𝟎𝟎𝟗. ( your lips, my lips )

610 11 25

❝ can i kiss you? ❞

CHUCKLING SOUNDS FROM the end of the bed. i open my eyes slightly to find two bit and steve standing there, laughing and eating chocolate cake.

this causes me immense discomfort for both me and sodapop. i tumble out of his bed and try to explain myself but steve wraps me in his arms for a hug.

"i'm glad you're back." his voice is muffled as he speaks at the top of my head. a grin spreads on my lips, i didn't realize how badly i missed this.

"me too." i reply, he lets go of me and walks out of the room with two bit, who only winks at me.

soda stares at me with a serious face, "we need to talk." i nod my head, agreeing that we need to break the ice.

he walks outside with me, i'm gazing up at the sky which is a mix of orange and pink, i stare at the painting for a little longer and then look to soda, who's looking at me with hope in his beautiful eyes. his eyes were a captivating embodiment of beauty. a rich, azure hue adorned each iris, resembling the tranquil depths of untouched lagoon, where the gentle ripples of emotions played beneath the surface.

like a reflection of the clearest summer sky, his eyes held an ethereal quality that seemed to shimmer with an inner light, drawing people in like moths to a flame. their magnetic pull was impossible to resist, leaving those who gazed into them entranced and spellbound.

i'm at a loss for words, his eyes have a pull on me like no other.

i look down to his lips, imagining what it would be like to press my lips to his.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
ᵗʰⁱʳᵈ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿ ᵖᵒᵛ!

in the soft glow of the rising sun, the girl and boy find themselves standing next to a beautiful garden. the serene beauty of nature surrounds them, enhancing the intensity of the moment. as a gentle breeze sweeps through, it seems to carry with it a sense of destiny, pulling them together.

their eyes lock, and time seems to slow down as they share a profound connection. in the depth of the gaze, the girl realizes how deeply she still loves him, even after not seeing him for a year. it's as it every unspoken word, every lingering feeling, and every missed opportunity are revealed in that single, vulnerable moment.

and then, something magical happens—he sees it too. in that moment, he comprehends the unspoken emotions that have been hidden beneath the surface for so long. the walls they once built around their hearts start to crumble as they confront the undeniable truth of their feelings.

without any hesitation, they both take a step closer to close the space between them. drawn together by an irresistible force. their hands reach for each other, trembling with anticipation. "can i kiss you?" soda asks politely, cupping her face with one hand.


as he leans in, their lips meet with a tender and passionate kiss. it feels like time stands still, and in that moment, the weight of the past fades away.

in the aftermath of that emotionally charged kiss, the girl's mind is a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts, leaving her in a state of profound introspection. she finds herself caught between the past and present, reminiscing about the days when she denied her feelings and pushed him away.

after the tender embrace of their unexpected kiss, the boy's mind is a whirlwind of emotions, caught in a delicate balance between elation and trepidation. the taste of her lips lingers on his, and he finds himself savoring the bittersweet moment that has been a long time coming.

soda finds himself torn between the passion of the moment and the knowledge that he still harbors feelings for her, feelings he thought he had buried long ago.

in the aftermath of the kiss, memories of their past together resurface, and he realizes that he had never really moved on. he feels the ache of unrequited love, knowing that the rejection from the past still lingers within him, unhealed and raw.

complicating matters is his current girlfriend who seems to be using him for superficial reasons. he knows deep down that she doesn't genuinely love him, but he has been clinging onto to the relationship, perhaps as a way to fill the void left by the girl who once rejected him.

the boy rejects the impulsive nature of the kiss, recognizing that it was a momentary escape from his own unresolved emotions.

"i'm sorry." he says, but he doesn't feel sorry. "this was a mistake."

"what do you mean a mistake?" athena demands an answer, hurt audible in her cracking voice.

"i don't love you."

"you don't or you can't?"

"maybe both." soda backs away from the girl, "it'd be best if you left."


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
my stomach hurts 😾😾😿
i'm so bored so i might update a little more,
also i'm gonna make the chapters shorter so i can add like a lot more chapters than i usually do

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