Chapter 113

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After dealing with the treasonous guards and mercs that were left - courtesy of Fenrir and the twins - we spent a few hours talking about strategies, battle locations, the enemy and more. Katla was a massive help with giving us information about the shadow assassins and their forces, she told us that she only agreed to help them because they promised revenge for the death of her daughter but now that she knows that I am still very much alive, she agreed to help us instead.

I was happy to have found my spirit mother and father again. It felt like, even though my earthly parents are dead, I still have some kind of parental figures. With Fenrir and Katla, I still had some form of parental love.

Frigga suggested that we should all eat and get some rest, I agreed and so we all ate together before my pack and I were shown to our chambers for the night; Tyra and Athena sharing mine as they didn't want to be away from me. The three of us cuddled up together in the large bed after changing into some pyjamas that were given to us and fell asleep fairly quickly but several hours later, I was woken up by horrible gut feeling that made my stomach churn. I carefully slid out of bed to make sure my daughters stayed asleep and used my magic to change my clothes. I then created a protective bubble surrounding the bed and a note on the pillow, this was to explain where I was if they woke up and I wasn't there.

I proceeded to spell the room with a barrier spell and a silencing spell to protect my girls further. I exit the room quietly and that's when it hit me full force. The gut feeling increased tenfold and spread through me, practically burning as it ran through my veins. Sniffing the air, I smelt the faint smell of smoke. 'Good thing the barrier spell is fire proof.' I thought then teleported to Loki and when I got to his chambers, he was sat on his bed reading. It didn't take him long to notice me, "Payton, what's wrong?" he asked concerned. "Horrible gut feeling and I smelt smoke." I said, not knowing how much time we had.

Loki shot up out of bed after shutting and placing down his book, using his magic to change before we left his room, "Are the girls okay?" he asked as we walked down the halls and I nodded, "Yes, I placed a protective bubble around the bed and put up a barrier spell with a silencing spell around the room." I replied. We went around walking everyone up and once we got the the throne room, I woke up Fenrir and the twins. Soon after, a guard ran in covered in blood splatter, "We're under attack. A few small groups of Dark Elves and Shadow Assassins burned their way through the villages undetected and have broken through our defences into the courtyard. I was sent to warn you while they hold them off." he panted out.

Without needing instruction Demi, Damian and Sheamus shifted into their true wolf forms with Tyson growling as his eyes turn a fiery red and his pupils turn into slits. The guard that ran in leads Loki, Thor and the Warriors Three out of the room and to the fight as I turn to Frigga, "Frigga, as queen of Asgard, you should not have to fight. I know you are very capable at defending yourself but that is why I must ask this of you. I cannot and will not leave my girls under the watch of some guard I don't know so, with that being said... Will you stay here, in my chambers and protect my daughters?" I asked while looking her straight in the eye. "Of course I will. They are family, we always protect family." She replies firmly with a smile and I thank her. I quickly explain the spells I put in place and asked her to tell the girls what was happening before hugging her and teleporting her to my chambers. Once she was gone, I summoned my Guardians and seconds later Azar, Kali, Bo and Magnus were stood infront of me.

"Little one, could you do a spell to temporarily shrink myself and your brothers? Just until we get out of the castle and to the battlefield." Fenrir asks me and I think for a moment, "Yes, hold still." I respond and close my eyes to complete the spell. When I open them again Fenrir, Skӧll and Hati were now the same size as Demi, Damian and Sheamus are in their wolf forms. I briefly explained what we were going to do and had my wolves, Tyson, Fenrir, the twins, Katla and my Guardians follow me as I lead them through the halls of the castle; the sounds of battle growing louder and louder as we approached the courtyard.

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