Chapter 13

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After everyone finished eating they parted ways. You, Error, and Dust went to the living room, Killer went to the training room, Nightmare went to his office–to do paperwork? You stilled wondered about that–, and Horror went to his room. You were still anxious about how he was feeling, but decided it was best not to try and bother him. You were not sure if that would make it better or worse, considering you were still technically strangers and no one else seemed that worried about it.

You made the decision not to bring up food around him, and hopefully, find some way to make up for making him sad. Maybe a gift? You did not know where or how you would get one, but thought to ask Error for advice. He did not have much experience in things like that, but he was older than you were–as strange as that thought was–and should know at least something.

You turned to address him from your position on the table. He was sat on the couch, his chin in one hand as he zoned out. You tried snapping to get his attention since Dust was asleep on the recliner nearby, a book you could not read the cover of left open on his chest. You frowned when your attempt yielded no results. Your hands were too soft to get the friction needed to snap... Sighing, you gave up and whispered. Dust was probably too deep asleep to hear anything anyways.

"Hey, Error?" you said in a hushed voice. He finally snapped out of his daze, looking at you with confusion. You gestured for him to move closer when he just stared. He leaned towards you, expression now curious.

"Know any gifts I could give to Horror as an apology?" you asked. He gave you a blank look. Then, suddenly understanding, he looked away in thought, bonebrows furrowed. After a few minutes of silence, he turned his gaze back.

"What about getting him a photo of Killer eating his cake? I know that'd make me happy, because then I could laugh at him for looking like an idiot," he answered with a smirk. You deadpanned. As tempting as that was, he did not seem like the type to enjoy it, at least not long-term. You were beginning to think asking Error was a dead end when another voice spoke up.

"just get him some gardening supplies. he's been wanting to try for a while," they advised with a yawn. Looking back, you saw that Dust had woken up, and had apparently heard you both. Though his idea was not bad. Horror sometimes had a garden in some fanfics, and it seemed like here he had not started one yet. If he did not have one here, then helping him make one was the perfect gift!

You gave Dust an appreciative smile. Who knew he was good at giving advice? You also had not known he was paying that much attention to the other gang members, but perhaps he was more observant than you gave him credit for. You looked at Error.

"Then it's settled, we'll get him a gardening kit! Error, can we go now?" you asked, rocking on your feet impatiently. You wanted to get the items now, that way you can cheer Horror up quicker! You did not want to steal the items, since you still felt a bit of guilt from the last time, and this time it was not because you were worried Error would be hurt, but because you wanted to get a gift. It did not feel right to give someone a stolen gift. When your excitement continued to soar, you heard Error sigh.

"We can't. I'm the 'Destroyer', if anyone sees me they'll panic, remember?" he questioned, looking annoyed. You froze. Right, you overlooked that little detail. You were so used to seeing him as he was now, you sometimes forgot how frightening he could be to others. You had also been excited because you would get to see another AU. The last one you were not able to... enjoy. But it seems you could not go anyways. The only other option would be to steal it after all...

"...we have a few aus under our jurisdiction. I could take you to one of those, if you want?" Dust unexpectedly said. You perked up, surprised. You completely forgot about that! A few Nightmares had alliances with other AUs that lived in unfortunate circumstances in order to stock up on supplies easier. Usually in return, he would offer protection from a multitude of things including unknown entities, events, and malicious beings. You nodded furiously.

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