šŸŽšŸŽšŸ. ( sneaking out )

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❝ cut the bullshit, you remember me.❞

I'M JUST ABOUT TO leave work when the door rings, meaning that a customer has walked in.

"i'm so sorry but we're closed!" i announce to whoever has just walked in.

"can't you give me two minutes? i need to get something for my brother's birthday." a male voice responds. i roll my eyes and look up to see who spoke.

for some odd reason, he looks familiar. "do i know you?" i ask, he looks at me weirdly and starts walking off into the store.

i shrug it off and wipe the counter off once more, since i feel awkward if i just stand here a wait for the person to finish their shopping.

he approaches the counter, holding a collection of different books. this kid looks young. i think to myself and start scanning the books.

i look back at him, "ponyboy curtis?" i blurt our, realizing who this familiar kid is.

he gives me a blank stare, "how do you know my name—wait." he looks me over before gasping, "athena? is that you?"

i nod, trying to register that i'm seeing ponyboy again since i had last seen him a year ago.

"since when do any of your brothers read books?" i ask, narrowing my eyes.

"okay whatever. i wanted you to feel somewhat sorry for me and let me get something's when the store's supposed to be closed.

"i would've let you buy these even if you told the truth, pony." i check the price and tell him. he hands me a ten dollar bill and collects his books.

"thanks athena." he waves bye to me and stumbles out of the store.

something inside of me feels some sort of yearning. it feels strange seeing someone i hadn't seen in such a long time, it feels almost heartbreaking that i never got the chance to ask about sodapop.

i grab the keys to the store and lock the doors. i hurry over to my car just in case a serial killer is hiding out in the bushes.

i stick my keys into my car and hurry out of the parking lot, trying my best not to hit anything on the way out.

i'm somewhat new to driving and try my best to not get arrested like my dad. i can not afford to be cellmates with my abusive father.

i notice my brother's car isn't in the driveway, probably hooking up with some chick again, i step out of my car and grab the keys i keep with me to get inside my house.

my mom's sitting in the living room, hugging a pillow to her chest and watching a movie play on the screen in front of her.

i smile at my mother who looks up to me. "hey darling, how was work?"

"it was okay." i answer truthfully, remembering how i had seen ponyboy again. he seemed a little strange—different than how he used to be.

"your brother's at his friend's house and won't be back until later on, so it's just you and me for the night!" she scoots over so i have room on the sofa next to her.

i sit myself next to her, not really paying any mind to the television but instead thinking about sodapop. how is he? is he alright? i can't stop thinking all these thoughts and i almost explode.

i guess my mom can sense how hard i'm thinking and looks over at me, "is something bothering you?"

i want to lie but i don't. "yes, i saw ponyboy at work."

"he works there? isn't he too young?" she raises her brows.

"he's fourteen now, but no, he doesn't work there. he came in the store after closing time and asked for extra time."

"that must've been wonderful seeing him after awhile." my mom smiles softly. "you shouldn't have let soda ruin your friendship between all your other friends."

"i knew soda wouldn't want to see me anyways so i left his life completely, i realize now how stupid that was." i hang my head. my mom hugs me.

"you should talk to him again. trust me." she says before turning her attention back to the tv.

after awhile of sitting there, i walk upstairs to my bedroom and lock my door.

a part of me wants to sneak out and see sodapop, another part of me wants to tell my best friend about this.

i decide that i'm going to sneak out and see where the night takes me. i just hope my brother doesn't find me, he'd tell my mom and then i'd be grounded.

i throw my hood over my head and walk down the street, the cold night breeze hitting my face like a wave.

the cold night air makes up for how hot it's been in tulsa recently, i don't even consider goi my outside anymore in fear that i'll melt from the sun rays and die.

a silhouette is walking in my direction, it's a boy my age—i can tell. i gulp and try to get out of his way.

"athena." the voice calls. is that who i think it is? how does he remember me? i would've thought dallas winston knows too many people to remember a silly girl from a year ago.

still, i pretend to be clueless. "who are you?"

he's now standing six feet in front of me. "cut the bullshit, you remember me."

i huff, "what do you want, dally?" he chuckles at my impatience.

"what are you doing all by yourself?" he asks.

"walking. what are you doing by yourself, huh?"

"just enjoying the night air." he responds cooly, taking a drag on his cigarette. "want one?"

"no thanks." i turn down his offer, not wanting lung cancer to be in my future like it's in dally's.

"your loss." he shrugs. my loss? please.

"how did you know it was me?" i finally ask, rubbing my hands together to get warm.

"how could you not?" he says back.

"i have my hood up!" i exclaim.

"i can still easily tell it's you." he says feverishly.

a car pulls up next to us, "athena get in the car!" logan instructs.

"see? even your brother knew it was you." dally says, stomping on his cigarette. i narrow my eyes and climb into the passenger seat of my brother's car.

it's silent for a while until my brother says something. "i though you weren't friends with dallas anymore?" he says, keeping his eyes on the road.

"i'm not." i state out the window, "he just recognized me."

"what're you doing out here anyways? you could've been jumped—or worse, killed!"

"calm down." i urge him, "i just needed some fresh air."

"then open a damn window?" he snaps back, i roll my eyes for what feels like the fifth time tonight.

"don't tell mom about this." i say back, "i can't afford to be grounded again."

"i won't." he says, then it's quiet again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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