FILLER - Hide and... Seek? (GIFT)

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This is a filler my twin made for me! I have no idea what inspired it, but I love it and she's fine with me sharing it so here it is!

You slowly peeked around the corner of the corridor, afraid to step into possible hidden danger. When you spotted nothing, you took your chance and ran as quickly as you could to the living room, diving to hide behind the couch.

It was eerily quiet, a sign to you that this game was being taken seriously. Though, you supposed nobody wanted to be found by Cross, who had bet that the first person he found would have to do his supply runs for the month with the approval (and intimidation) of Nightmare behind him. If he couldn't find everyone, however, he would have to do the monsters he couldn't find a favor. And no one wanted to do Killer a favor.

Creeping along the back of the couch, you strained to hear anything at all. Suddenly, there was a crunching from the direction of the kitchen. With trepidation and curiosity fueling you, you snuck into the kitchen doorway where you noticed that the pantry door was open a fraction. Slowly moving forward, you peeked around the door and were mildly relieved to only see Horror crunching on a potato. You couldn't imagine how straight potato would be something you would willingly eat, but you figured Horror could eat anything if he wanted to.

"Horror?" you said quietly. He startled briefly before his eyelight darted up and then down to you. "hm...?" he hummed distractedly. You felt a little bad bothering him, but curiosity was a powerful motivator. "Why aren't you hiding somewhere less obvious?" you questioned. "i... didn't think... he... would care... to... find me... first... you know... he'd... rather get... killer," he answered quietly with barely discernible mirth to his voice. You had to hand it to him, that was likely and probably why you hadn't been found yet. You didn't think you could hide from any of these guys if they really wanted to find you.

"Have you seen anybody else?" you asked. He seemed to take a moment to think before shrugging. That wasn't very helpful, but you thought Nightmare might be in the study simply because he had nothing to fear. Cross didn't seem like the type that liked having any authority figure, or boss in this case, angry at him. Error didn't bother participating, so technically it was only you, Horror, Dust, and Killer who had any reason to hide.

Suddenly there was a loud sound coming from beneath your feet. It sounded like an explosion. With a worried expression, you left Horror to continue eating his potato to hurry through the living room and down the different corridors to get to the basement. Abruptly stopping, you could only stare in disbelief at the smoke wafting out the door. With a hacking cough, Cross stumbled out of the doorway to lean against the wall and get his breath back.

"What just happened?" you asked dumbfounded. It was only when Cross spotted you standing there with a suspicious glint in his eyelight that you remembered you were supposed to be hiding from him. With a squeak, you took off for the study in the simple hope that Cross wouldn't enter.

Just when you spotted the entrance to the study and therefore safety, you heard Cross stomping way too close. With desperation, you shouted back at him, "Don't tag me! Error would have to be the one teleporting me to do the supply runs, and he'd never let us live in peace!" At that, he stumbled and you put on an extra boost of speed to dash inside.

Breathing a sigh of relief when you spotted Nightmare reading at his desk, you hurried to hide behind one of the couches. Cross stopped at the threshold and glanced around the room. "Is something the matter?" Nightmare asked Cross with a neutral look to his eyelight. "No, Boss!" Cross answered hurriedly, looking hesitant. With a brief sigh of defeat, he trailed down the hall in the direction of the living room. You hoped Horror wouldn't be found.

"If you are done hiding in my study, leave," Nightmare spoke up with a scathing look in his eyelight directed toward me. "Yeah, sorry," you spoke apologetically before creeping toward the door. You felt pretty proud of yourself for escaping capture. You knew Cross wouldn't risk upsetting Nightmare.

Shuffling down the corridor away from the direction Cross went, you wondered if the explosion that occurred was Dust making his escape. The only one who you had no idea where they could be hiding was Killer. With a sigh, you resigned yourself to hiding in the bathroom in the hopes that Cross would focus on looking for anyone but yourself.


When you heard the loud sounds of laughter from Killer that usually signified that he had just done something morally questionable, you knew the game was over. With a relieved breath, you made your way to the commotion. As long as you weren't found and tagged first, you didn't care to continue hiding.

You came upon a scene in the living room that served to make you close your eyes in sympathy and slight humor. Horror, with a carrot now hanging between his teeth, hung in a net somehow hung from the ceiling with Cross. What really showed Killer's sadistic streak was the way he'd gotten both covered in glitter, something you knew would be stuck between their joints for weeks from Blue's experiments in cooking he so graciously regaled you with. Killer was bent over in laughter beneath them, wheezing with amusement. "OW! Horror, your knee is digging into my spine!" Cross shouted. "sorry..." Horror mumbled from between the carrot in his mouth.

When Killer stood up a little straighter and spotted you he launched into the hilarious (according to him) retelling of the way he had led Cross on a chase through the living room, to the kitchen, and into Horror's hiding place. He had crashed into Horror and 'accidentally' caused him to drop an apple he'd had in his hand. Knowing it was no accident, Horror reared up to chase Killer. Killer took Cross for a shield and ducked back behind him, leading Horror to bulldoze into him in his grab for Killer, who backpedaled into the living room.

Tripping over Cross, Horror took them both to the ground in a painful crash where they were swept up into a net. Apparently, when Cross had been trying to catch Dust and you Killer had snuck into the living room to set a carefully hidden trap. When they'd both tumbled to the ground, he pulled on the rope he had hidden taped under the coffee table. And to add insult to injury, he also used his magic to lift a bag of glitter he had stolen from Blue's supply cabinets to dump over both of them.

You snorted while watching Killer taunt Cross further, then you heard the sound of crackling. Turning around revealed Error watching you watch them with a deadened look to his eyelights. "What the hell?" he mumbled. "Games over. I think I'm ready to watch some Undernovela," you answered sheepishly. With a sigh, he leaned over and picked you up before stepping through his portal.

You could see he already had everything set up for binging. As you settled down to watch, you felt that the day had gone pretty well. No one was seriously hurt, and you thought Horror would probably take his time on the supply runs he would be doing buying ingredients for some of the recipes he'd been wanting to try to make. Hopefully Nightmare intervenes in the small spat you left behind before Killer sends Cross into a conniption.

End Note:

Dawn: First time really spending a significant amount of time trying to write something as a gift to my sister. Hopefully this isn't a complete disaster to read. I find dialogue a hard thing to write, so that's why the characters didn't say much. Hope if you read this that your day/night is a good one!

Erose: Dawn's version has the Stars and Bad Sans having a better relationship, so that's why Blue was mentioned a few times. Also, I only did a tiny bit of editing on her behalf since she asked, and I'm really proud of her C:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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