Chapter 12

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You woke to someone knocking on the door. You heard Error grumble as the blankets shifted and he stood up. You turned, 'opening' your eyes to watch. He opened the door a crack before slamming it closed. His face was set in a scowl. You could already guess who was on the other side from that alone.

"Hey! That was rude! Don't you know how to greet a pal?!" a voice shouted, muffled on the other side. It was definitely Killer. Error rolled his eyelights and turned around, intending to ignore the skeleton. After a beat of silence, you heard them knock again, more insistently this time.

"I know you can't find the dining room on your own, so you might wanna open the door!" he yelled. You could practically hear the sly grin in his voice. When Error appeared uninterested and moved closer to the bed, you glared at him. Even if you didn't particularly like Killer, you would be damned if Error did not eat. Thinking back on it, you had been so stressed that you had not had the chance to make him eat something. Since you were here and Horror's food was available–though not to you, sadly--this was the perfect opportunity.

"Error," you stressed, your unspoken command apparent. He froze. Looking towards you, his bonebrows furrowed.

"No," he grumbled. Damn did his stubbornness annoy you right now. You scooted off the pillow and moved to stand, crossing your arms. You raised a 'brow'.

"You need to eat, so you're going to have to open the door," you said, inclining your head towards it., thought not without a grimace. His face darkened, and he turned his gaze away.

"I didn't eat before, I don't need to now," he declared determinedly. You huffed, walking to stand as close to in front of him as you could get. Your glare intensified.

"That was before, this is now. And now, I'm telling you that you need to eat," you demanded. You tapped your foot impatiently as he seemed to consider it. He could either refuse and continue to get lectured, or he could endure Killer's presence and go downstairs. Eventually, he sighed in defeat. His shoulders slumped as he slowly trudged his way back to the door. He opened it with reluctance, a scowl firmly on his face.

"Welp, that took you long enough! Hope you enjoyed your couple's quarrel, I sure did," Killer said with a smug grin. Error made a move to swat at him, which he dodged. Error growled.

"We are not a couple, and if you continue to pester me I'll stick a bone so far up your ass you'll taste dust," he snarled out. Killer snorted.

"Yeah, yeah, talk all you want, I'll be waiting for you guys by the stairs, so hurry up!" he shouted, sprinting down the hall and out of sight as Error summoned a black bone. He made a move to give chase, cursing, when you spoke.

"Error! Forget about it, we can't be picking fights with an alliance," you said calmly. Internally, you were cussing up a storm. Could that asshole stop aggravating Error on purpose?! It took you so long to convince him to even come here, there was no need to poke at him too. You were anxious that enough of that would cause him to snap, and you did not want to be there for that. He froze, one foot lifted in the air, before he eventually moved to step back towards you.

"You know what?" he asked with a twitching brow, "I don't think I'd mind this being a trick now. At least then I'll get to kick someone's ass," he finished. You did not need to ask to know he meant Killer. Honestly, you were starting to think the same. Except, you would not be able to kick ass... that realization made you feel glum.

"Let's just get this over with," you sighed, feeling tired even after the nap. These skeletons had a way of exhausting someone without even trying, not that they are not, or at least Killer is. Error huffed, but came over to carefully grab you and set you on his shoulder. You sat down on his scarf for cushioning. It was pleasantly comfortable, surprisingly so. Error left to the hallway, turning a few corners before spotting the staircase.

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