𝟎𝟏𝟏. ( man whore )

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❝ go whine about it to your new girlfriend. ❞

ATHENA DID NOT WANT to see her dad ever again, he made her feel terrible about herself and he caused her so much hurt and petrification. and in that moment, athena wanted to make him regret ever doing that to her.

with nothing else to do that gorgeous day, she decided to go visit her father. even though this could rip her to pieces or make her feel like the person with the high ground, she wanted to see how he was doing all by himself.

horrible, she had hoped. slinging her purse over her shoulder and deciding to get this shit over with, she clicked the door shut behind her as she tried not to regret this heavy decision that weighed on her back like a boulder.

the prison was standing where it has always stood whenever she drove past it. she had just hoped that it would be gone so she wouldn't feel forced to see the man she never wanted to see again.

when she steps out of the car, she's hit with the bad smells all throughout the parking lot and jail. she plugs her nose with her hands and starts walking inside the prison. she's met with a tall police officer with a cup of coffee in his hand. "may i help you?" he asks politley, for a second athena doesn't know what to say or where to start.

"i'm here to see james laurier." athena replies nervously, her stomach in knots. the police officer nods and strokes his mustache. "follow me."

when they're standing in front of a table with a grown man with scratches all along his face, athena can't believe it's him. the man who never presented himself as a true father. she gulps nervously and sits across from the man. 

"athena, i'm glad you decided to see your old man." james smiles gratefully. athena doesn't return the favor but instead sends him a sinister glare. "i don't want to hear it."

"you came to see me." james shrugs, then places his hands on the wooden table. athena wants to smack the smirk off his rounded face. "i came to see you because i want to know why you hated me so much."

"i never hated you, darling." james lies through his teeth, a dark look growing on his face as he grabs athena's hands in his. she swipes her hands away. "lying's a sin motherfucker." 

james doesn't say anything, he can tell the girl in front of him is fuming with rage but he doesn't know what to say or what to do. "what do you want to know?"

"the truth. why you never could stand me throughout my whole life and why you never ever felt proud of me." athena narrows her eyes and leans back, feeling satisfied with her requests. james knits his brows together in thought. 

"you reminded me of your mother." he voices, not daring to look athena in her eyes.

"but i look nothing like my mother." athena doesn't believe him, but that's when it hits her. harder than her dad ever hit her. "she's not my real mother, is she? or are you joking?"

"nothing's funny." james yawns, "i come up with better jokes than that one, dear."

"who's my real mother?" athena stands abruptly, slamming her hands on the table. james sits up in fear that his daughter could kill him right then and there. 

"she's not alive anymore."

"so you're not only an abusive father and husband, you're a lying, cheating, man whore?" athena can't take all this new found information, it feels like at any moment, she'll faint purely because of how fucked up her life has been feeling lately.

"don't insult me like that again, young lady." james threatens, athena isn't scared of him anymore, what can he do? he'll only get a longer jail time if he tries to kill her.

"go whine about it to your new girlfriend." athena looks down at him like he's a piece of litter on the streets. he sure could level down to one, he means nothing to her anymore. not like he ever meant much, he's always been the father that cared about himself and himself only.

she walks off, trying to calm herself before she does something reckless and stupid. she has no one to turn to, she had just started thinking that she had soda back, but now he's gone. her mom isn't even her mom and her brother is just a stranger with the same father. 

athena refuses to cry, her life isn't so bad compared to a lot of others. she could be sleeping in a lot most nights with no one who really cares about you but a group of boys. 

considering the mess she feels like, athena drives home to lay in her bed and cuddle her octopus plush like it's sodapop. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i rewatched scream 1996 it's my most favorite movie ever
also sorry if this is rushed i just wanted to update before going to bed because i'm so tired

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