𝟎𝟎𝟖. ( breathless )

600 11 11

❝ i love you, soda. ❞

I WATCH SODA RUN TO me from a distance, his hair flowing in the breezy wind. his eyes twinkling in the perfect sunlight, and his lips forming a smile. he's running in slow motion, like in the movies.

i smile too, standing to greet him. he pulls me in for a hug. i'm met with the warmth of his body and snuggle into his chest. "i love you, soda." i mumble into his chest.

"i love you too, athena." he answers back to me, moving his hands towards the small of my back. a surge of nervous excitement shot through me like a lightning bolt. the touch sent a shiver down my spine, and my heart skipped a beat. in that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of his touch and the butterflies in my stomach.

he kissed my cheek and it felt like a kiss from heaven. his lips were as soft as i imagined they would be, looks never deceive. i want to cherish this moment forever and ever, my cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and i tried to steady my racing heart, afraid that he might notice my nervousness. i wondered if he could sense the emotions swirling within me, the way my heart seemed to beat in sync with his touch.

time seemed to slow down during the hug, each second stretching into eternity. but just as quickly as the moment had come, it was over, and he pulled away, leaving me feeling both elated and slightly bereft.

suddenly, he disappears into thin air and i'm left by myself. i feel myself gasping for air and clutching my chest. the distorted feeling comes back to me as i try to calm myself. i feel like i'm watching myself from the sky. i'm watching myself fall to the ground in pure terror, i want to scream for help but there's not enough air in my body to do so.

then, my eyes flutter open and i'm gasping for breath. i check my surroundings, i'm not in my bed and i sure am not having a panic attack in the lot. i must've fallen asleep on johnny's chest in the lot.

soda's laying next to me, it hits me just then that i'm sleeping in his bedroom for the first time in forever.

"go back to sleep." he rubs my arm, i look at him with misty eyes and nod my head, not able to sputter any words because i still feel somewhat breathless. i lay back down and stare up at the ceiling. "is this okay?" soda's voice sounds again as he wraps his arm around my shaking shoulder.

"yes." i accept without hesitation, scooting closer to his embrace. he smells very good considering it's late at night.

i close my eyes as i use his chest as a pillow. i feel safe in his arms, like i'm actually home. even though i don't think i can sleep anymore after what i experienced in my dreams, i resort to watching him sleep instead. it's a lot more entertaining than sleeping.

i don't recall what had happened before this, when i fell asleep in the lot. i don't even remember falling asleep. i must've cried so hard it tired me out and i passed out. how embarrassing. i haven't seen these people in so long and this is how i walk back into their lives?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i want that taylor swift make america great again tapestry so bad
also this chapter is short because i have no clue what to write now 😞👎🏻
also i got new clothes i'm so happy 😽😼🫶🏻

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