got more aggravated with your continued silence. When he was about to snap, you spoke.

"About how you cry like your husbandos are out to war or something, it's quite funny really," you answered nonchalantly. You watched as a bonebrow began twitching, and his hand on the table slowly clenched into a fist. You were starting to understand why Killer found it so fun to annoy others, a revelation you thought you would never have. It was interesting to see how they would react. Then, he exploded.

"What husbandos?! I don't–wait a minute...," his glare on you sharpened, and you fought to suppress the laughter bubbling up as his eye sockets suddenly widened, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A GIRL?!" he screeched. And you lost it, your laughter loud as Ink fumed across from you. Abruptly, he stood up, hands slapping down on the counter.

"You think calling me a girl's funny?! I'll show you funny!" he yelled, a hand reaching up behind him for his brush. He paused when he grabbed nothing but air, "...". Your laughter had quieted, but you snorted watching the subconscious action.

"You forget your brush somewhere?" you asked cheekily, feeling bolder. You had noticed that Ink usually left his brush lying around somewhere or in his inventory. You were banking on the fact that he was too distracted to think about that, otherwise, you would be in trouble. He stiffened in response. You bet he really hated his memory right now. Slowly, he lowered his raised hand. You saw him grit his teeth.

"...I don't need my brush to strangle you," he growled out, a dark look on his face.

Uh oh... You did not know if strangling you would do anything, but you would rather not test it. Jumping up in fear, you rushed to run to the edge of the counter. You leaped, prepared to make a run for it on the ground despite not knowing if you could make the jump safely. Halfway to the floor, you saw Ink lunge in your peripherals. You could not stop yourself mid-way and felt his hands encase you. He lifted you to be at eye level.

"Hah! Nowhere to run now," he said, a malicious smirk on his face. You kind of regretted teasing him now. This was not how you wanted to die, not that you did, but dying to Ink sounded worse than a lot of other things you could think of. The fear you felt at the moment reminded you that you were dealing with violent, magical skeletons, not some fluffy, soft characters in a romance fanfic or something.

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