šŸŽšŸšŸ. ( all i wanted )

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❝what more could i ask for? athena, all i ever wanted was you!❞

WITH NOBODY TO TURN TO anymore, athena turned to her movies like she always does in situations. she watches romeo and juliet, a tear slipping down her cheek as she thinks about the one boy she's loved her whole life without noticing it. 

soda calls in sick for work that day, he knows what he did was wrong and he shouldn't be kissing other girls if he had a girlfriend. the whole day he kept asking himself, why do i still have feelings for her? i thought my love for her died when i realized that she wasn't coming back? but she's back and he might have just lost her. 

he remembers her address like the back of his hand. he knows that she doesn't have work and he knows that she's home. she always binges movies when she has nothing else to do, she's always been that way.

the boy stood in front of the girl's house, his heart pounding with a mix of nervousness, regret, and longing. memories of their once cherished friendship flooded his mind as he gazed at the familiar facade. he hesitated for a moment, remembering the pain of her rejection a year ago, but he couldn't deny the pull of unfinished emotions drawing him back to her. 

athena's bedroom window was dark, but he knew she was inside, and the very thought of her made his heart ache. he felt a desire to kiss her more lovingly and tell her how much he cherished her and how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

swallowing his fears, he picked up pebbles from the ground and gently tossed them, hoping to catch her attention. after what felt like years, her light flickered on in her room, and there she was. the girl he really loved, the girl he's loved ever since he met her. all he's ever wanted to do was tell her that. and that's what he was going to do.

"sodapop?" her eyes were puffy and red, i've done this. he thinks in regret. a knot in his throat, he speaks. "come outside."

she nods without saying any words, she disappears and the light flickers off and her room is pitch black again. night is rolling around the corner and it's getting colder and colder outside. 

athena appears outside, locking the front door behind her. soda knew he was gonna have to come face to face with her, he couldn't just lock up his feelings and ignore them like he did for so long. 

"walk with me?" he suggest, athena nods, staying silent. her heart is ahcing more than anything at that moment, she's never been more confused in her life, does he love me? does he hate me? she doesn't know.

"get it out of your system." she says, looking off into the distance.

"what do you mean?" soda asks, trying to seem clueless. 

"tell me what you came here to tell me." she exclaims, her impatience getting the best of her. soda sighs, wishing that it were easier than this.

"i love you." 

"do you? because i'm pretty sure around twelve hours ago you told me otherwise." athena replies sourly, digging her hands in her jeans pockets. 

"what did you expect me to say? i had a girlfriend at that time!" he erupts, "i've loved you since i laid my eyes on you, i've loved you when you told me your favorite movie, when you looked at me like i was the most important person in the world! you made me feel special, athena."

"you made me feel special, too." athena adds, "i was too blind to see that you were the one i've wanted ever since i realized how blue your eyes are."

"when was that?"

"when i first saw you." athena admits, "but that doesn't matter anymore. you have serena, you guys are perfect together."

"i don't want serena." soda shakes his head.

"why not? she's really pretty and funny." athena rolls her eyes, "what more could you ask for?"

"what more could i ask for? athena, all i ever wanted was you!" soda brings her face in with his hand, his eyes growing glassy. "when i kissed her, i pretended that it was you. when we watched sunsets, i pretended it was you right next to me to get me through it. the sunsets were pretty, but they felt prettier with you sitting next to me."

athena searches for something to say to that, "you really mean that?" is all she can ask.

"i've never been more serious about anything in my life." he chuckles, "it's always been you." he brings his lips down to meet hers. considering what happened that morning, she pushes him away. 

"don't do it." her voice trembles, soda standing a few feet in front of her. she's clutching tightly to her chest, "don't break my heart again."

soda's face falls, "athena..."

"stop. i want to have my words spoken too." she swallows the pain that sits in her throat, "you made me feel like a person. when nobody in my house would speak to me, i'd run to you and you'd let me in. even though i thought i never wanted to be more than friends with you, you shouldn't have left me like our whole friendship meant nothing to you."

soda blinks, "are you kidding me?" he gasps in shock, "how can you say that i'm the one who left when after that night, you never came back?"

"because you never wanted me back! you never responded to my fucking calls!" athena cries, her mascara running down her cheeks. soda stares at her, his mouth agap.

"you never called me."

"i called you every day, nobody answered, so i gave up after a few months."

"i can assure you, i didn't get any calls."

"so what does this mean?" athena wipes her eyes, "that you weren't actually ignoring me for all those months?"

"i thought you were ignoring me." soda brings her in for a tight embrace. athena cries into his shoulder, wishing that they could've been brought together sooner.

"i thought you didn't love me." soda raises his brows, letting go of athena, but still resting his hand on his back.

"don't flatter yourself." she kisses his nose, his cheeks turning red.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i don't know if this chapter makes any sense because i'm half asleep so i'll revise it in the morning

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