Chapter 32

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I've decided to make kind of a recap of the past plan that Nightmare and Error had agreed on (and you slightly protested) because that plan was made before chapter 16... *cough*

Anyways, the plan before was essentially this - you and Error, and likely the gang, would distract Blue and Ink during a raid so that Nightmare and Dream could be alone. Originally, it was so that they could talk. But since Nightmare said he already tried that (how unbelievable!), Error suggested they kidnap Dream instead.

And thus, the plan became to kidnap Dream and convince him Nightmare was still "Nightmare" (and not some parasite or inconceivable evil), and have them work out a way to handle their balance together. After that would probably be everyone coming up with a plan to fix Error's balance.

This plan recap is honestly a better and improved version of what the plan was then... looking back, it was sort of confusing. I hope this makes more sense xP

You were taken out of your lamenting when you heard Cross exclaim in shock, "NO WAY!" he shouted. When you turned your head to look, you saw he was staring at Error incredulously. Killer decided to speak up from his place laying on the floor.

"Yeah, I know! I couldn't believe Glitchy wanted an alliance either," he commented, lifting his skull to rest on his palm. With the way he began kicking his feet, you would have thought he was some schoolgirl sharing the latest gossip, "I still think he lost a bet," he added thoughtfully. Error looked at him with disgusted annoyance.

"I don't lose, tar face," he sneered. You were not so sure about that–everyone loses at something–, but you also had not seen him lose personally. So you could not really say. Although, you may be just a little biased.

You did not count his fights with the Stars though, those were not fair. When you saw Killer's face adopt a sly grin, you hurriedly interjected, feeling wary. If he said something stupid, it would piss Error off, not that he was not already.

"Whatever he says, don't listen to him Error, just ignore him. You know that whatever he says doesn't mean anything," you soothed, patting his cheekbone to comfort him.

Error stared down at you, briefly confused at your insistence to ignore Killer, before he huffed, rolling his eyelights. Grumbling, he turned his skull away to bore holes into the wall with his gaze instead. You smiled, glad he took your advice. You did not know if he would listen, but perhaps he felt you were right... or maybe he did not want some kind of lecture from you.

The pride you felt was short-lived, however, when Killer gasped. You knew he was going to say something idiotic by that alone, "What I say doesn't mean anything?? Excuse me, everyone knows what I say is always important!" he cried with offense. Error stiffened, then turned his skull to scowl at him.

"Who made you believe that obvious lie?" he mocked. Anddd Killer got Error to engage in an argument... right after you advised him not to listen to him.

You sighed, feeling much more disappointment and deep annoyance than you could physically express. Of course, this was all directed at Killer–the cause. Why would you ever blame Error when it was obviously Killer's fault? You saw Killer's grin twitch.

"No one, because it isn't a lie, Pincushion," he responded sharply. He just had to reply with a nickname he knew Error would hate, didn't he? Error growled.

"Who are you calling a pincushion? You wanna look like one, Drippy?!" he snarled back. You were very, very tempted to encourage Error. It was hard to want to be nice or peaceful when Error, and you by extension, was purposefully being provoked. You jumped when you suddenly heard a loud thump, followed by Nightmare's voice.

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